Chapter 536
Although the situation has been suppressed, Chen Mo's face is solemn, and more than a dozen evil spirits have appeared. After their hosts mutated, the evil spirits in their bodies were also stripped out.

Chen Mo suppressed a few of them, but the suppression speed couldn't keep up with the awakening speed of these evil spirits.

The black ghostly aura began to pervade the entire dojo. Looking up, the sky has long since lost its original blue color, but turned into a heavy gloom like lead. The black ghostly aura still hasn't stopped spreading, The ghost energy is intertwined, and in less than a few breaths, a huge field has been formed.

"Something happened!" Chen Mo murmured in a low voice, and at the same time, the ghost eyes on his body also became active, and the hairs stood up one by one.

Chen Mo clearly felt that there was a stranger and more powerful evil spirit mixed in the strong ghost aura.

Even Chen Mo was in darkness. Just when he was about to use the ghost domain to move, Chen Mo suddenly found a huge ghost hand protruding from the sky. This ghost hand was wearing a yellow Taoist robe and could retreat with one blow. I encountered something terrible.

"Tianshi ghost, take action!" Chen Mo casually beheaded the ghost slave who wanted to pounce on him, frowning, even the Tianshi ghost in Longhu Mountain was shot, the things that came should be very terrifying.

Chen Mo didn't hesitate any longer, he planned to go back to the box to meet the empress first, then find his eldest sister, and use the ghost domain to leave here.

The Celestial Master Ghost made a move to drive away the thing just now, there is no guarantee that there will not be more powerful guys here.

"I didn't expect to be messed up like this." There was a huge phantom behind the old master, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he could feel the horror just by the fear and coercion emanating from it.

The old Tianshi is very tall, at least 1.9 meters above, wearing a linen robe, the outside is a yellow starched and somewhat whitish yellow Taoist robe, the top of the head is tied with a yellow and whitish hair band, and he puts his hands into it. In the Taoist robe, he was smoking a dry cigarette.

"Start the plan." Qin Guangwang heard the voice from the token, and then picked up the token and said to all the people in the underworld who were ready, "Start the plan!"


"Eight great Yin commanders, five Yan Luos, and two ghost emperors, if they can still fail, then we can only say that the sky is going to kill me in the Hades!" King Qin Guang smiled, the madness on his face flashed, and his figure had already disappeared. Disappeared in the compartment.

"Click, click, click!" A tall figure about three meters tall walked out of Hei Na, covered in black demon armor, but his armor seemed to be light armor, which was different from the heavy armor in Chen Mo's body. very big difference.

"Keng!" Like a heavy hammer falling to the ground, the huge horn bow on his back was slowly dropped to the ground by him.

"See Lord Equality King." The two handsome men behind him lowered their heads and cupped their hands.

"The plan has been launched, and it's time for us to force the Heavenly Master's Mansion to act." There was a buzzing sound from the armor, and these sounds formed a sound, which sounded like a bell being rung. There were bursts of echoes.

"All the magic circles have been prepared, and the internal staff in the Heavenly Master's Mansion are ready, just wait for your lord to blast open the cracks!" One of the Yin Shuai said, cupping his hands.

"Okay!" King Ping'an nodded slowly, and the words "good" came out of his mouth, and then the armor rubbed against each other and made a clanging sound.

A raging black ghostly aura gushed out from the cracks in King Equality's armor, holding the huge hornbow with both arms, and shouted loudly: "Open!"


The bowstring was pulled into a full moon in an instant, and a huge evil ghost phantom appeared behind King Equality. The two handsome men behind him had already left to perform their missions, and the huge evil ghost phantom also pulled away. Hornbow in hand.

A huge black arrow was condensed on the string of the horn bow.

Ghost energy poured into it crazily, and the front end of the giant arrow was covered by black ghost energy, which was as dark as a small black hole, as if it wanted to attract all the surrounding light into it.


"Whoosh!" The bowstring trembled, and the giant arrow burst out. For a moment, a cold light appeared and shot into the sky.

"Start the formation!"

"Come on!" 81 black beams of light shot straight into the sky.

Just like looking at the entire Longhu Mountain from the sky, you can find that Longhu Mountain has been dyed black, a huge black spot appeared on the territory of Dagan, and at the same time there are bursts of black light in this huge black spot Soaring into the sky, it hit something like a barrier in the sky.

"Keng!" The giant arrow exploded in the sky, and a black crack appeared in the sky.

"No, the summoning circle has been activated, who is it?!" The old celestial master's expression sank, the cultivation base of the top saint burst out from his body, and the huge phantom of the celestial master ghost appeared behind him , The powerful fear and coercion is like a tsunami sweeping the coast, the waves alone are tens of meters high.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Old Celestial Master is angry, but it's useless for you to be angry. Even the Great Sage of rank three, plus the powerful Celestial Master Ghost, can't reverse the magic circle, because 'He' is here!" A pale face, the whole body The sickly young man covered his mouth with a white handkerchief, as if he was coughing up bright red blood because he spoke too loudly.

"Come on, terrifying you!" An abnormal blush appeared on the pale face of the Wheel-Turning King, and he slowly opened his hands, as if welcoming the coming of terror.

"I was taken advantage of, but now I can only face the difficulties." The old Tianshi was not so angry, but he was a little emotional, "These juniors really have good brains. When they get old, they all follow No more."

"Then fulfill their wish, please let the terror come!" said the old celestial master, and with a wave of his hand, the disciples in the celestial master's mansion began to act.

With the operation of the Tianshi Mansion, the small black crack in the sky expanded rapidly, from the width of an ordinary person's finger to the width of an arm in the blink of an eye, and the black ghost fog emerging from it was very thick, of course , not only rich, but also very viscous, like black oil, to be willing to cover the entire dojo of Tianshi Mansion.



"finally come!"

"Where is the road?" Chen Mo looked at the darkness around him, and there was not even a road. Before Chen Mo could find the road, a terrifying breath came from the sky. Under such oppression, Chen Mo staggered a bit. , that terrifying coercion poured down like a sky crash.

"Pfft!" With a mouthful of blood, Chen Mo's face turned pale, and his body was quickly covered by the black ghost armor. The ghost eyes opened from the gaps in the ghost armor, and all the ghost eyes looked towards the direction of the sky.

"What?" Chen Mo looked back, his face was filled with horror.

A ghostly hand protruding from the black crack, the crack is like a grinning opening, the inside is dark and deep, with deep malice, the crack is very uncomfortable, but the most let What makes people uncomfortable is the ghost hand protruding from the crack.

(End of this chapter)

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