Reckless through another world

Chapter 566 Outsiders Can See More Clearly

Chapter 566 Outsiders Can See More Clearly

"This kid shouldn't be on the battlefield!" Elder Qin patted the table, rattling the table next to the chair, and could even clearly see several handprints on the wooden table.

The power transmission made the windows rustle, and even Laojun's seat was affected. The strange thing is that the teacup on Qin Lao's table did not move at all. Although the tea in the teacup rippled and rippled, the whole The teacup remained motionless.

"That child should set foot on the battlefield. That is his destiny, and it is also what he should do most. He is the best fighter. This is what the old man can tell at the first sight when he first contacts him. " Laojun shook his head calmly, Chen Xianzhi is the most suitable person for the battlefield, rather than being raised in Qin Tianjian.

Even if the combat power of the Great Sage level has been cultivated in captivity, without the baptism of blood and fire, without the baptism of killing, after all, it is a flower raised in a greenhouse, which will be destroyed by a sudden snowstorm in an instant, or even be destroyed by other people. The heavenly demon bewitched and rebelled.

"We don't need to interfere with his growth trajectory. We just need to ensure that he is alive. This world needs him to see and understand for himself. Otherwise, if he is provoked by the demon, there will be problems instead." Laojun said calmly, this It is also an agreement reached by all the great saints.

After all, Chen Mo is a foreign soul with Su Hui's soul. Since he has already formed a personality, it will be extremely difficult to change in the future. It is better to let Chen Xianzhi understand and investigate in person.On the contrary, deception will cause more serious consequences, and even cause rebellious psychology.

"We don't need to control him, but to lead him." Laojun looked towards the door.

"In case he dies." Elder Qin frowned
"If you don't die, we are all fighting back step by step. After all, are you really sure that you can research something from him?" As an outsider, Laojun is obviously more rational, even without Chen Mo's appearance , Don't they stop fighting demons?

Of course you have to fight, the survival of a world is a matter of life and death, how could you just give up so easily.

"..." Mr. Qin picked up the teacup and looked at the old man's face reflected in the teacup in front of him. Although he was old, he was still in good spirits.

"The survival of Shenzhou depends on us and on the tens of millions of people, but I dare not put it on a child. In less than three years, part of the demon will be drawn from the wild world." At that time, we will face more fierce attacks, and whether we can withstand them is the issue we should care about."

Wearing this white robe, Elder Qin walked out of Laojun's palace. As a researcher, he really wanted to study Chen Mo, but just as Laojun said, if even the demons couldn't stop him, what else would he use for research.

And the most important point is that Mr. Qin didn't grasp the secret of how to control many ghosts from Chen Mo. On the contrary, the alienated monsters researched by the current underworld have more potential.

The strength after beast transformation will increase greatly, and there will still be sanity remaining. Although these sanity will fade quickly, and the higher the cultivation level, the faster it will fade, but it is still a good research direction, as long as it can be solved. With a matter of sanity, a group of tyrannical monster legions can be created.

However, what Mr. Qin cares most about is not this technology, but the evil ghost test measures brought back by Yuange the first time. Although all of them are semi-finished products, if there is a finished product, it will definitely make a breakthrough in the experiment. .

At that time, Wuxiu will be transformed into a ghost, and by virtue of the immortality of evil spirits, he can completely fight against the demons. At that time, it is not certain who will eat whom.


In a large hall in the Qin Tianjian, several chief arresters in purple clothes sat on the side, and on the high seat were two arresting gods in black, with a little worry in the purple clothes, they frequently looked at the two chief arresters in the main seat. Catcher.

"The new purple-clothed chief arrester is a big boss!" one of the purple-clothed chief arresters said.

"Yeah, Daqian, although the tone of the Emperor's plan is basically set, but with the appearance of this person, wouldn't Dagan become even more powerful."

"Since the tone has already been set, I don't really have any objections."

"Me too, I don't have that kind of opinion on being able to guarantee our own personal interests, but I'm afraid that many young geniuses are not convinced. In this battle, even if it's acting, it's hard to guarantee that young people will be arrogant and fight for the top. "

"If you want to fight, let them fight."

Although it was just chatting, it was obvious that some of them were quietly observing the faces of other god catchers.

The Qin Tianjian itself is not monolithic. The most important part of the Qin Tianjian is the elder council composed of nineteen great saints. The various departments under it are originally from all over the world, and they are not even from the same country. , Dazhen, Dasheng, and some small countries and so on.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, even the Qin Tianjian is no exception. The large forces are resisting the demons outside the territory, and now their voices are much louder. People are strong.

With the fusion of evil spirits, one is stronger than the other, and the previous martial arts department has been gradually infiltrated and disintegrated by the God's Catcher.

Moreover, because of the rapid increase in the number of ghost guardians, even though the God Catchment Sect was the last to rise, it has now become the second giant in Qin Tianjian, and the rest of the military departments have abdicated one by one. The research department has a deep foundation, and it will be squeezed out by the gods.

Now the violent organization of the Qin Tianjian, apart from the troops that defend against the demons outside the territory, is the strongest of the gods, and every purple-clothed chief arrester is an existence that can guard a continent.

Don't think it's easy for Chen Mo to defeat them, that's because Chen Mo possesses this dominance, and the chief arrester in purple clothes still has the dominance of a continent, even if he encounters any powerful evil spirits, he can still suppress them.

"Congratulations brother." Chu Kuangge smiled and cupped his hands.

"It's a fluke." Chen Mo smiled back.

"Now that I think about it, I wanted you to guard Donglin half a year ago, but I didn't expect that you have already reached the chief arrester in purple clothes. Have you decided which continent to guard and experience?" Chu Kuangge said with a smile.

Although it is not mandatory to become the chief arrester in purple clothes, the only way to accumulate meritorious service is to go to Dazhou for experience. The rest of the ways are either difficult to walk, or many have not been opened.

"It's not too late. Didn't you say that you want to help plunder your luck? I'll take a look after this matter is over." Chen Mo shook his head. It would be a good idea to guard a continent, but Chen Mo didn't want to be confined to one It is more in line with his wish to call wherever he goes.

"That's right, the most urgent thing is to compete for luck. After three days, my dear brother, you will be sent to the god capital of Daqian to accept the addition of luck. Whether you succeed or not depends on yourself." Chu Kuangge patted Patting Chen Mo on the shoulder, the boy who used to be a boy, looking at it now, has already caught up.

Although he still looks like a young man, Chu Kuangge can no longer treat him as a young man.

(End of this chapter)

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