Chapter 538

"Qin Tianjian didn't respond?" The token in Chen Mo's hand has been completely blocked. Even the token made with the stars as the foundation has not sent the message back, and Chen Mo has no other devices or means to call for help.

"I hope Qin Tianjian can see this!" Chen Mo looked up at the sky, which was already covered by the black sky.

That is not the kind of thing in the crack, but a liquid-like barrier formed by the intertwining of strong ghost energy, which blocks the connection between the sound transmission token and the stars, and at the same time blocks the people below and the Qin Tianjian. the relationship between.

"Ghost domain!" Chen Mo's figure disappeared in place, and another ghost slave who rushed up was stunned.

Although I don't know the specific situation, Chen Mo's top priority is to join the Empress and Eldest Sister. The Empress's strength is indeed terrifying, but his Eldest Sister's strength is not enough. If there is a little accident, Chen Mo will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

Chen Mo stepped out, and the ghost domain moved accordingly, but when he walked out of the ghost domain, the surroundings were still completely dark, there were some dead bodies, and some monsters gathered around and gnawed on the corpses.

It seemed that these monsters were awakened by Chen Mo's arrival, so they all raised their scarlet eyes to look at Chen Mo.

"Fortunately, there are only a dozen... thousands of them." Chen Mo just breathed a sigh of relief, and a large scarlet light spot appeared in front of his eyes. Looking carefully, where is the light spot? It is clearly countless pairs of scarlet lights. The eyeballs were raised again in one breath.

They looked at Chen Mo maliciously, and at the same time slowly shrunk the encirclement, as if they wanted to trap Chen Mo here.

"How did these monsters come out?" Chen Mo swallowed. It wasn't because Chen Mo was afraid of these monsters, but because he didn't understand the conditions for their creation, just like that person from the Demon Sect turned into a monster in broad daylight. A tall monster.

The so-called unknown means fear, so this kind of unknown also made Chen Mo feel a little fear.

Moreover, after Chen Mo slashed these monsters, he has experience points, but has no characteristics, which shows that the essence of the opponent is actually...human!

Thinking about it makes my scalp tingle. At least the aliens are still related to humans, and they still have the appearance of humans.

However, although these monsters that appeared in the dojo were transformed from humans, they have completely lost their human appearance. Although some of them have maintained their sanity, most of them are monsters that have not maintained their sanity.

"Unfortunately, you think you are monsters, and there are many monsters, but in fact, the difference between hunters and prey is only a thin line!"

"Three-eyed Yan Luo, Lord of Chiyan, Lord of Beiming, Six-armed Martial God, Lord of Jedi Saber."

"Kill them all!"

Chen Mo simply waved his hand, and the five phantoms behind him had already walked out.

Although the time for the Jedi Sword Lord to fit is not long, but because of Chen Mo's title problem, plus two months of adaptation, the fit has been raised to 71%. This is the benefit of a perfect contract. Increase from 51%.

A ten percent increase in one month is just right for two months.

Chen Mo didn't let them unfold all the body shapes, but a reduced version. The five evil ghosts fully let Chen Mo see what a top predator is. In such a world, the evil ghosts are the top predators. eater.

Evil ghosts are indeed blessed with immortality, and can even parasitize in human bodies. When human beings die, they can improve their combat power, and then continue to find new hosts and continue to improve.

Even if they don't need hosts, the constant killing will make their strength increase rapidly.

Thousands of monsters rushed over, but they didn't even see Chen Mo's face. They were quickly beheaded by the five evil spirits. The scarlet mist like blood mist sank into Chen Mo's body. The experience bar is growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How could that be?" There can naturally be monsters that maintain their sanity, but in this situation, they hope that they are just a monster without sanity, because in this way, they will not feel fear.

Yes, fear, when the three-eyed Yama walked in front of it and raised the butcher knife in his hand, there was deep fear in its eyes, and its scarlet ghost eyes looked down at them, "Crack!" When the knife fell, its head had fallen off its head.

The three-eyed Yan Luo himself has ghost eyes in his body, and he seems to hate these monsters with many eyes even more, so he cuts and kills those monsters with eyes all over his body, which looks like a crooked monster with dense eyes. A meatball monster with eyeballs.

"No, don't kill me..."



"Ghost, ghost!"

With the five evil spirits opening the way, Chen Mo can be said to be walking in the garden, but Chen Mo dare not relax. The guy in the sky is still watching him. Chen Mo didn't even open the ghost eyes behind him, staring at him It will not bring any benefits to Chen Mo, but will make the other party target him even more.

He already felt that Rumang was on his back, if he was provoking that huge longevity ghost, something would happen.

"Someone?" Chen Mo was a little surprised, there were actually several people in the core of these monster waves.

"Someone is coming!" The leading black-robed man whispered, and looked in Chen Mo's direction. He didn't find Chen Mo, but because of the commotion of the monsters surrounding them, he discovered that someone was coming. up.

"Hehe, the enemy's road is narrow. I didn't expect Mr. Chen to come here." Seeing the person coming, Ji Yue spoke first, with a smile on his face as if he was an acquaintance, as if the two were old friends who were familiar with each other. .

"I don't know if Mr. Chen is using that evil ghost well?"

"It turned out to be Ji Wuchang, and your Netherworld is involved in it. I am very interested to know what happened now." Chen Mo looked at the four people not far away, and there was an old acquaintance among them, it was Hei Wuchang Ji Yue.

Chen Mo grinned, the scarlet in his eyes gradually occupied the pupils, and then dyed the entire eyeballs into scarlet.

"Who are you?" Another big man asked in a low voice, his voice seemed a little unhappy.

"I'm just a passerby, and I just want to ask, did you make that thing in the sky?" Chen Mo looked at the person who asked the question. , because of the headgear, his voice was not so clear.

"Passers-by, if there is a way to the gate of heaven, you don't go, if there is no way to the underworld, you cast yourself. Since you are here, you don't even think about getting out alive." The tauren sneered, as if he was about to make a move.

"You think so too?" Chen Mo asked Ji Yue, who was looking aside.

"Hehe, I don't think so. I have to go beforehand. Niu Yinshuai will let you deal with the aftermath here." Ji Yue didn't seem to be annoyed because Niu Yinshuai robbed him of the initiative, with a weird smile on his face After that, slowly retreated.

"Hmm!" A cold snort came from Niu Yinshuai's nose, even he didn't expect Ji Yue to give in.

Ji Yue disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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