Reckless through another world

Chapter 556 Goodbye Chu Kuangge

Chapter 556 Goodbye Chu Kuangge

Chen Mo's return is not a secret, the chief arresters above Ziyi basically know something about Chen Mo's situation more or less.

Before Chen Mo could return to his God Catch Hall, he received a voice transmission from Chu Kuangge, asking where Chen Mo was.

"I just came back, and I haven't had time to sit down yet." Chen Mo just landed in his God's Catch Hall, holding his God's Catch Token in his hand, and walked into the inner hall at the same time.

"I'll go over in a while." Chu Kuangge hung up the sound transmission without any surprises. He was not surprised that Chen Mo would be recalled. Although Chen Mo's reputation was not obvious, but above the purple clothes, he was very famous. After all, he was a famous ghost driver.

When he first heard the news, Chu Kuangge was taken aback. He even thought that the Qin Tianjian would be unfavorable to Chen Mo, but he didn't expect Lao Jun to come forward and suppress this matter.

Coupled with the empress behind Chen Mo, and Chen Mo's growth potential, Qin Tianjian didn't say any more. After all, as a detached organization to fight against extraterritorial demons, Qin Tianjian doesn't have so many bullshit things.

Moreover, most of the real high-level officials are not in the sea of ​​sky, but outside the Ministry of War, suppressing the heavenly demons, so there are not so many voices in the Qin Tianjian now, and Laojun's voice has become louder, and he can't speak. Full of confidence.

If Qin Tianjian has no idea about Chen Mo, no one will believe it, just look at the appearance of those scientific researchers of Mr. Qin last time, they must be very curious about Chen Mo's secret, but they were suppressed by some powerful and powerful bigwigs Just come down.

Chen Mo didn't know the reason, but through the words of the old celestial master, Chen Mo probably also understood some things, which involved the first generation of ghost emissaries and people in the sect.

However, it may not be easy to dispel the other party's thoughts. The only lesson humans have learned from history is that there is no lesson. If they have the opportunity, they will still study it instead of stopping.

Of course, there are so-called humanitarianism in it, but there are also those who don't. As for the details, it's hard to judge.

Those who have benefited are not easy to criticize the problems, and are suspected of putting down their dishes and chopsticks to scold their mothers. As for those who have not benefited, there are very few in this world, and even if they speak out, they will be regarded as an example.

A confused account, not clear.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't bother to count, he only joined the God Catchment Sect out of some personal considerations, and as for saving the common people in the world, it was only out of personal interest.

Stopping his daydreams, Chen Mo got up from the bathtub, and the real air flow evaporated the water in his body, put on the robes of the chief arrester of the court column, and walked out.

"Boss arrester." Seeing Chen Mo again, Lu Suyao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seemed that Chen Mo didn't fall out with the god arrester.

"President Chu is coming in a while, so get ready." Chen Mo nodded, and put on the arresting robe on his body. Although his hair was still disheveled, he was an acquaintance anyway, and Chen Mo didn't need to take care of himself meticulously.

"Chu Boss arrest, who is Chu Boss arresting?" Lu Suyao froze for a moment, and quickly searched her memory, it seemed that there was no such person as Chu Boss arresting.

"Chu Kuangge chief arrester? Who else could it be?" Chen Mo looked at Lu Suyao strangely, seeing that the way she was thinking did not seem fake.

"Oh, the chief arrester is talking about Chu Shenshen. Chu Chushen has changed from the purple-clothed chief arrester to the arresting god." After knowing the name, Lu Suyao realized that the chief arrester Chu had already been promoted to the arresting god, and it was Chen Mo. I also feel that the other party is the chief arrester.

"God-catcher?" Chen Mo suddenly thought that Lu Suyao had been dropped by someone, but it turned out that Chu Kuangge was promoted to God-catcher.


"Congratulations to the chief arrester for being promoted to the god arrester yet." Chen Mo clasped his fists, with a smile on his face.

