Chapter 554 Restart
Parting is always sad, even Chen Xianzhi can't avoid it, it's okay when he doesn't leave, but as soon as he left, Chen Mo's heart was empty.

Having been together for such a long time, eating and sleeping together, and doing everything except the last step, if it wasn't for Chen Mo's determination, maybe he really had to confess.

But it's obviously not enough. In his opinion, now he has a body with no leaks, and his skills are integrated.

If the body is broken, not to mention the three successes, Chen Mo will feel that his bonus has become smaller psychologically.

Although the self-closing skills will be further improved, because of the interaction between yin and yang, his skills will also increase accordingly, but after all, he still feels a little bit uncomfortable, so no matter whether he does it himself or the empress helps him solve it, Chen Mo will Did not combine with the Empress.

However, although the last step has not been carried out, what should be done is almost done.

Recalling the empress's body, Chen Mo felt that his body was burning red like a pill furnace about to explode, and his eyes flashed with fire. He hurriedly used the primordial spirit to suppress his body, and after a while, the coolness passed, and he returned to his original indifferent look .

"Wait a little longer, just wait for me to make a breakthrough." Chen Mo suppressed the heat in his eyes with his primordial spirit, and his face regained his indifference.

Chen Mo didn't feel sorry for the three successes, but really didn't want to spoil his practice progress in advance. Anyway, if he thought about it, Yuanshen could suppress it in minutes.

Without thinking about it, Chen Mo took a step forward, walking from the gate of the city to the Gate of God.

Although the whole street is not very lively, it is also very popular, and the wide street makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Although it is considered a city in the countryside, apart from the ancient style and charm, it is not so depressing. On the contrary, there is a different kind of quiet and peaceful, and there are no pickled things such as feces on the streets.

The quacks wrapped in robes shuttled through the streets, and Chen Mo even saw some children bumping into people and taking away the passers-by’s purses at the same time, stepping out, Chen Mo walked through the steaming water vapor, those were A street stall selling steamed dumplings.

The candied haws sellers were shouting loudly, and the nearby teahouses, teahouses, and mutton restaurants were all in full swing.

Laughing, cursing, even making loud noises...

One by one, the soldiers of the Zhenyi Division walked on the street. Every hundred steps, there was a small building like an arrow tower, which was only for three or two people, and of course they were the soldiers of the Zhenyi Division.

In the center of the town, there is a beacon tower more than 20 meters high, burning with a raging beacon.

The beacon fire is still so dazzling under the sunlight, but the fire doesn't have the slightest heat, and it can't ignite the surrounding vegetation. Chen Mo doesn't know what the reason is.

"With the awakening of the evil spirits, there are a lot of arresters here." Chen Mogan sighed, and after walking less than two streets, Chen Mo had already encountered at least three arresters, although the level of ghost control was not high. High, but the base has grown.

This time, within two years, God Catch has become popular.

"In the territory of Beiyunzhou, the city of human beings is also extremely lively." Chen Mo hugged his shoulders, walking casually like walking in the garden, although his figure is not slow, but stepping out, it seems that everyone It's the same as not noticing Chen Mo, and no one can approach Chen Mo within a meter of his body.

Because of the influence of ghost eyes, everyone avoided Chen Mo unconsciously, and they didn't even notice it.

The best in martial arts here is nothing but innate, which is rare for heaven and man.

With Chen Mo's current strength and ghost eyes, these low-level martial arts practitioners can't see and find Chen Mo at all, and they can't even spot them when they are pushed away.

Among them, Chen Mo also brushed shoulders with a god catcher, but the other party didn't notice it at all.

"Lingyun City God Catch Gate." Chen Mo raised his head and glanced at the plaque on the catch door. There were only three words "Shen Catch Gate" written on it, but Chen Mo knew that this city was called Lingyun City, so he added it in front of God Catch Gate. That's all.

Chen Mo stopped for a while, and was about to step in.


There was an exclamation from behind Chen Mo, Chen Mo looked back, the other party was wearing a red-clothed general arrest uniform, and Chen Mo was wearing a black robe, the other party naturally couldn't recognize Chen Mo's identity.

Chen Mo lifted the God's Catch Token on his waist.

"So it's my colleague, I'm Huang Jingyuan." The young man on the opposite side cupped his hands.

"My servant is Chen Xianzhi." Chen Mo nodded as well, and looked at the unremarkable young man in front of him. He said that he was not outstanding in appearance, rather he looked a little ugly.

"You are Chen Xianzhi." Huang Jingyuan's eyes lit up, and he looked at Chen Mo again.

The man in front of him was tall and tall, with a face as white as jade, and he looked even more tall and handsome under the black robe. His black hair was combed meticulously, tied into a bun and tied up by a flat crown.

Although Chen Mo has a smile on his face, but that temperament, no matter how you look at it, makes people feel that they are thousands of miles away, especially those pair of red phoenix eyes, some smiles, and then narrowed, plus Chen Mo's height It is tall, forming a overlooking, giving people a sense of arrogance.

"It's not easy to get along with." Huang Jingyuan put such a label on Chen Mo.

"Your Excellency knows me?" Chen Mo searched his memory suspiciously, but there was indeed no such person.

"I haven't seen it, I've heard of it, No.1 in the Battle of the Sea of ​​​​Sky, your meritorious value is high on that list, and everyone can see it, so I have heard of it, but I haven't seen it." I've been a real person, and when I saw it today, I really deserved my reputation." Huang Jingyuan clicked his tongue, he was not surprised by Chen Mo's temperament, the first thing he imagined, it should be like this.

Powerful, but indifferent, even with arrogance, he felt fear and coercion from a long distance away.

"I see." Chen Mo nodded.

At the same time, Chen Mo also discovered Qin Tianjian's attitude towards him from Huang Jingyuan's words. It must be an act of showing favor to put his name on the list of meritorious deeds, and let other gods and Qin Tianjian People know Chen Mo, so if you want to be unfavorable to Chen Mo, you have to think about the attitude of most people.

Don't underestimate this small ranking, and don't underestimate the attitude of these young people. The energy they can unleash is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"President Chen also listened to the call and returned to the arresting gate. I heard that this time there was a big move, and many of the younger generation's chief arresters were recalled." Huang Jingyuan was so familiar with himself that he didn't care about Chen Mo's attitude at all. , even he thought it was the opposite.

If Chen Mo knew what Huang Jingyuan was thinking, he would definitely yell for injustice. He is really kind, but he has more control over evil spirits, his martial arts has improved, and his face has become more and more cold, that's why he caused harm to people. Even though he is handsome, he looks very attractive, looking down on everyone as if he is condescending.

"That's right, I was also recalled, and I don't know the details."

"My old man revealed some things. It seems that it is because of the affairs of the three dynasties. Anyway, it seems that there is going to be chaos." Huang Jingyuan sent a voice transmission to Chen Mo.

"Human Sovereign plans."

"It's not too late, you'll know when you get back to the trap door."

(End of this chapter)

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