Reckless through another world

Chapter 542 Am I Alive Affecting Output?

Chapter 542 Am I Alive Affecting Output?
Chen Mo could see clearly that there was a ghost in the mouth of the big longevity ghost.

The pitch-black ink-like ghost exudes bursts of coldness, Chen Mo shuddered, and a chill rose from the soles of his feet.

Shou Gui's big mouth opened wider and wider, and a blue-black breath gushed out of his mouth, and even the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

"This is the plan of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, using the longevity ghost as a medium to call back the ancient great sage!" Chen Mo blinked, and he watched Zhang Laodao plunge into the mouth of the longevity ghost in a daze.

"Tianshifu has a way..."

"There is no danger of life,"


In the end, it was fixed on Zhang Laodao's smile.

After a long time, Chen Mo sighed, it was Zhang Laodao's own choice, he couldn't interfere, and Chen Mo never liked to interfere with other people's thoughts and wills, but watching Zhang Laodao throw himself into it still felt very good.

"Do it!" Ghost Emperor's voice came from the token, and at the same time a black light pierced through the strong ghost energy and rushed towards the old heavenly master.

"Do it." There are five black rays of light accompanying it, like black meteors across the sky, protecting the most central black meteor towards the old master.

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to do bad things!" Chen Mo shouted.

"Evil intent!" Chen Mo's eyes were lingering, his body turned into a scarlet light burst out, and hit him head-on.

"Since Zhang Laodao invited me, gave me exercises, and gave me half of the kindness, today's matter, I, Chen Xianzhi, will take care of it!" Chen Mo thought in his heart, his eyes had been soaked in scarlet, and the black shadow from the bronze Walked out of the broken knife, surrounded by Chen Mo's side.

After killing those monsters that were mutated by humans, they still absorbed those shadows, and the vast ghost shadows enveloped Chen Mo.

"Three-eyed Yama, possess my body!"

Following Chen Mo's charge, the phantom of the three-eyed Yama appeared behind Chen Mo. After Chen Mo's body flickered for a while, it turned into a stream of light and poured into the body of the three-eyed Yama. The three-eyed Yama turned from imaginary to real, 20 Domi's huge body regained the ghostly aura in front of him.

"All my invincible power!" Chen Mo groaned.

All the status-type big moves are activated, and the size of the three-eyed Yan Luo has soared to more than 30 meters. The bronze broken knife in the ghost's hand has become a huge weapon. Although everyone can see that it is a broken knife, no one can see it. Don't dare to treat it as a broken knife.

"What the hell?" The Northern Ghost Emperor was shocked, unexpectedly there was a lifeless thing charging up, and it still came straight to the six of them. They were the five Yan Luos from the Underworld, plus a Ghost Emperor!
"The movement is not small." King Qin Guang looked down, and was immediately startled. It's not like he hasn't seen a ghost of this level before, but it's the first time he's seen a ghost rushing towards them in a daze.

"Be fast, the support from the Heavenly Master's Mansion will be available after a while, and our odds of winning will be less than [-]%. I'm going to meet the old Heavenly Master. Stop this ghost!" Ghost Emperor's voice sounded.

He thought of breaking through alone, taking advantage of the stalemate between the old celestial master and the big longevity ghost to complete the plan.

"Leave it to me, Wanhua Ghost Shield!"

Chen Mo raised his hand, and a giant black crystal shield appeared in front of the Ghost Emperor, who was flying and bumped into it head-on.
With a "click", one can imagine the strength of the ghost shield that drew one-third of Chen Mo's ghost energy. Even if the ghost emperor of the underworld bumped into it, although it was smashed, it also hit his head full of blood.

It shattered like a mirror, turning into the mid-air where the pure ghost energy dissipated.


At the same time, Chen Mo's body also arrived. The body of the three-eyed Yan Luo, who was close to 40 meters away, broke up the formation of the five Yan Luos in Shunnian.

This collision also shattered the ingested ghost shadows surrounding the three-eyed Yan Luo. The Yan Luo of the underworld is Yama after all, and two of them are even masters of the second rank, and the leading ghost emperor is even more powerful. Three ranks of cultivation.

"Who are you guys!" Chen Mo, who was manipulating the three-eyed Yama, blocked the remaining five. How much odds.

But as long as you persist, the support from Tianshi Mansion will arrive, and the empress must have seen him in such a conspicuous position.

"Who are you, you dare to block my way?" King Qin Guang asked, he was in a state of surprise. The evil spirit controlled by the ghost envoy in front of him was so huge, and the fear and coercion he exuded was greater than that of some two The reincarnated Ghost Rider is even stronger.

According to their information, apart from the old Tianshi, the Tianshi Mansion has no other powerful ghost emissaries.

"It's Chen Xianzhi!" Ji Yue stared at Yan Luo with three eyes in astonishment.

He will not admit it wrong, this is Chen Mo's evil spirit, although Chen Mo still has four powerful evil spirits no less than him, but the three-eyed Yama is definitely the strongest main force, but he did not expect that it was only less than three months In a short time, Chen Xianzhi's strength has reached this level.

It has completely subverted Ji Yue's three views, and this kind of terrifying evil spirit has not lost his mind as much as Chen Mo. It is conceivable that Chen Mo is now powerful.

"I am..."

"Stop talking nonsense with him, rush over!" Wearing a white robe, the pale-faced Wheel-Running King abruptly interrupted Chen Mo's self-introduction, and then his body merged into the body of the Phantom Wheel-Running King evil ghost behind him.

"That's right, kill them!"

The five Yan Luos were all wearing masks. Chen Mo didn't know them, but it didn't prevent Chen Mo from knowing how powerful they were.

"Come on, let's have a good fight!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and six arms grew out from the ribs of the three-eyed Yama.




The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny. The five of them went up together, and Chen Mo didn't even resist a move, and was hammered to the ground with one blow.

"Fantastic, but I haven't lost yet!" Chen Mo, who was in the body of the three-eyed Yama, was covered in blood, but he was still grinning, and rushed up again.

"Jie Jie, boy, you must think that you are awesome. With this kind of adventure, your combat power has soared, but the reality is cruel." King Qin Guang sneered.

"I don't have time to spend with him, kill him!"


"It's finally here." When Chen Mo flew out, the figure of the Empress had already appeared in front of Chen Mo.

One kick!
The dragon leather combat boots that appeared in front of King Qin Guang kicked him in the face with heavy heels. After King Qin Guang let out a scream, the evil spirit all over King Qin Guang was kicked by the empress!
King Qin Guang's body flew upside down, and the blood flowed wildly, smashing a corner of the dojo, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

The gloomy empress looked coldly at the four Hades Yan Luo opposite.

"Underworld?" The empress' voice was very calm, and the fierceness in her eyes turned into reality. The powerful coercion of the third-ranked sage made the remaining four Yan Luo unable to move.

"If you get tired of living, you will die!"


The long knife swung out, and a black crack erupted in the body of the wheel-running king, and his head shattered instantly.

"Not good!" Zhuan Lun Wang was shocked, even without his head, he could still rely on his soul to survive, but now the saber energy of that knife crushed even his soul.

"Did I affect the output of the empress?" Chen Mo pulled himself out of the ruins in the dojo, with a wry smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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