Chapter 572
There is a different scene between a galloping horse and flying into the sky. The dragon horse does not set foot on the ground at all, and all four feet are a certain distance from the ground. It looks like it is running wildly, but it is actually flying through the air.

The surrounding scenery quickly reversed.

Huge altars of mirror flowers and water moons were raised in the city of gods, which were more magnificent than the battles for the capture of gods in the past. Crystal screens appeared above the raised altars, showing the scene of the current battlefield.

The gathered warriors are boundless, and the number of outstanding ones is unknown, one from each of the eight sects.

Thirteen top-tier seats, [-] first-class seats, and [-]... are lined up in sequence. This time, thousands of people will be selected from tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. People bear the fate of the country and go out to fight.

The top seat had already been climbed up, but then pulled down.

"The road to my invincibility, do my part!" When Chen Mo came to the battlefield, he stood up abruptly, turned into a streamer and went straight to the highest seat, ignoring others at all. Since he wanted everyone to have a showdown, Chen Mo would not Mind one against ten thousand.

The rest of the quacks are still fighting.

"Damn it, who is that person who doesn't pay attention to us at all and wants to fly up?!" The quacks on the ground also saw Chen Mo leaping over them. They didn't see Chen Mo's appearance clearly, they only saw a Ziguang rushed over.

"Drag him down!"

"Where to go!"

"Come down for me!"


The crowd was furious, and the people who were fighting stopped, and they all rushed towards Chen Mo. Suddenly, tens of thousands of rays of light shot up into the sky, turning into streamers, trying to shoot down Chen Mo.

"It's him!"

"It's Yan Wang Chen Xianzhi!"

"Hey, it's him!"

Looking forward, it gave a huge close-up of Chen Mo's face. The people in Shendu can still recognize Chen Mo's appearance, although Chen Mo has become more mature.

"Chen Xianzhi, it's Chen Xianzhi, I didn't expect to see Yan Wang Chen Xianzhi again!" Fei Yiduo suddenly stood up from the commentary platform in the sky, his face full of excitement.

"Back then I commented on an unprecedented match. I don't know if our King of Hades, Chen Xianzhi, can create another miracle now. Oh, no, he is already creating miracles. He has actually been promoted to the chief arrester in purple."

"Throughout my commentary career, I would also like to call you the strongest genius I have ever seen!"


Fei Yi was hoarse. He thought that Chen Mo would not be involved this time, but he did not expect to enter at this moment. This is something that no one thought of, and even if he cut in, Chen Mo's choice was not good.

What he has to fight now is not a group of people, but thousands of people.

"He's here!"

"Is that him?"

"It's too crazy. He dared to attack the strongest seat at this time. He is looking for death. Even if he is the chief arrester in Ziyi, he will be piled up to death by the sea of ​​people!"

"In the battlefield, to cut the luck of others and to achieve oneself, I shall have this battle with you!" Standing proudly in the sky, Chen Mo looked very calm and even smiled as he watched the streamers rushing towards him.

The ghost energy in his body gushed out, and Chen Mo's purple robe was picked up by Chen Mo with a clatter, and then Chen Mo calmly sat on the first of the thirteen highest chairs, like a person sitting on a cloud and looking down. The supreme king of all beings.

"Wow! Is he Chen Xianzhi?"

"Sure enough, he is a dragon and a phoenix among men, with unparalleled wealth!"

"The Unrivaled World of this generation may belong to him."

"How is it possible, what kind of cultivation is he, the peak of heaven and man, who is the direct descendant of the eight major sects present, which one is lower than the first rank?"

"That's right, although Chen Xianzhi has a chance to be one of the thirteen top positions, but now he has one against ten thousand, I think that's the end of it!"


Ghost energy gushed out, and evil ghosts appeared one by one behind Chen Mo. Five evil ghosts guarded Chen Mo's side. The powerful fear pressure was released ferociously today, like a beast out of a cage, and like a gate opened The flood, pouring out, submerged the surrounding area for thousands of miles.

"What is that?!" The flying light stopped in the sky, and they looked at the five powerful evil spirits behind Chen Mo in horror.

The evil ghost also looked at them at this time, the scarlet ghost's eyes did not contain any emotion, and the sky-high coercion poured out at will.

"Oh my god, Chen Xianzhi actually summoned five evil spirits!"

"My mother, what kind of monster is this mother!"

"Monster, it's really a monster!"


"It's unbelievable that Chen Xianzhi summoned five powerful evil spirits. I thought Chen Mo would continue to push the myth, but the shock to me now is no less than that of Chen Xianzhi himself!" Fei Yiduo stared dumbfounded. Looking at the five evil spirits behind Chen Mo.

Compared to the public and the contenders gathered in the battlefield, many officials in the imperial court were also stunned to watch Chen Mo's operation. As for the emperor and the high-ranking ministers, there was no surprise.

They had already received the news, and although they had received the news, anyone could see their shock.

Qi-nourishing skills are not generally strong, and it is still revealed from the face.They have never seen a multi-ghost driver at all, and they have never even heard of it.It was shocking enough when they knew the situation at the time. Looking at it now, they always felt that they would not be too gaffe, but the fact still shocked them.

"It seems that even though Chen Xianzhi is only a peak of heaven and man, he should be a seat in the thirteen seats." The general Jiang Qi said with a sigh, watching the golden luck gather and pour in, Chen Mo's position seemed to gradually start to stabilize up.

"Difficult, how can he show his sharpness, you must know that he is too sharp, even if he comes out with five ghosts, he is not the opponent of those people." Prime Minister Zuo shook his head slightly, he also appreciates Chen Mo's strength, but Chen Mo is too sharp, this is not good.

"All lovers, wait and see!" Da Qiansheng nodded slightly, looking at the huge water mirror in the court hall.

"Strike!" Chen Mo raised his hand slowly, and the five evil spirits behind him all flew out, turning into five black streamers that instantly covered the sky above Chen Mo's head.

The bodies of all the ghosts were unlocked, and the supply of ghost energy in Chen Mo's body was very sufficient. For a while, the sky and Chen Mo's feet were rendered like the territory of a demon god.


The five evil spirits were like black shooting stars, and they swept the crowd into chaos in an instant, like tigers entering a herd of sheep. Among them, those who were not in a good mood were frightened and fled the battlefield screaming.

And Chen Mo was sitting on the high platform, a trace of golden luck enveloped Chen Mo's head, forming a small golden cloud.

Each of the evil spirits can stand alone. Chen Mo has once again increased their strength. The three-eyed Yan Luo is about to break through five-star, and the remaining four big ghosts have all reached the level of four-star tyranny. One turn is not to be underestimated.

To put it bluntly, these are the five masters who are more powerful than the first rank, and they are still immortal. Even if the leader of the three-eyed Yan Luo merges with Chen Mo, even the masters of the second rank can fight.

(End of this chapter)

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