Reckless through another world

Chapter 568 According to the law of Dagan

Chapter 568 According to the law of Dagan

"Bring out all the good wine and good meat, and let the old men feel comfortable, and I will spare your lives."

The leader, One Eye, kicked open the door, carrying a tied woman on his shoulders, and walked in while yelling.

More than a dozen people occupied the entire inn. They sat down at four tables before they sat down. They placed the looted women on the tables or on the ground. Some gangsters were already disheveled and even He put his hands into the women's clothes and rubbed them, most of them were disheveled and their eyes were loose.

"Are you deaf? Hurry up and serve wine and food to the elders!" A small man stood up and frowned.

"Damn it, I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful lady in such a ghostly place." The big man next to One Eye saw Liu Ruhua standing behind the old man Liu at a glance.

The old man Liu said with a smile, "This is objective, please raise your hand."

"The uncle is looking at your daughter to give you face, don't be shameless." The big man stared, wanting to catch Liu Ruhua arbitrarily.

Chen Mo looked at this group of people, and at the same time, this group of people was also looking at Chen Mo. Now this guy in his early years just wanted to test the waters.

"According to the laws of Dagan, what crime should a person who rapes, plunders, or kidnaps a woman be?" Chen Mo turned around with an obvious look of disgust on his face. What he despises most is this kind of person who adapts to the dark.

In the darkness of the general environment, it is because of the general trend to obey, but because of one's own depravity, to make mistakes, to kill, to burn, kill and loot, this is a crime.

A crime is a mistake, a serious mistake that needs to be corrected!
What Chen Mo looks up to most is this kind of criminals, because they don't know restraint and self-discipline. Their freedom is based on the pain of others, which is wrong freedom and indulgence.

"According to Daqian's experience, all those who rape and plunder will be punished by beheading, and those who kidnap women will be punished by beheading at the waist!" Old man Liu was determined. Don't look at that one-eyed dragon as a congenital peak, he will be beheaded by this poor man in a flash.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

"This kid has thin skin and tender flesh, and looks prettier than ordinary girls. I..."

Chen Mo's eyes froze, and the terror of the evil spirit passed over. The head of the person who spoke suddenly exploded, spraying blood all over the surrounding robbers. They were shocked by this method, and some even He peed his pants in fright, and looked at Chen Mo with a pale face.

There was no sound for a while.


All the robbers stood up.

The leader, One Eye, took off his blindfold, and said flatteringly, "Oh, it turns out that it's a poor man. This poor man, we are actually doing things for the government."

As he said that, the leading man took out a waist card and handed it to Chen Mo.

All of them could tell that this person couldn't be provoked at all, with a look that directly shot his head, he was not born with talent, he must be a master above the heavens.

The man pretending to be one-eyed caught a glimpse of the word-catching token on Chen Mo's waist, and hurriedly handed over his own token.

Chen Mo took the token, looking at the pattern of "Jianghe Mansion" on it, it was indeed the token of the government, but what made everyone panic was that Chen Mo squeezed the token into a lump of iron lumps with his bare hands.

"If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be higher. Since you are a member of the government, do you know how to follow the laws and regulations? What are the consequences for people in the government who violate this law?" Chen Mo's voice is majestic, and the murderous intent in Danfeng's eyes is wanton. He despises this kind of darkness. This kind of darkness is the shallowest and crudest darkness, the darkness that floats on the surface, and is the excuse of the cowardly.

It is the self-indulgence of the cowardly, not the so-called dark law.

"Ling...Ling Chi." Under Chen Mo's gaze, his body trembled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He felt as if he was being watched by something terrifying. will die.

"Then be punished!" Chen Mo said lightly, without further words, wicked people deserve to die, murderers should be killed forever, wrong is wrong, don't expect to be able to suppress Chen Mo by bringing him out of the government. accept punishment.

To kill and pay for life, to pay off debts, is justified!

"Lord Chiyan, what to do, you know!" Chen Mo waved his hand, Lord Chiyan walked out of Chen Mo's body, a pair of scarlet eyes emerged from the evil ghost's armor, and everyone looked at the powerful evil ghost. Able to tremble, unable even to escape.

"Don't dirty the inn, get out and kill!" Chen Mo sat calmly on the seat, and picked up the tea in the bowl.

Hearing Chen Mo's order, Lord Chiyan took all the robbers out, leaving the old man Liu, his daughter, and a group of women who were taken captive.





The shrill screams sounded outside the inn, some were beheaded, some were cut in half, and some were maimed by Lord Chi Yan, wave after wave resounded, and all the beasts in the forest trembled.

A flock of vultures and crows flew over, quacking, and perched on the treetops, waiting for a feast.

Although the evil ghost can't speak, it is extremely intelligent and perfectly executes Chen Mo's ideas one by one.

"Now it's time to talk about our affairs." Chen Mo smiled kindly and looked at old man Liu.

It's just that this smile looks so weird to Old Man Liu, even frightening. It's not because of Chen Mo's murderous nature, but because of the thing that Chen Mo summoned that crawled out of his body. people fear.

"Poor...Master." Old man Liu's voice trembled.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass good people. Even if you have some shady treasures, I don't want to ask for them. It's just that if you hold such things, you may harm others and yourself, do you understand?" Chen Mo said calmly.

"Understood, I understand, sir, please go upstairs with the little old man."

"Xiao Hua, take care of these women."

Chen Mo followed Old Man Liu up the stairs to the third floor, where the cubicle was locked.

After opening the compartment, Chen Mo finally understood why there was a ghostly aura. There was actually a ghost baby imprisoned here, locked in a cage, with a pale complexion, a mouth showing a mouthful of tiny fangs, and a pair of scarlet eyes. Revealed strange.

"Grandpa, this child was picked up by a little old man, and he was pitifully picked up from the road, but after he was picked up, the family's cattle and sheep died one after another, and even a horse they raised died. "

"It was dark that day, and the little old man heard the dog barking, and thought that some villain had come in. Who would have thought that the child was eating the hen, with a mouth full of blood, so he was locked up."

Old man Liu hurriedly explained that according to the Dagan law, abducting a child would result in beheading. The dozen or so gangsters outside had already taught him a lesson, and now he can only pray that Chen Mo can see something, not embarrass them.

"Very good. I didn't expect that this ghost baby would rather eat livestock than harm you. It seems that you have been selected by the ghost baby to become a ghost emissary." Chen Mo nodded slightly. With the characteristics of destruction, coupled with his growth speed, he will soon be innately no longer his opponent.

"Ghost Messenger?"

"That's right, I'm the Ghost Commander. The armored man you saw just now is a ghost, and this thing is also a ghost." Chen Mo pointed to the ghost baby in the cage. The cage is just made of ordinary iron, but the lock It is a small piece of star gold, which can suppress the ghost baby.

(End of this chapter)

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