Chapter 539
"Mother Xipi, I was so scared to death that I ran into that guy, and looking at the broken knife in his hand, the Earth Mother branch has probably been controlled, what a fucking monster!" Ji Yue breathed heavily.

As a self-proclaimed gentleman, Ji Yue seldom swears, but when he saw Chen Mo, he really wanted to swear. The last time he saw him, he almost killed him. This time, Chen Mo made him feel even stronger. fear.

Then, a strange smile appeared on his face, "Dasha Niu, you can only drink my footwashing water, hahaha, you can die peacefully."


"Boy, you're unlucky. Since you've met me, you're going to die!" Niu Yinshuai's figure had appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes, and a pair of iron fists went straight to Chen Mo's head. crushed.


Fist and palm met, Chen Mo caught Niu Yinshuai's fist with his raised palm, and grinned.

Chen Mo was naturally motivated by the sight of hunting. Niu Yinshuai is very powerful, but for Chen Mo, it is relatively ordinary, but this kind of fist-to-body fight is rare.

"So strong, so powerful!" Niu Yinshuai was startled, he knew he had been tricked by Ji Yue, no wonder Ji Yue would leave, maybe it had something to do with the mission, but on the other hand he also knew the person in front of him powerful.

"Where are you looking!" Chen Mo yelled, and the broken knife in his hand went straight to Niu Yinshuai's head.

"Puff!" With one knife, Niu Yinshuai's headgear was destroyed with one knife, and at the same time, a fine bead of blood appeared on his face.

Niu Yinshuai stretched out his hand and touched his face, his hand was warm, he looked down and saw blood on his hand, his face was gloomy, he didn't expect that Chen Mo's body contained such a powerful force.

It never occurred to me that Chen Mo's knife almost killed him. If it weren't for the fact that the knife was just a broken knife, maybe his head would have been chopped off by the young man in front of him just now. two halves.

He finally remembered who the young man in front of him was, wasn't he the one named Chen Xianzhi in the arena, but he had seen the battle in the arena, and he only attributed Chen Mo's victory to Chen Mo's control, and the evil in his body. Ghost's defenses, it was clear he was wrong.

And it was outrageously wrong, Chen Mo's strength was stronger than the other two aspects, it was like the legendary physique that could drop ten sessions with one force.

"Give it to me!" Niu Yinshuai waved his hand, ordering the two people beside him to test Chen Mo's fighting power.

Those two people had no choice but to rush forward, the ghost energy in Chen Mo's body was released, he stepped forward and turned around, under the influence of ghost eyes, the man in black robe in front of him appeared a little dazed, and At this moment, Chen Mo's figure has passed him.

"Evil meaning—windmill!" With Chen Mo's low moan, the head of the man in black robe rolled down from his neck.

"Your evil ghost, I will accept it!"

"And yours!" With a backhand knife, the broken knife calmly cut into another person's chest. Even though it was just a broken knife, it still stabbed him through. The evil spirits in the room were still struggling, but they couldn't escape Chen Mo's blockade.

"It's me who underestimated you. I didn't expect that even a celestial-level ghost emissary would be slaughtered like a dog in your hands." Niu Yinshuai took off the mask on his head, revealing his true face.

Chen Mo has seen all the terrifying appearances before, but the two black horns on the top of the opponent's head don't look like the organs of aliens or monsters.

"Do you have a grudge against Ji Yue?" Chen Mo asked curiously. The person in front of him was at most the peak of heaven and man, and he was not Chen Mo's opponent at all. If he hadn't had a grudge against Ji Yue, Ji Yue would definitely remind him to be careful of Chen Mo .

With a smooth flick, the blood on the bronze broken knife was thrown away without leaving any trace.

"There is some friction." Niu Yinshuai nodded, and took out a needle from the mustard bag.

"Didn't he mention me to you?" Chen Mo's face was a little weird. It stands to reason that people in the underworld should know him. Get to know Chen Mo's appearance.

"Should I know you? Are you a key person, which great sage, or the illegitimate son of some great sage, or the enemy of our underworld?" Niu Yinshuai had already poured out the medicine in the syringe. into the body.

His eyes lit up, and the power in his body gushed out continuously.

At the same time, the evil ghost in the body also crawled out. It was an evil ghost with a bull's head on its head. According to Yin Shuai, it should be a bull's head.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to kill him either, he still wanted to know more.

Hearing Niutou's words suddenly, Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, he felt that he was really important, "Could it be that Ji Yue didn't report it, it's impossible, he must have reported it."

"That must be because your authority is not enough, so you don't know me!" Chen Mo said, looking at Niutou confidently.

"You fart, I am one of the Eight Great Yin Commanders. Except for Yama of the Ten Palaces, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Fangs, and that lord, there is no authority that I cannot set foot in."

"Should die!" Niu Yinshuai merged into his evil ghost.

Only the three-meter-tall bull-headed evil spirit appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes. His voice was like thunder. It was too late to speak, and the fist came straight to Chen Mo's head again.

Even though this evil ghost is only three meters tall, it is only because he and Chen Mo used the same method to reduce the size of the evil ghost, and its fear and coercion did not decrease at all.

Although Chen Mo sensed the danger from Niutou's fist, a greater danger appeared on top of Chen Mo's head. No need to look, Chen Mo knew that the longevity ghost above must have locked him, and he was probably about to make a move.

"Keng!" With the sound of metal and stone clashing, Chen Mo punched Niutou in the abdomen. Even if Niutou was a ghost warding envoy plus an evil ghost, or a powerful big ghost, Chen Mo still fell to his knees on the ground with a punch.

I don't know when, Lord Chiyan has been silently controlled by Chen Mo, and Lord Chiyan in the fifth stage has a strong attack power, which surprised Chen Mo very much.

"I'm sorry, I don't have time to play with you. You're lucky and you saved your life." Chen Mo didn't even raise his head, and the feeling of being like a light on his back became more intense, like a death scythe It has been placed on the neck of the person.

Feeling the coldness and horror, Chen Mo didn't want to die yet, so he could only run away first.

"Ghost Realm!"

Taking one step forward, Chen Mo has disappeared. It's not that Chen Mo didn't want to kill the bull's head, but that thing in the sky locked him again. If Chen Mo kills the bull's head, he will give the heavenly longevity ghost time to attack.

Chen Mo didn't know if he could withstand the opponent's blow, so for the sake of his own life, Chen Mo let go of Niutou.

There's no need to risk his own life because of a handsome guy.

The bull head who stayed in place had his eyes wide open, his mouth opened wide, saliva mixed with blood unconsciously flowed down his mouth, and he knelt down on the ground with a face full of panic, even horror.

"How could it be, how is it possible!" Niu Yinshuai was really hard to accept, but this is the reality.

"Evil ghost, type thirteen potion, I didn't even resist that young man's punch. Ji Yue harmed me, and Ji Yue concealed such important information." Niu Yinshuai murmured non-stop, and finally murmured It became a roar.

(End of this chapter)

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