Reckless through another world

Chapter 553 The dragon enters the sea

Chapter 553 The dragon enters the sea
There are only so many great saints in Shenzhou, and most of them are still resisting the demons outside the territory. Few of the third-rank martial arts remain inside Shenzhou. Chen Mo's current strength already has the strength to protect himself, even if it is true When encountering a rank three Wuxiu, he wouldn't be killed instantly.

This is especially true for the second round. As for the first round, with Chen Mo's current combat power, there are very few first rounds that he can see in his eyes.

"It takes at least one turn before you can control another evil spirit to fully have the power to protect yourself." Chen Mo stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist. Although he now has a sense of security, there are still a lot of people in the third turn Kill Chen Mo in one or two moves, so that he can't even use Huangquan.

Fortunately, there are not so many three-turns in this world, and fortunately he has a backer, and Qin Tianjian has a good attitude towards him.

Otherwise, Chen Mo would not choose to expose his ability as a ghost driver when he was in the sky, and it was also because there was a third-rank attack in the sky demon. Otherwise, to be on the safe side, Chen Mo would wait until the second or even third rank Expose your abilities and cards.

Of course, the most important thing is that this series of embarrassing things happened because I exposed my identity as the driver of many ghosts when I was in the ghost inn.

A fool who thinks a lot will eventually gain something. Now that the Qin Tianjian has a good attitude, Chen Mo feels more at ease, so he doesn't have to hide it in the future, and the battle can be more interesting.

Speaking of it, it was a blessing in disguise, but it made the relationship between Chen Mo and the empress closer, and gradually discovered the strength of the empress.

Even the ancient great sage more than 2000 years ago knew the empress, Chen Mo couldn't help guessing how old the empress was.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter." Chen Mo didn't care too much.

Chen Mo also didn't put away the evil spirits and let them move freely, as long as they don't kill and eat people.

"Leave?" The Empress raised her head slightly, her face was very calm, she put aside the martial arts novel Chen Mo had written in her hand, and poured a cup of tea for Chen Mo herself.

The empress seems to have already guessed what Chen Mo meant, and she didn't stop her. She was very obedient to Chen Mo's decision, really like a virtuous wife. power.

"Well, it's time to go." Chen Mo nodded, not only because the God Catchment Gate recalled him, but also because Chen Mo wanted to continue to improve his strength.

"Actually, there is still time." The empress looked at Chen Mo, her pair of phoenix eyes were very oppressive. Although the empress did not even let out her breath, she has been in a high position for so many years and has the pinnacle of combat power. She has already integrated her temperament To every move.

Chen Mo also knew what the Empress was talking about. His cultivation was improving very quickly. The Empress was worried that his foundation would not be stable. After all, after careful calculation, Chen Mo was about to reach the Heavenly Man in less than two years. Peak.

It's just that his family knows his own ability, and there is no problem with his foundation. The only problem is that Chen Mo has no idea what will happen after the peak of Heaven and Man. Although he has an epiphany once, he still has to walk on his own.

"The road, after all, I need to walk on my own." Chen Mo held the teacup with both hands, and looked at the face reflected in the amber tea. Although he still looked a little childish, he was already more mature than two years ago.

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

"I've already decided." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Okay!" The empress nodded slightly, but didn't say any more.

"I'll keep Ling Kui and Golden Mouse with my sister to help me train them. After all, they followed me very early." Chen Mo arranged a way for Ling Kui and Jin Ling.

"Don't worry." The empress nodded, these are trivial matters, Yunding Tiangong, as the big city of Weiqi, is the most suitable for Weiji, both Lingkui and Jinmozi can get the best training.

The energy and blood absorbed by Ling Kui is already a drop in the bucket for Chen Mo, it is no different from being bitten by a mosquito, and he does not know how to cultivate it. Even the cultivation of evil ghosts has been reckless. All you need is blood.

If it was the kind of combination of potions, honing potential, and then fighting different monsters to improve specific attributes, Chen Mo himself might be tortured by evil spirits and go crazy.

It is also because of the difference in focus. Although evil spirits belong to that kind of pet, they are different from Pokemon after all.

If it is really necessary to prepare various potions, Chen Mo will probably study hard.

During this period of time, it was quite comfortable. Apart from feeding the evil spirits and cultivating, there was nothing else to do. Chen Mo didn't like to be disturbed by all kinds of troubled things, so he was relatively quiet.

This is also a habit that has been developed long ago, just like an ascetic monk. After all, he has lived like this before. People who have not socialized for more than 20 years and only survived by stealth online games are somewhat autistic and special. I like to be alone quietly.

Now it's not just one person staying quietly, but two people, Chen Mo doesn't speak, the empress doesn't speak, and the two don't interfere with each other, they just stay together quietly like this.

"Three-eyed Yama is right to be the main trainer of evil spirits, but the other four evil spirits also need to diversify their resources. If they could talk, they would probably have quarreled long ago. "Chen Mo tilted the qi and blood in his body. Now that the strength of the three-eyed Yan Luo has increased by one point, it will at most increase Chen Mo's strength by one point.

As for the remaining four evil spirits, every point they raised would also increase Chen Mo's strength by one point, and they didn't eat as much as the three-eyed Yan Luo, so for the sake of comprehensive strength, Chen Mo slightly tilted resources.

Every time there is a promotion, Chen Mo also asks the Empress to compete, but Chen Mo has never won.

"Since I became famous, I have lost the most." Chen Mo smiled helplessly. He had fought against so many people. Chen Mo basically never lost, but after meeting the Empress, he never won again.

If you lose, you lose. Chen Mo is not the rare believer in invincibility, once defeated, he will never get up again.As for not fighting against masters in order to maintain one's invincibility, that's fine. Compared with the so-called invincibility, strength is more important.

Only by sparring with masters can you understand your own shortcomings.

It doesn't work if the span is too large, and if you are hit by someone in seconds, you can't find the gap. Only those that are strong, but limited in strength.

In order to help Chen Mo improve his actual combat ability, the Empress would always lower her own strength, and then give Chen Mo advice.

In a few days, the giant ship arrived at Beiyunzhou, and Chen Mo formally bid farewell.

Seeing the giant ship fly away, Chen Mo watched from a distance, waved his hand, and then turned around and entered the city. Although the city in front of him is not small, it has all internal organs. Chen Mo just needs a god catcher who can shoot a shuttle. it is good.

(End of this chapter)

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