Chapter 550
The battle between the former great sage and the current great sage is indeed a very exciting thing.

After taking this step, they have an extremely powerful influence on the latecomers. If they can observe the battles of the Great Saints and find out the realm in them, it is the way forward for ordinary second-rankers.

Although the kung fu system has been perfected, there are two different things to practice on your own and watch others fight.


A pale yellow energy hood shrouded the dojo, separating the spectators from the Great Sage in the arena, so as not to be injured by the opponent's breath.

"It's such a strong coercion, it's countless times stronger than the first-rank land gods." Chen Mo took two steps back, and it was still too reluctant to face the two third-rank greats. But there are two different realms without turning robbery and turning robbery.

"Regret World Mountain and River Fist!" The voice of the armored man spat out like beads, and the true energy in his body gushed out.

The white blossoms of true energy formed into pieces of snowflakes, and the entire sky of Tianshi Mansion was surrounded by gray clouds, which felt like being in a sea of ​​clouds, but such a sea of ​​clouds carried a bit of biting cold .

With Chen Mo's current cultivation base, he could still feel the coldness, and the cold air seemed to want to penetrate his robe.

But I don't know what kind of material the robe is made of. The warm effect of this black mang robe is very domineering.

The surrounding environment seems to have completely changed. The figure of the Iron Armored Sage is rising rapidly. A powerful force gathers in front of his fist. The powerful fist wind flows through the yellow energy cover, forming a small tornado.

Snowflakes fell all over the sky, and the fist of the armored man descended from the sky like the might of God.

When you reach the second rank, you already have the ability of Tianwei. The second rank is also called the natural disaster environment, and if you do your best, it will turn into a natural disaster.

Since ancient times, water and fire have been merciless, and natural disasters are even more so, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, droughts and locust plagues, and so on.

It is accompanied by casualties. In the face of natural disasters, ordinary martial arts are cannon fodder.

And above the natural disasters is the three-turn Shenji!

Even the gods can be wiped out, one can imagine how powerful they are, especially those who are known as the great saints among the three ranks.

Although this world is not the top-level world of the other side, it is definitely a world with a very high upper limit. What's more, this world also has a special product "ghost". The fusion of the two will definitely not make the martial arts here have no resistance.

This is also the reason why the extraterrestrial celestial demons have been unable to take down the Shenzhou plane for so long.

The armored man was already very restrained, otherwise he might have knocked out half of the Celestial Master Talisman.

Of course, the old master would definitely not let these two fight each other.

The old celestial master who maintained the energy cover did not change in any way. Chen Mo quietly glanced at the plain old celestial master, and gave the old celestial master a dangerous name in his heart.

Of course, it is about strength. What is the personal disposition of the old celestial master? Even from the perspective of an outsider like Chen Mo, he still has the image of a peaceful celestial master. Although he is happy and angry, he is more like a living person rather than a symbol.

Taoism always pays attention to xinxing, if the xinxing is not in line, it will not be able to inherit the position of celestial master.

Moreover, no matter what, the old heavenly master finally defended him. Although there are also those factors that the old heavenly master said, it is indeed touching that such a powerful boss speaks out to defend him in person.

"This is the charm of personality, you can't accept it." Chen Mo sighed in his heart. Famous people in the world have strength on the one hand and their personal charm on the other. The god of war, the head teacher of the eight sects.

Even the demon cultivators of Tianwaitian have their own charisma, and there are many admirers among them.

Not to mention in the temple, without a strong personality charm, even if you have the means, you can't get along, because having the means will only make people fear and respect, but having personality charm will make people feel good, and the personality charm can be seen.

And what is dangerous is the strength of the old celestial master. Chen Mo doesn't know how strong the celestial master ghost should be after instilling the celestial master ghost in the past generations. are all dead.

"Strength is the last word, and the old master sits firmly on the Diaoyutai." Chen Mo couldn't help but secretly nodded, no wonder the Underworld would fail, their failure was expected, and with this Sea God Needle, everything is not a problem.

"Unfortunately, longevity is a problem with this kind of power..." Chen Mo didn't think about it any more. Just think about it, now the evil ghost Wuxiu who is the second rank can defeat him, let alone the third rank.

Although the armored man is very tyrannical, but this great sage of true martial arts is indeed worthy of being an ancient sage.The means came out endlessly, the waves gushed out layer by layer, and the gray aura even suppressed the white ice aura.

"As expected of a veteran great sage, although I don't know what his state is like, but it should not be underestimated." Qin Lao murmured, because the old heavenly master blocked, so Qin Lao will also focus on Chen Mo Forcibly got it in the dojo.

"True Martial Profound God Map!"

Behind the Great Sage of Zhenwu appeared a huge basalt screaming up to the sky, but it was not the cyan xuanwu true energy, but the gray aura. The originally lifelike basalt faded rapidly, and the body rotted, turning into a Huge corrupted skeletal skeleton.

This skeleton skeleton also affected Zhang Junheng's body. The gray skin decayed rapidly, and the skin on the skull began to crack, revealing the golden skull. With the appearance of the golden skull, Xuanwu's body also transformed into Golden body.

What appeared in front of everyone was no longer a human being, but a golden skeleton sitting cross-legged on the Xuanwu God. The golden underworld fire danced in his eyes, and the aura in his body increased instead of diminishing.

"The five declines of heaven and man, the great sage at the end of his life enters the underworld without corruption."

"This is the real Great Sage, the True Martial Sage 300 years ago, there is no mistake."

"Sure enough, the golden bone can't be wrong."


"I didn't expect it to be successful. After hundreds of years of planning, I finally invited back a great sage."

Chen Mo didn't say much, he knew where the strange feeling came from, the person in front of him was indeed not a human anymore, he was dead, and now he was just reviving his body, and Zhang Junheng's physical body was just bones transformed into a holy body Well, speaking of it, Zhang Junheng is now dead.

"However, that man in iron armor is stronger and sharper, and the fear and coercion in his body is also stronger, so he will definitely win..."

"This Great Sage of True Martial Arts, after all, is using his body to resurrect his soul, and his strength is less than [-]% of the peak, so it is reasonable to be suppressed."

(End of this chapter)

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