Reckless through another world

Chapter 552: 95% from Ghost Night Walk

Chapter 552 It's 95% away from the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts
"I didn't expect that Longhu Mountain is so dangerous." Standing on the deck of the giant ship, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

Longhushan and his party were supposed to be the safest, but they didn't expect to be involved in this dangerous matter. Of course, Chen Mo didn't take the initiative to participate in it. Although it was related to him, it didn't have much substantive relationship. .

As for whether he will be targeted by the ancient great sage who just came out, Chen Mo feels that it should be difficult for the other party to get out of the Qin Tianjian. Such a dangerous person will not be released.

What's more, the opponent's state is also very weird. People who have been in the Netherworld for a long time will inevitably have their personality changed, let alone this kind of powerful martial artist who has died for many years.

If you want to use a metaphor, this is a ghost crawling out of hell. Who knows what the other party has gone through and what his current mentality is like.

People can't always live in the past, and can't always learn about those legendary characters from the classics.

"However, it is not a pity. I have seen the Tianshi ghost and met the large longevity ghost, and I still gained a lot." Chen Mo recalled seeing the scene of the Tianshi ghost at that time. The Tianshi ghost is indeed different from ordinary ghosts. The cultivation method of the master's residence.

Chen Mo didn't know whether it was the Tianshi ghost who was able to practice the exercises of the Tianshi mansion, or whether it was because of the celestial master ghost that the Tianshi mansion appeared. Maybe the seniors of the Tianshi mansion discovered the way of the exercises from the body of the celestial master ghost. Number, this is also uncertain.

Thinking of his eldest sister, Chen Mo slapped his forehead again, quite helplessly.His elder sister ran away while Chen Mo was watching the ancient great sage.

When Chen Mo came to his senses, Chen Xiang had already run thousands of miles away, and he couldn't catch up with him, so he called through the sound transmission and didn't talk much.Of course, Chen Mo didn't try to persuade him in the voice transmission, it wasn't that Chen Mo was ruthless, but that he couldn't force him too hard, and let his elder sister find out the problem by herself.

Anyway, there is still enough time. After Zhang Junheng's incident, the Wumeng did not dare to act rashly. Who knows what the hell will be invited next time. This time is okay, but the great sage invited is no different from a dead man. This great sage is more like a state between a human and a ghost.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo contacted Lu Suyao's voice transmission. As his deputy arrester, Lu Suyao's current position is a bit awkward, but she is also the middle contact between Shenchamen and Chen Mo, so Lu Suyao can only bite the bullet and call communication.

"Chief arrester, the arrester has a mission, and it's a big move to call up the elite of the younger generation." Lu Suyao said hastily.

"Didn't you say more about the details?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, Qin Tianjian should not have summoned the younger generation of geniuses for him alone, maybe something really happened.

"I don't know the specifics, but just let me convey to you that the 'Human Emperor Project' has started, and all young geniuses must rush back."

"The specific situation, when you come back to catch the door, Chu catcher God will explain." Lu Suyao inexplicably felt the power of this plan, but she knew nothing except these things. Qin Tianjian did a good job of keeping secrets it is good.

"Understood, I will rush back to the trap door as soon as possible." Chen Mo nodded, just going back to the trap gate, and at the same time took his reward from the Battle of the Sea of ​​Sky at that time. It has been stored for so long, and it is time to take it out.

Although Yunding Tiangong has countless resources, Chen Mo still has some machismo mentality after all, unlike Uncle Da who is a tough guy with soft rice, who can't eat as hard as soft rice.

Moreover, the money he earns is of two natures, and the money he earns without any effort is of two natures. Chen Mo spends money lavishly. The treasures of heaven and earth can also be digested.

"Counting this time, my meritorious service is at least over a million. Maybe it's the kind that starts with a big number. If you have a favorite ghost among the catchers, let me try it." Chen Mo rubbed his chin, When his cultivation reaches a certain level, he can even covet a legendary ghost.

"The strength of the remaining four evil spirits must be improved as soon as possible. If they all rise to four stars, they should not be my opponents at the second rank." Five evil spirits appeared behind Chen Mo, the largest being the six-armed warrior, Ten meters tall.

The six-armed Martial God who was sitting upside down had a straight face, with a kind of compassion, but his mercy was not to save people, but to kill people.

Standing closest to Chen Mo is the three-eyed Yan Luo. Standing more than three meters tall behind Chen Mo, he looks like a little giant. However, he is much smaller than the largest six-armed warrior, but the fear and coercion he exudes is the strongest. .

And it is also the thickest of all evil spirits, it has a strong sense of darkness, it is a kind of temperament.

On the left is Lord Chiyan, dressed in black and red armor, with ghost horns on his head and scarlet ghost eyes.On the right is the blue-black Lord of the Northern Darkness. Although he is slender, his face is very delicate and solemn, like a god who does not eat fireworks in the world.

In front of the Beiming Supreme is the Jedi Sword Lord. This person is the most compact, not even as tall as Chen Mo, only about 1.7 meters tall, with a delicate face. Although lifelike, there is a breath of death. As if facing a strange dead person, with an oval face, a slight smile, and a pair of bloody eyes that are very calm.

It seems to be the case with everyone, because they are all lambs waiting to be slaughtered in His hands.

Wearing scarlet chain mail, but without a helmet, he stepped on blood-stained iron armored boots, and a broken bronze knife in his hand, carrying a strange heroic spirit.

Chen Mo looked at the front calmly, and the five evil spirits behind him also stood quietly behind Chen Mo. None of them could speak. Chen Mo thought of many ways, but they didn't make them speak, even if it was Chen Mo himself and them. When merging, they couldn't make them speak.

It seems that none of them have the ability to speak, but they were clearly able to have a superficial conversation through the ghost slaves before, but now they can't speak a word.

It's like an intelligent machine without any intelligence, but it is executing the most basic commands.

But this is just right, although they can't speak or communicate, they have the same mind. Whatever Chen Mo thinks of, they will do their best to complete it, and they can also adjust themselves.

"They are all evil spirits above the epic level, one four-star, four three-star." Chen Mo turned his head and looked at the five evil spirits standing behind him, with a happy smile on his face. This is where his confidence lies. Will be more, will be stronger.

For Chen Mo's convulsions, the empress is not surprised, and the people of Yunding Tiangong in the giant ship are also familiar with it. When Chen Mo summoned the evil spirits at first, they panicked and thought they had crashed into a ghost's nest. Now they are familiar with it. Apart from lamenting the uniqueness of my uncle, I don't have any thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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