Indeed, as Lu Suyao said, Chu Kuangge had already put on the black God-catching costume, which was also in the form of civil and military robes. The outer robe and inner armor were more exquisite and majestic, with a thick and dark texture.

"It was due to be promoted half a year ago. Because of the invasion of the demons, it was a bit late, but it was just a process." Chu Kuangge waved his hand, although there was a smile on his mouth, but after all, he was calm and not too much Performance.

"It's you, the fairy, I used to think that you are a little abnormal, but I didn't expect it to be like this, it's really unbelievable." When Chu Kuangge came in, he had already felt the powerful fear and coercion emanating from Chen Mo's body. Even now he can't compare.

Although Chen Mo's strength has improved very quickly, it is far behind his ability to control ghosts.

"You can actually control many evil spirits. Tell me, old brother, how many evil spirits do you have now?" Chu Kuangge asked very curiously, and at the same time, his words were enough to express his attitude towards Chen Mo. The name is Chen Mo's elder brother, which means that he wants to stand with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's heart warmed up. Although Chen Mo was a relatively withdrawn person, Chen Mo could also see Chu Kuangge's kindness. At first, it might be because of other reasons. Later, Chu Kuangge also wanted Chen Mo to take charge of Donglin, but Chen Mo refused.

Chen Mo extended a slap, shook his hand and said, "Five."

"Tsk tsk, miraculous, it's incredible." Chu Kuangge sighed, picked up the tea beside him, his hands were trembling a little, and he stabilized in an instant, suppressing all the surprise on his face.

As for a genius, he has seen a lot, but this is the first time he has seen a supernatural person like Chen Mo. Being able to control multiple evil spirits is simply a fantasy, and he has never heard of it, let alone seeing Arrived.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo, Lord Chiyan, Lord Beiming, Six-armed Martial God, and Jedi Sword Lord." Chen Mo waved his hand, and evil spirits appeared one by one behind him. The reduced-sized evil spirits were full of fear and coercion but did not The slightest discount.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, it's simply breathtaking!" Seeing the evil ghosts appearing one by one, Chu Kuangge jumped up.

"Catching God, that's all I have for the time being, I don't know how many evil spirits I can control." Chen Mo turned his palm, and all the evil spirits behind him merged into his body, looking at Chu Kuangge with a smile on his face.

"Hey, what is it called Catching God? I'm a little older than you, so I'll just call you Big Brother Chu. My good brother doesn't know me as a big brother, right?" Chu Kuangge waved his hands hastily, pretending to be unhappy.

"Brother Chu." Chen Mo didn't hesitate either, Chu Kuangge's behavior style really suits Chen Mo's taste, and Chen Mo still took advantage of him.

"This is still my little brother taking advantage of it." Chen Mo said a little embarrassedly, his current identity is sensitive, and Chu Kuangge's ability to stand firmly by his side really touched Chen Mo.

"You and my brother don't have to be like this."

"This is my brother's evil ghost, let me also let you have a look." Chu Kuangge stood still, a ghost hand protruded from his body, and then the evil ghost appeared behind Chu Kuangge in its entirety , this evil spirit is very strong, with a pitch-black iron rod in his hand, his body is covered with black hair, he can't see the specific appearance clearly, and four short fangs are exposed on his mouth.

The two ghost horns on the top of the head also have long hairs, and they are automatic without wind. When Chen Mo looked at the evil ghost, the evil ghost seemed to be looking at Chen Mo too. The fear and coercion in his body was slightly better than the three-eyed Yama, but the overall As far as it is concerned, it is definitely not comparable to the fear and coercion of the five evil spirits.

"Brother, this evil spirit is very strong." Seeing Chu Kuangge take the evil spirit back, Chen Mo praised him.

"The problem of a high starting point, you don't know, dear brother, the first batch of ghost emissaries have appeared a long time ago, and the higher the cultivation level, the more powerful evil spirits they can attract. With strong combat power." Chu Kuangge explained.

(End of this chapter)

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