Reckless through another world

Chapter 541 So-and-so, go!

Chapter 541 So-and-so, go!

Chen Mo originally thought that it would be a good thing for Tianshi Ghost to compete with this large longevity ghost, but now Chen Mo realized that he had underestimated the strength of Tianshi Ghost.

After the blessings of the celestial masters of the past, the strength of the celestial master ghost is basically a world-class BOSS, and maybe even the talisman that covered his entire face that was pasted on his forehead was removed, and the celestial master ghost would explode Stronger coercion.

"Horror, this is the horror of power leveling!" Chen Mo marveled.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to leave. This kind of battle is something you can meet but not seek. The attraction to Chen Mo's war-thirsty is stronger than any peerless beauty. In Chen Mo's words: "These two peerless ghosts are no more sexier than women!"

"Golden light!" The voice came in the form of a ghostly aura, and the body of the Celestial Master Ghost was gradually covered with golden light.

"Fuck, so cruel? Evil ghosts can use human skills?!" Chen Mo stared dumbfoundedly at the celestial master ghost covered in golden light in the sky. The coercion of the celestial master ghost is still rising. doubled.

Although evil spirits can use human martial arts, this is the first time Chen Mo has heard that evil spirits can use human martial arts. This simply opened a wider door for Chen Mo.

Not only Chen Mo was surprised, but everyone in the underworld was also very surprised. King Qin Guang even wiped his eyes and was stunned.

"Impossible, how could evil spirits use human's exercises!" The Wheel-Turning King was also stunned, he desperately wanted to see clearly, but then coughed again, and there was a large amount of blood on the handkerchief, but this The white handkerchief was so miraculous that it became white again after absorbing the blood.


The ghost emperor at the other end of the token did not speak for a long time, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "Miscalculation, all of us combined cannot be the opponent of the old heavenly master, this time we fell!"

"The mission is probably only half completed." Ghost Emperor's voice came faintly.

We all misestimated the strength of the old master. In this case, misestimating the strength of the opponent is the most deadly thing. If the Lord of the Underworld comes, there is still a winning rate, but we are only less than three points from the Underworld. The power of one.

It can't even be regarded as an all-out effort, so in fact, it's not wrong to lose, but it's just a little bit unwilling.

There was a little helplessness in the ghost emperor's voice, but there was no other way. This time, he had tried his best to take all the circumstances into consideration, except that he was able to use the skills of the Tianshi mansion even though he had neglected the strength of the celestial master ghost.

"My lord, we haven't lost yet. There is bound to be a battle between the old heavenly master and the Shou ghost. As long as we control it well, we can still get what we want." The wheel-turning king looked gloomy, but he didn't want to give up yet. After a long time, it didn't work out, so I couldn't be more reconciled.

The rest of the ten halls of Yan Luo did not speak, although they were still unwilling, but at least they had obtained most of what they wanted, and they still used this very labor-saving method, so they did not want to be greedy for success.

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, let alone masters, and smart people with great strategies, but the only thing that is lacking is people who are not greedy. In the greedy.

One or two times of good luck saved them from death, but after a long time, something will happen.

How can a person walk by the river without getting his shoes wet? If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts.

"Order to all the people in the Underworld to retreat slowly and not to rush forward greedily. This time the harvest is enough. After the five Yamas and this seat are broken, it will be done. If not, we will retreat thousands of miles!" Ghost Emperor's voice came from Token issued to everyone in Hades.


Both King Zhuanlun and King Qin Guang had a little excitement in their expressions, King Qin Guang was fanatical, while King Zhuanlun was delighted, they were different from each other.As long as the standby is enough, it means that they still have a chance to make a move after the standby is terminated.

"The celestial master has made a move." Zhang Changsheng looked at the celestial master ghost in the sky with a very calm expression. He had seen it many times before, and he would even control the celestial master ghost as the successor of the celestial master in the future, becoming the celestial master of all generations. One of the power leveling in the teacher.

This is the fate of the Celestial Master. Zhang Changsheng did not object, and even took it for granted, but he also had his ambitions, and there was a different look in his eyes, which were as calm as mirror lakes.

All the elders, deacons, and disciples of the Tianshi Mansion looked at the Tianshi Ghost in the sky. In fact, the old Tianshi always emphasized that there is only one celestial master in the Tianshi Mansion, and that is the Tianshi Ghost. He is called a ghost because of his Horror, and it is a title left over from past dynasties, so it is still used today.

Taking a step forward, the figure of Tianshi Ghost has appeared in front of Shou Gui.

His overall figure is only about 1.9 meters, but Chen Mo is sure that this is only a restricted figure. The real figure of Tian Shigui is definitely more than [-] meters.


It was ordinary, without any vision, like an old man fighting and giving the opponent a slap.

With one palm, the hammer hit Shou Gui's head, and a big hole appeared on Shou Gui's forehead.

Although Shou Gui's size is huge, his speed is not satisfied at all. The ghost hand with sharp claws rushed towards the Celestial Master Ghost in the yellow Celestial Master Daoist robe.


"Buzz!" A thunderous lightning arc emerged from the body of Tianshi Ghost.

For a moment, blue electric arcs appeared in the entire area, and even a sea of ​​black clouds appeared in the sky. There were crackling sounds in the sea of ​​clouds, and thick thunder snakes rolled violently in the sea of ​​clouds.

"What a strong coercion!" Chen Mo raised his head, he seemed to be able to feel the anger of heaven and earth, that's why this huge vision appeared, the huge thunder snakes merged to form a thunder dragon, which turned into a purple arc and poured into the heavenly master In the ghost's body.

"Thunder in the palm of your hand!" It was not like life, but like the sound produced by Lei Tian rubbing against each other.


"Boom!" The bucket-thick palm focused on Shou Gui's arm with just one swipe. Shou Gui made a piercing sound, like the roar of a fierce ghost, but Shou Gui did not sit still. He opened his mouth, and a disgusting tentacle organ came out. gushes from his mouth.

The old heavenly master pinched the tongue-like thing of Shou Gui, and the thunder cloud disappeared.

"Jun Heng, come on, accept your mission." The voice of the old heavenly master came out.

Zhang Laodao, who was sitting cross-legged in the hall, slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were very calm. He flew in the air and appeared in front of Shou Gui. Looking back, he smiled at Chen Mo.

"Could it be...!" Chen Mo opened his eyes wide, and a bold but ridiculous guess appeared in his heart.

"Attention everyone, the target has appeared, we only have one chance to strike, if we succeed, we will succeed!" Ghost Emperor's voice passed to the remaining five Yan Luos, and they were ready.

A hundred years of boundless roadside, puzzled true meaning dignified.

However, I am proud in my heart, I should make a breakthrough today!
"So, go!" Zhang Laodao laughed loudly, his body turned into a shooting star and rushed into Shou Gui's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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