Reckless through another world

Chapter 574 Chapter 3

Chapter 574 Third
"Chen Xianzhi, luck has come!"

Whether they admit it or not, Chen Mo's life has become a mountain that they can't look over, pressing on the head of the younger generation, even the disciples of the eight major sects have to avoid his edge and make him stand out.

"Establish the ghost domain!" Chen Mo raised his hand slightly, his voice was very indifferent. Once the ghost domain is opened, the suppression of these martial arts will be even greater.

In the water mirror, Chen Mo's face was pulled very close, but they couldn't see Chen Mo's appearance clearly, because now Chen Mo was covered by black ghost armor.

The black ghost horns meandered to the back of the head, and a strange vertical eye opened on Chen Mo's forehead, as if it was alive, it started to move slightly, looking at the people looking at it.

"Hey, it looks so scary, I always feel like I'm being watched by something scary."

"I feel the same way."

The people who looked at Chen Mo's forehead turned their heads hastily.

Chen Mo's purple robes are perfectly integrated with the ghost armor, making him look even more majestic. Just like what Fei Yiduo said, Chen Mo is now like a demon king sitting on the throne, waiting for the challenge of the brave.

"Let's work together, rush over!" A young ghost slayer, the evil ghost behind him emerged, and his body turned into a ghost, turning into a black streamer trying to penetrate the ghost domain.

"it is good!"


"Eldest brother, let's do it?" The people from Tianshi Mansion looked at Zhang Changsheng beside him and said.

"Since Chen Xianzhi wants to meet us for a while, then let him do it!" Zhang Changsheng had an indifferent smile on his face.

"Golden Light Curse!" The golden light has covered Zhang Changsheng's body with the spell. Although Zhang Changsheng did not reveal the evil spirit, Chen Mo still felt the fear and coercion of the evil spirit from his body.

This kind of fear and coercion seems to be very similar to the celestial master ghost, but today the celestial master ghost should still be on the body of the old angel, and should not appear on Zhang Changsheng's body.

"Isn't it a celestial master ghost?" Chen Mo turned his head to look, since he possessed fear and coercion, he must be a ghost emissary. Otherwise, unless he turned himself into a ghost like Lao Hei, how could he There is a coercion of fear.

"Whether it is or not, there will be a fight after all! I will wait for you." Chen Mo just sat quietly on the seat and did not get up. Points one after another light up from Chen Mo's body.

These are all ghost eyes, the ghost eyes of Yan Luo with three eyes, and now Yan Luo in armor is full of ghost eyes, which can control ordinary martial arts.

"Chen Xianzhi, receive a certain punch!"


A cyan light tore through the black sky above Chen Mo's head, turned into a stream of light and went straight to Chen Mo's face. The fist seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting closer and closer to Chen Mo's face.

"Good job!" Chen Mo yelled, and swung his armored right fist, causing ripples in the space.


A powerful collision sounded between the two fists.

"Tch!!!" A large amount of black steam spewed out from the gaps in Chen Mo's ghost armor, which was the result of maximizing the true energy and ghost energy.

The impact of the explosion wiped out the surrounding black clouds, and the sun's rays broke through the clouds again to shine down.

"The little Daoist of the Supreme Dao Sect."

And the one who was fighting Chen Mo was not the little celestial master of the Tianshi Mansion, but the Xiaodaozi of the Taishang Daozong, that is, the young man with a bright smile on his face all the time. Even at this moment, Xiaodaozi's There is still a bright smile on his face.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, but such shock was only for a moment.

"What's next!" Xiao Daozi laughed, his fists had turned into afterimages.

"Okay!" Chen Mo stood up abruptly, and a pair of armored iron fists also turned into afterimages, and even the figures of the two people had already turned into afterimages. He already knew that the Taishang Daozong was famous for his fists, and now he saw it. .

Xiao Daozi's casserole-sized fists had been hidden in his sleeves before, and not many people could see him throwing punches. Now Chen Mo has fully felt the anti-fan's boxing skills, which are more powerful than his sword skills.

Although Chen Mo himself is also a master of boxing, but when he met this kind of person who majored in boxing, he was indeed overwhelmed by the opponent. If it wasn't for the blessing of the ghost armor that Chen Mo was wearing now, and his powerful physical body, he would not be able to compete with Xiao Daozi at all. Fist.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fist and fist hit each other, fist to flesh, Xiaodaozi's iron fist fell on Chen Mo's body like a storm, Chen Mo had no choice but to support the shield wall on the landing point of his fist.


"Very strong, this is the move you used to defeat Zhong Jian!" Xiao Daozi distanced himself from Chen Mo, and there was no damage to the Taoist robe on his body. Although there was a little blood at the corner of his mouth, compared to Xiao Daozi, Chen Mo's injury was even more serious.

"You are also very strong. My kung fu is not as good as yours." Chen Mo nodded, and then shook his head. He majored in Dao of the sword. Although a pair of iron fists are also very powerful, but against such a professional fist master, Chen Mo Not his opponent.

Of course, it's just that he is not his opponent in terms of boxing skills. When it comes to comprehensive power, Chen Mo will definitely beat him.

"Hey, you are the first person who dares to take so many punches and still stand. It's not a fight to the death. It's okay to let you be the first. Anyway, I don't like the number one position." Xiao Daozi With a bright smile on his face, he walked over, walked to the third seat, and sat on it safely.

Zhang Changsheng did not participate in the battle between Xiaodaozi and Chen Mo, he didn't want to bully the few with more, it would insult his reputation of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, as well as his pride.

"He who is known as Xiao Daozi actually sat in the third seat. It seems that Xiao Daozi has recognized Chen Xianzhi's strength, but I don't know who will get the second seat now." Chen Mo and Xiao Daozi just now Fei Yiduo didn't understand at all, but since Xiaodaozi retreated, Chen Mo won.

"If we fight, he and I should be four to six, I am six, and he is four." Chen Mo glanced at the young man sitting in the third place with a bright smile on his face. He had already hidden his fists again. In the Taoist robe, he took the fruit on the side and ate it.

"In life and death fights, I have a greater chance of winning!" These people are indeed geniuses, and their talents are stronger than Chen Mo, but Chen Mo is a master of many ghosts. Daozi's fist is not a big deal.

At the same time, Chen Mo's attack power is strong. He can carry the opponent's attack and counterattack. If the opponent hits him ten times, Chen Mo only needs to hit the opponent once.

"He has become stronger!" Bai Zhanye is also a genius among the younger generation, but unfortunately he does not dare to expect the highest thirteen seats

"I didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to be so strong. It seems that this time is really interesting."

"I wonder if this new Ziyi can stop me!" Another young Ziyi said with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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