Chapter 573
The sky became gloomy, because of the ghost energy released by the five big ghosts and Chen Mo, the sky above Chen Mo's head was completely dark, as if it had been filled with lead, it was gloomy and terrifying, quite a kind of black cloud The sense of oppression that crushes the city.

Chen Mo's evil spirit is too strong, and it has already defeated the first layer of defense in an instant. The tyrannical evil spirit spread across the battlefield, and the strong wind caused the rags on the six-armed warrior to flutter. The reversed face is not compassion But evil spirits.

The ghost eyes of the three-eyed Yama flickered, and most of the martial artists who were close to him were controlled by the three-eyed Yama, and a group of people were eliminated in an instant.

In contrast, Lord Chiyan's style is more fierce. He rampages along the way, like a heavenly fire descending into the world, piercing through the clouds of Zhou Zao. Burn out.

There was a strong smell of blood and burning in the air.

"Evil ghost, ghost!"

Wuxiu, who plunged headlong into the ghostly aura, met Jedi Saber Lord, a female general with a strange face holding a broken knife, and laying in front of everyone, black shadows walked towards them from the darkness, this kind of silent The horror is better than that kind of tyrannical battle.

The Lord of the Northern Dark casts a black crystal shield wall, turning everyone's sight and sending them to where they should go.

Although the five evil spirits fought independently, they cooperated exquisitely.

"It's unbelievable that Chen Xianzhi can summon five evil spirits, but all the ghost emissaries can only summon one evil spirit, but now I finally know why Chen Xianzhi is so strong, because he is a master of many ghosts." Fei Yiduo didn't know what was going on in the dark because he couldn't see through.

The ghost aura is too strong, and it covers the area where Chen Mo is located. If you want to go there, you must pass through this area, and if you want to cross, you will definitely encounter evil spirits. one strike.

The current ghost aura is as if they really met this kind of evil ghost, and they didn't meet a ghost guard at all.

The current area has been completely turned into a haunted house by Chen Mo, and these martial artists are people who enter the haunted house to explore, but what they encounter is not the evil ghost pretended by the staff, but the real evil ghost, the most real Evil ghosts are also the scariest evil ghosts.

There are quite a few ghost stewards among them, but there are too few ghost stewards who can effectively block the five big ghosts. If it weren't for Chen Mo's control to prevent the evil ghosts from killing people, the blood would be flowing like a river.

Wuxiu was thrown out one by one, and some of them escaped howling. Their siege by tens of thousands of people was a joke in Chen Mo's eyes, and Chen Mo broke through just such a face-to-face meeting.

"Damn, this is too cowardly, so many people, how could they be scared like a bear?"

"That's not what you said. We were terrified when we looked outside, not to mention the martial arts inside. Most of them have been divided. Now we can't meet Chen Xianzhi at all. All we meet are ghosts."

"Chen Xianzhi is really powerful. He was able to invent this kind of fighting style. Wouldn't the whole army be wiped out?"

"Not necessarily, the proud son of the eight major sects hasn't made a move yet."


"Brother, do we want to make a move?"

"Don't be in a hurry, let's see the situation first. Chen Xianzhi uses his ghost energy like this, and his ghost energy will soon be exhausted. He will be self-defeating without our help!"

"That's right, Chen Xianzhi is too trusting. If he can't bear it, he might be able to win the top spot."

"Hold it, it's not Chen Xianzhi's temperament, or he won't fight, and if he wants to fight, he will be the first to fight!" Among them, someone who knew Chen Xianzhi deeply said.

Although the consumption of ghost energy is indeed very fast, the ghost energy provided to Chen Mo by the five four-star-strength evil spirits is too large, and the most important thing is that this area is gradually covered by the ghost domain, and the ghost energy consumed The air is actually dropping rapidly.

It won't be long before the ghost domain erodes the area, and Chen Mo will become invincible in the area.

Sitting on the seat, Chen Mo's body was gradually covered by black ghost Kai. Scarlet ghost eyes opened from the gap in his ghost armor, and a scarlet vertical eye opened in the middle of the ghost horn on his forehead. It was very strange, like a devil waiting for a challenge from a brave man.

Because of the three-eyed Yama, Chen Mo was able to monitor the entire ghost domain. As long as different corridors were built in it, and the shield wall was shaped with the Lord of the North, no one would be able to get out of this maze and reach Chen Mo's place. before.

"Damn it, it's a good hegemony battle, and it has become a one-man show of Chen Xian. I really don't believe that he can trap everyone!" One of the watching geniuses rushed in.

Looking at Chen Xianzhi who was sitting upright in the water mirror with a calm face, he wished so much that that person was himself, and he could sit upright wherever he could, as long as he waved his finger and pointed at the mountains and rivers, so he felt that Chen Mo was just a demon who relied on the strength of the evil spirit The rats.

But as everyone knows, Chen Mo's evil spirits were all taken in by him one by one at a huge risk, and his jealousy made him completely unrecognizable.

In less than half an hour, a number of martial arts practitioners were sent out. Among them were many ghost emissaries and many praised geniuses, but it was not enough to break through Chen Mo's defense.

Of course, if they are defeated, their luck will be partly drawn by Chen Mo, and all the defeated people will be taken away by the guards placed around them. A generation of masters are sitting on the sidelines, ensuring that so many people will not be injured or killed.

After all, it is an internal battle, and it is better to be able to guarantee immortality or immortality, otherwise, the entire younger generation of Daqian might have a fault.

Therefore, more measures are needed. As for why the participation of the younger generation is needed, many people are clear about this matter, but the top management seems to be tacitly aware of it.

"I thought that some amazing and talented people would appear this time, but I didn't expect that you didn't even have the ability to walk in front of me. It seems that I should take back the words that I want to fight you, because you can't even walk in front of me. I didn't even get the qualifications to fight!"

Chen Mo shook his head slightly, his eyes were mixed with disappointment, but at the same time, his eyes were also looking at the people outside the ghost domain, half of the martial arts there hadn't done anything, they were the real food.

The soaring power of more than a dozen of them made Chen Mo look sideways.

Fei Yiduo looked at Chen Mo's calm speech in shock, and then he showed enthusiasm on his face, and shouted, "This is the King of Hades, he is like a demon king, waiting for the challenge of the brave."

"Today, is it the brave who kills the demon king and achieves the top spot, or the demon king suppresses all the brave men and achieves the road to the strongest!"

I have to say that Fei Yi is worthy of being a well-known commentator for many years. At this moment, the faces of all the martial artists have changed. They are of the same level as Chen Mo, and now they are said to be inferior, which is simply unbearable. unbearable!

"I come!"

"And I!"

"Rush in, capture and kill Chen Xianzhi!"

 It seems that Lingshan has a cold and a fever, and it is very uncomfortable, but it is still sealed in the third watch, please subscribe and ask for support, the recent additions are crazy, it is hard to say, oh, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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