Reckless through another world

Chapter 557 Generous Rewards

Chapter 557 Generous Rewards

"People choose evil ghosts, and evil ghosts choose people." Chen Mo always believed in this, so Chen Mo was not at all surprised that these powerful martial artists were chosen by evil ghosts.

Evil spirits have existed for a long time, but the large-scale eruption was two years ago. During the outbreak, there were so many powerful evil spirits. They need blood. Naturally, the higher the cultivation base, the more suitable for them .

Therefore, Chen Mo was not surprised that that generation of ghost guards could obtain powerful evil spirits. This is the kind of chance that others can't envy.

Chen Mo is not envious either, he has a greater chance, he can control many evil spirits, his strength has doubled, and he is invincible at the same level. people.

"My dear brother, although you can control many evil spirits, you should also be alert to being influenced by evil spirits." Chu Kuangge mentioned casually, and after seeing Chen Mo nodding, he didn't say any more. After all, he is an adult, no matter what No matter what the relationship is, it's the best so far.

"Brother, what is the meaning of calling us back this time?" Chen Mo is more concerned about this issue. Chen Mo naturally understands the issue of the influence of evil spirits. However, his situation is special and it is difficult to say, so he did not discuss it in detail.

And because Chen Mo himself does not think that evil spirits are tools, but treat them as equal comrades-in-arms and pets, so from these subtleties, it can be known that Chen Mo is slightly affected by evil spirits, and there is no such huge hidden danger.

The only hidden danger is that he cannot contract more evil spirits in a short period of time. After all, his strength cannot keep up, so he cannot provide blood to more evil spirits.

I believe that every serious gamer has his own collection addiction, even Chen Mo is no exception, not only to pursue the other side of martial arts and the road to longevity, but also to collect more evil spirits, Chen Mo is also working hard to improve himself Strength.

This kind of large-scale real ghost figure is simply irresistible. This is also Chen Mo's original idea when he came to this world. He will not forget his original intention and keep his mission in mind.

"In order to unify Shenzhou." Chu Kuangge continued to speak in surprise, and at the same time answered Chen Mo's question.

Chen Mo doesn't know how big the Shenzhou plane is. Qianyuan alone has nineteen continents. Although Dazhen and Dasheng are weaker than Dagan, they still have a large land area. There are countless other small countries. There are also many. If you want to travel all over Shenzhou, it will take several years to ride a giant dragon. This is still the case when you stay in various places for a short time.

Such a huge territory, Qin Tianjian wants to control it, the amount of work is too huge, and even Chen Mo feels that the loss is not worth the loss. With this time and energy, it is better to cultivate some powerful masters.

On the contrary, the civil war will cause a lot of consumption, which is not as stable as the current situation.

"Isn't Qin Tianjian stupid?" Chen Mo didn't ask any more questions, but picked up the tea cup at the side, took a sip, and showed a smile on his face. If Qin Tianjian was really for the plane of China, he shouldn't have done this. Not to mention the creatures, it will also cause a lot of internal friction.

"It's just to unify Daqian, Dazhen and Dasheng. The fusion of the power of the three kingdoms will give birth to a human emperor. This human emperor will rule Shenzhou and maximize the power of Shenzhou's human race." Chu Kuangge Snake Stretching out his palm, he clenched his palm into a fist, and there was a different kind of excitement in his voice.

Chen Mo just listened quietly, didn't interrupt or ask questions, since it was decided by Qin Tianjian, even if there were objections, it couldn't be changed.

"The offensive of the demons is getting stronger and stronger. Qin Tianjian has no choice but to start such a plan. If a human emperor really appears, we will appear a real emperor and start a counterattack on Shenzhou." Chu Kuangge turned his head to look To the outside of the hall.

Chen Mo knew where he was looking, it was the sky, the sky outside Shenzhou, Qin Tianjian never gave up rushing out of the siege of the demon.

"People will die." Chen Mo grinned.

"The survival of Shenzhou depends on us. We have long put life and death aside. For the sake of more living, even if it is sacrifice, we will not hesitate." Chu Kuangge's eyes were burning.

Chen Mo was not surprised that Chu Kuangge said this, because that's what Chu Kuangge did. He took the lead in the battle of Sky and Sea, and it was Chu Kuangge who rushed to the front. He was a real warrior, a warrior who put life and death aside.

"It seems that this matter has something to do with me, no, it has something to do with all the younger generations." Chen Mo laughed.

"Brother Chu, just say whatever you want. Since I'm back, it means I agree." Chen Mo looked at Chu Kuangge, and Chen Mo probably knew why Chu Kuangge came. Whether it is due to true feelings or false intentions, Chu Kuangge will come over.

"Brother Gao Yi." Chu Kuangge cupped his fists.

"There was going to be a war, but the high-level officials decided to divert most of the luck of the Three Kingdoms to the juniors of the Three Kingdoms. For the rest of the time, the juniors of the Three Kingdoms need to plunder each other's luck."

"Of course, the addition of good luck is also a great opportunity. Comprehension ability, chance, luck, and speed of practice will all be greatly improved." Chu Kuangge told Chen Mo the Qin Tianjian plan.

Chen Mo understood as soon as he heard it, this is to press the great treasure on the younger generation and let them fight, so as to plunder the fortune of the country and give birth to the emperor of the dynasty.

"As far as Qin Tianjian's method is concerned, even if there is a loss, the weak will be eliminated, and stronger ones will be born in the battle. In reality, there is not much loss, but the work People want us to do it." Chen Mo pursed his lips, a pair of bright and clear Danfeng eyes flashed with an unexplainable meaning.

This method is undoubtedly very good, but I am afraid that some people will disagree. In terms of overall national strength, although Daqian is stronger than Dazhen and Dasheng, the two countries are not weak. If they really want to fight, the battle of the Three Kingdoms will continue Decades or even hundreds of years.

The final war of annihilation will even be postponed infinitely.

Looking at it now, Qin Tianjian wants to speed up this speed.


[World-class mission: Dagan Emperor]

[Rewards: Legendary method of suppressing evil spirits, three-turn exercise after autism,...]


[Each piece of Luck looted will get half of aura empowerment]

Chen Mo looked at the long list of data displayed on the property panel, and secretly suppressed his surprise. The temptation this time was simply irresistible.

This is just what is presented on the attribute panel, Qin Tianjian will definitely not be stingy, and the imperial court will not be stingy either.

"Are we just plundering luck?" Chen Mo was holding tea, and reflected on the amber tea was the head of an armored evil spirit, the ghost eyes on his forehead slowly opened, his face was very calm and even solemn, It's just that the smile on his face was so creepy.

"So, brother, you agree?" Chu Kuangge was overjoyed.

"Well, I agree. In the final analysis, as a citizen of Dagan and Lin Shanbo, I should contribute. After all, Dagan and I are both prosperous and hurt. Of course, I also need those luck to make a breakthrough. "Whether it's because of luck or something else, Chen Mo will agree.

What Chen Mo said is very true. Since this huge cake is going to be divided, Chen Mo wants to take a bite. This kind of huge opportunity is too rare.

(End of this chapter)

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