Chapter 567

There were quite a few people who wanted to visit Chen Mo in the past two days, but they were basically rejected by Lu Suyao. Although this would appear arrogant, Chen Mo himself was not a social person.

What's more, most of these people who came to visit him after he became Ziyi should have the idea that Chen Mo is young and would be easier to fool around. Of course, there are many people who really want to make friends with Chen Mo.

But whether it is true or false, it needs corresponding strength, otherwise the friendship between the two will not be on an equal footing.

Lu Suyao helped Chen Mo put on the robe of the chief arrester in purple, stood behind Chen Mo and took care of Chen Mo's hair, tied his long black hair with a hair crown, and tied it meticulously.

The robes of the chief arrester in purple clothes are mainly purple, with black fabric as the base, and golden gold thread stitching. The inside is cotton armor, and the outside is civil and military robes.

Wearing exquisite robes on his body, Chen Mo looked tall and burly.

"How is it?" Chen Mo turned around and asked calmly.

"The jade tree is facing the wind, you are cold and proud, and the people on Moshang are like jade, you are unparalleled in the world!" Lu Suyao looked at Chen Mo and said.

Of course, in her eyes, Chen Mo himself looked like this, with a face like a crown of jade, cold and arrogant, with a feeling of being unapproachable.With the growth of Chen Mo's cultivation base and the increase of evil spirits in his body, ordinary people would not come to Chen Mo's side at all.

Chen Mo himself is a haunted place. Although fear and coercion have less impact on ordinary martial artists, when Chen Mo looks at them, he still feels like being targeted by fierce ghosts. It is a kind of explosive fear , a trembling from the soul.

"Not bad!" Chen Mo walked out with a smile.

Chen Mo left God's catching gate one day earlier, riding a shuttle, this time he will not leave the shuttle again.

The purple shuttle flew across the sky and landed quickly like a shooting star.

"Look, there's a shooting star coming!" said a soldier pointing to the shooting shuttle in the sky.

"Could it be the Heavenly Demon coming?"

"Boom!" The shooting shuttle landed on the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground. While the dust was flying, a figure dragged the huge shooting shuttle out of the hole.

The young man put the shooting shuttle in his mustard bag. He was dressed in an exquisite purple robe and had a broken bronze knife pinned to his waist. What was more surprising was the young man's face, which was like a crown jade. It is the son and brother who does not touch his body in the scorching world.

"There is no one, where did I land?" Chen Mo looked around, and the sky had already darkened.

He should have been forced to descend to the barren mountain, otherwise, there would not be even a single figure. Moreover, there are few trees in this mountain, and most of them are sand.

Chen Mo didn't think much, and flew up directly. The true energy in his body circulated, and Chen Mo turned into a long rainbow and flew over the mountains.

"Hey, there is a house..." Chen Mo landed from the sky, looked at an inn in the barren mountains, Chen Mo walked up and knocked on the door.

"Is there a family?"

"Here we come!" A tactful female voice came from the inn, and with a creak, a pretty woman opened the door of the inn for Chen Mo. Although she was dressed in linen, she still couldn't hide the woman beauty of.

"This one!" The woman looked Chen Mo up and down. Chen Mo's face made her eyes shine, and the exquisite and simple and elegant robe revealed Chen Mo's extraordinaryness. A waist card, as well as the broken bronze knife, make people feel that this person is not easy to mess with.

"I'm a catcher. I passed by here and wanted to ask for directions." As the door opened, Chen Mo frowned slightly. He felt a ghostly aura from the room, although it disappeared when Chen Mo looked in. It disappeared without a trace, but it didn't prevent Chen Mo from feeling it.

"It turned out to be a poor man, come and have a glass of water first. Little girl Liu Ruhua, this is the border of Central Continent, I don't know where the poor man wants to go." Upon hearing Chen Mo's identity, Liu Ruhua breathed a sigh of relief , the adults in the family left, now she is afraid of encountering some robbers and villains, and Chen Mo's indifferent appearance, temperament and clothing, etc. all show that he has no shortage of women.

"Is the selection standard for the big cadres and poor masters so high now?" Liu Ruhua said to herself.

"So that's how it is." Chen Mo sat on the table beside him and looked at the decoration in the inn. It is simple and elegant. Although it is a bit rudimentary, it is better than clean. Moreover, the inn has a total of three floors, and even the stairs are kept spotless.

"Master, please drink tea." Liu Ruhua poured tea for Chen Mo.

"It's not safe to open an inn in the barren mountains and wild mountains. Where are the elders in your family?" The scarlet ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body looked at the woman carefully, and she was just a snake-level cultivation base, and there was nothing wrong with it. The difference, the only thing that Chen Mo cares about is that she also has a faint ghostly aura.

"The elders in the family went to the town to buy supplies, but they haven't come back yet." If it wasn't for Chen Mo's appearance and his perfect clothes, Liu Ruhua wouldn't have opened the door for Chen Mo, even if he opened the door, he would have been around some.

So women, like men, are visual creatures.

"Is there anything unusual here, such as something scary." Chen Mo asked.

"'s nothing." Liu Ruhua's eyes dodged a little, but she was still able to answer Chen Mo's question with a smile.

"Father, you're back." Liu Ruhua hurriedly greeted the hunchbacked old man when he walked in the door.

"Well, there are too many people in the market today, and it's a bit late to come back." The old man said and looked at Chen Mo. His daughter might not be able to see anything, but the old man clearly felt that the people in front of him were like an abyss, powerful Coercion, this is specifically aimed at martial arts.

"Heavenly man?!" The old man's shocked look flashed across, and after noticing the token on Chen Mo's waist, he hurriedly saluted, "I've seen the god catcher."

"You know me?" Chen Mo was a little surprised, his eyes showed interest. Although this old man is a congenital early stage, he shouldn't have come into contact with the chief arrester in purple.

"There is a catch word on your token, so the old man ventured to guess that it is the kind of god catcher that has risen recently to deal with weird things." The old man said.

"Yes, I am indeed. There is a ghost in your family. I wonder if you can explain it to me, old man?" Chen Mo stood up slowly. Most of the ghosts will inevitably die, and the longer they drag on, the more dangerous their lives will be.

"Let's not hide from the chief arrester, in fact..."

"Bang!" The door of the inn was smashed open, and a group of shouting men rushed in, the leader of whom was wearing a blindfold and carrying a ring-shouldered knife.

"I didn't expect there to be an inn here, haha, brothers, let's celebrate here!"


"Brother wise, we plundered the cattle-herding village this time, and we even came across an inn on the way."

Several torches were lit outside, brightly enveloping the surrounding area.

Chen Mo frowned slightly. What annoyed him the most was that he was interrupted when he was doing his business, and at the critical moment when the old man was about to speak, those ignorant things outside dared to walk in swaggeringly.

"The smell of blood, it seems that this group of people killed someone recently!" Chen Mo sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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