Reckless through another world

Chapter 551 How many years did the Empress live?

Chapter 551 How many years did the Empress live?

"It's not a success, it can only be said to be half successful, but in fact it is still a failure." The old heavenly master shook his head slightly, with a little sigh and loss in his expression, but it was only in the eyes of the old heavenly master flashed by.

"If you fail, you fail. How can you put gold on your face like this?" Qin Lao did not forget to sarcastically say, "Planning this thing is like getting pregnant. If you are pregnant, you are pregnant. If you are not pregnant, you are not pregnant." , How can there be a saying that she is half pregnant."

"For now, it's not pregnant."

"It's not rough, it's true that I didn't conceive, but it has results after all, unlike your Qin Tianjian, who are all ligated! Hahaha!" The old heavenly master glanced at Qin Lao, although his tone was flat, but the power of words Ling Yuange was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't dare to laugh even if he wanted to, his face flushed red.

"Hey." Chen Mo laughed twice.

"Old man, you are really..." Elder Qin pointed at the old master, and almost recited it in one breath.

The old celestial master smoked a dry cigarette with a calm expression on his face.

"I took him away this time. If you have another chance next time, don't make decisions on your own. The influence will be too great." Elder Qin didn't want to fight with the old master anymore. Although it can be regarded as inviting back a great sage, the loss is not small.

"This is originally the plan of your underworld, and it's just the cooperation of our eight major sects. Do you have insufficient authority, old Qin, to reach the high-level?" The old celestial master gave Qin a strange look.

"You fart!" Elder Qin exploded immediately.

When the boss spoke, neither Chen Mo nor Yuan Ge spoke, and they seemed to have not heard them, and they were unmoved at all. However, what surprised Chen Mo was that the old heavenly master had the attribute of a poisonous tongue. people feel uncomfortable.


Iron Armored Man is still superior in skill, the Great Sage of True Martial Arts is not his opponent, and the vicious competition between the two sides has already decided the outcome in just one move.

Chen Mo understands that in fact, the later stage of martial arts, the more accurate and clear the measurement of the strength of both sides. Often, one can judge the gap between himself and the opponent, and even be defeated by one blow, because the more backward, the more perfect.

Unlike in the early days, when everyone was half full of water, Houtian Wuxiu could even kill owls at the level of a snake. Even if the preparations were made properly, even Xiantian would die in the hands of Houtian.

Moreover, two martial artists of the same realm often need to fight for a long time. Although there is a gap, there will be no crushing situation.

It is different in the later stage. As long as the master of the third rank has touched the weak point of the opponent, he can defeat the opponent with one blow, or even kill the opponent with one blow. For several days and nights, the battle was in a state of darkness.

This kind of battle is meaningless. For Qin Tianjian, for the Battle of Heavenly Demon, if the high-level soldiers fight for several days and nights every time, the lower-level soldiers will have been slaughtered by the opponent, so it will be far away if they fail to count. Escape, strive to exert the greatest strength.

The most important point is also because the martial arts in the later period are more powerful and perfect, sensitive to combat and applicable to it.

So often this kind of late martial arts battle is very fast, strong is strong, so strong can quickly suppress the opponent, and there will be no situation where the two fight for a long time.

Chen Mo had realized something in the deep stealth game before. Those powerful players, facing each other, can defeat their opponents in a few moves, and even some assassin-type players can kill the enemy with one blow. It is not the so-called three hundred rounds of war at all.

Professional competitions are ever-changing, and even slow-motion cameras are needed to let the audience watch. Although Chen Mo has never played professionally, he has met many professional players. They are really masters whose mission is to defeat the enemy.

And this is the case in front of him, the strength of the armored man is very stable, as the ceiling of combat power.The Great Sage Zhenwu was obviously weaker than the Iron Armored Man, and his defeat was already expected.

"Please let the Great Sage go!" The Iron Armored Man stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation. He had already agreed with the Skeleton Saint in front of him. He is not necessarily his opponent.

"Just out of the tiger's den, and into the wolf's den, that's all, it's the destiny." Zhenwu Dasheng sighed, he was pleasantly surprised by the resurrection of the corpse, and even wanted to make up his own body, but he didn't expect to come here instead. Heaven's supervisor.

The Great Sage Zhenwu stepped down from Xuanwu, Xuanxu disappeared, and his body turned gray and defeated again.

As he said that, he was about to follow the iron armor onto the giant ship.

"Senior, did you forget to leave something behind?" Chen Mo called to stop Zhenwu Dasheng.

Although no name was named, everyone knew who Chen Mo was asking, and the Great Sage Zhenwu who had walked past also stopped. Question the dignity of his majesty.

Everyone was stunned, and then wanted to check the situation.

This is to challenge the dignity of the strong, and it is a repeated challenge.

"Do you really think that I dare not kill people?" The Great Sage Zhenwu snorted coldly, and a huge sense of oppression descended on Chen Mo again.

Chen Mo was saluting and bowing, but this made him stagger a bit. He respects the strong very much. Of course, it is also because of Chen Mo's respectful expression that the Great Sage of True Martial Arts only speaks, not kills. After all, Chen Xianzhi is here. He is a child in his eyes, and his manners are not bad, but he feels too reckless.

"Great Sage, please return Zhang Junheng Yuanshen!"

"Going to kill again?" The voice was very flat, but with a unique magnetism, it was very pleasing to the ear, and Chen Mo knew he was stable when he heard this voice.

"Are you afraid to kill people as a king?" The voice of the empress came, and she walked to Chen Mo's side, helped Chen Mo up, and looked at the Zhenwu Great Sage not far away with a pair of deep eyes.

"Empress!" The expression of Zhenwu Dasheng changed suddenly, even a little shocked.

With the appearance of the empress, everyone gave in except for the old heavenly master, and even the armored sage took half a step back.

"Zhenwu, are you stupid in the nether world? I don't mind letting you wake up!" The empress smiled faintly, holding half of a martial arts novel in her hand, but it made the great sage Zhenwu feel chills. from the back of the spine.

"It turned out to be in person, Your Excellency the Empress." The Great Sage Zhenwu clasped his fists and said with a vomit, he spat out Zhang Laodao's primordial spirit from his mouth, and stretched out his hand to send it over. Following the primordial spirit's attack, Zhenwu stabilized Strength has become unstable again.

"Xianzhi, the problem of the primordial spirit will be resolved by the Qin Tianjian. Now Zhang Junheng's primordial spirit and the physical body are sleeping together. He is involved in the netherworld, and the primordial spirit is sleeping. If you want to wake him up, you can only rely on the power of the Qin Tianjian. Others It's impossible." Qin Lao said at the right time.

"I also ask Mr. Qin to do his best to help. Chen Xianzhi is very grateful." Chen Mo looked at the empress, who shook her head imperceptibly, and Chen Mo could only pin her hopes on Qin Tianjian.

"I don't know when Mr. Chen will return to the gate of the arrester. The old man has been talking about the arrester." Yuan Ge said.

"Hurry up, I'll go back in two days." Chen Mo understood the other party's meaning, but he really needed to go back to the arresting gate, and his strength still couldn't get a huge improvement after wandering outside.

(End of this chapter)

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