Reckless through another world

Chapter 549 Maintenance of the Old Celestial Master

Chapter 549 Maintenance of the Old Celestial Master
"Mr. Qin, we are here to take back the ancient great sage." Yuan Ge reminded in a low voice. Yuan Ge mainly wanted to remind Mr. Qin not to forget the main task, and now no matter how you look at it, you are the ancient great sage. more important.

"Fart!" Old Qin cursed angrily.

Yuan Ge is like the scolded grandson, who dare not move.

"Do you know, if you can understand this kid, what ancient sages, demons, and heavenly inspectors are all farts!" Qin Lao didn't have any scruples at all, and of course what he said didn't impress other people around him. hear.

The eyes of the people around have been attracted by the two people in the dojo.

Elder Qin turned his gaze to Chen Mo again, and his expression became kind again.

Chen Mo smiled awkwardly. He always felt that the other party's gaze was malicious, as if he wanted to dissect him.

It's just that Chen Mo didn't have any doubts about what Elder Qin said about his physique. In the final analysis, all his abilities come from the attribute panel, and the attribute panel is a virtual product brought by Chen Mo from another world.

Is there any difference? If it is really researched and a way to go to the original world is obtained, these people will definitely find a way to move this place to Chen Mo's original world.

Maybe they will also bring the Heavenly Demon over there, and the consequences will be unimaginable, and the world may also be destroyed.

Chen Mo didn't want the other party to know his secret, and he also didn't want the other party to analyze it. After all, it is his hometown, and there is no way to bring disaster to his hometown.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't want the other party to dissect his body. This kind of chilling feeling is more frightening than facing a ghost. Dissection is risky. It is very tragic.

That's why Chen Mo agreed to leave the Qin Tianjian right after the war, and follow the Empress back to Yunding Tiangong, in order to recuperate and avoid disaster.

"It's hard to follow. I'm not interested in dissecting myself." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, his expression changed.

No one wants to be a guinea pig, let alone such a guinea pig without freedom, which will cause life-threatening, and even whether it can be researched in the end is still a matter of debate.

Chen Mo's expression became much calmer, and he became alienated from Qin Tianjian and the people in front of him.

"Why don't you just go back to the God's Catchment Sect by name?" Chen Mo couldn't help but have this thought in his heart. Even though he knew that the other party was a decent organization, there was nothing wrong with it. In case someone in the other party wanted to study What about Chen Mo's power?

Through the burning eyes of this old man, Chen Mo felt that there were not a few people in the Qin Tianjian who wanted to study him, and they might really die on the dissecting table. When Chen Mo thought of this, he felt a chill and felt very uncomfortable.

"It's not an anatomy, it's an inspection. It will be very careful and won't pose a threat to your life." Qin Lao tried his best to argue, even danced and danced, and could make a second-rank expert dance with Chen Mo. Yuan Ge was surprised, but he wisely didn't ask.

Chen Mo just shook his head and didn't say any more. If the other party wanted to do something, the Empress was still standing behind Chen Mo. I don't know what Laojun's position is, but he would definitely not stand by and watch, so Chen Mo was also confident.

"This matter is really important. You are the only one out of Shenzhou. If everyone can be like you..." Elder Qin wanted to say something else.

"Old Qin, since he doesn't want to do it, why do you force it? He is still young and has a long way to go. He went to the laboratory of Qin Tianjian. Can you really guarantee his life?" God The teacher interrupted, knocked the pipe in his hand, and the ash fell on the ground.

"You don't know what he represents at all!" Qin Lao cast a serious look on the old Tianshi, as if he was very disdainful of the old Tianshi's words.

"I don't know what old man he represents, but don't forget, what do you represent? Do you still need to tell old people what happened back then? The first generation of ghost emissaries were dissected by you and died on the stage. Follow-up How many more died before the system of the ghost emissary can be built?"

"Forget about the magic sect. Of the eight peerless sects, which family's exercises have you never studied? So many disciples have died. Is this your safety?"

"You are not ashamed to say this, do you believe it yourself?" The old Tianshi had a strong sarcastic expression on his face, as if he was very disdainful of Qin Lao's words.

"For so many years, how many celestial demons have been dissected, and the research has turned out a fart!" The old celestial master didn't want to scold them, but the fact is that sometimes they are so fucking. After so many years, Qin Tianjian is not as fast as others in the underworld.

This time, the old celestial masters can see that this new underworld, their scientific research power is also very huge, they can affect so many things, and even those mutated monsters are made by the underworld.

Although Momen was blamed, the old master didn't want to explain. In his eyes, there is no difference between the two, and neither is a good thing.

Power can be used, but the concept is different no matter how deep it is. It is best for the two families to fight and lose both, and then their Wumeng will take advantage of it.

Mr. Qin always disdains the ignorance of the old heavenly master, and the old heavenly master disdains the practice of Qin Tianjian.

"In the end, there must be sacrifices. You don't understand. Everything is for the sake of all Shenzhou." Qin Lao shook his head, and did not refute the old master's words, but his words were much weaker. They did research People have studied it, ghosts have studied it, aliens have also studied it, strange changes have also studied it, and even living demons have studied it.

"I'm too lazy to quarrel with you. This child came with the empress, so you have to weigh it." The old heavenly master didn't say any more, those people were chosen by themselves. After the sensitive time, although some of them have not let go, but after all, we must consider the overall situation.

"Hmph." Elder Qin snorted coldly, and didn't say much. The empress is still a person who needs to be taken into account. Elder Qin doesn't know how many years the empress has lived, but her fighting power is beyond doubt.

Yunding Tiangong already existed, it existed before Daqian, and it was because Dagan couldn’t defeat Yunding Tiangong that the female emperor’s different surname was named king, but everyone called her empress but not king.

There are rumors that the Empress is an ancient monster that grows with the World Tree, but after so many years, no one has seen the so-called World Tree, so it is just regarded as a legend.

Since the old master joined the battlefield, Chen Mo has not spoken. It is best to reduce his presence so that the other party does not notice him.

"We're fighting!" I don't know who exclaimed, the Great Sage Zhenwu in the dojo had already started fighting with the man in iron armor.

(End of this chapter)

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