Reckless through another world

Chapter 575 The Dust Falls

Chapter 575 The Dust Falls

"Let me do it!" I couldn't tell who was shouting, a black spear had already gone straight to Chen Mo's face.

After the dark spear flickered, it appeared in front of Chen Mo.


The black spear was only an inch away from the vertical eye on Chen Mo's forehead, but it was difficult to take a step forward.

"Crash hum!" Hei Spear was pushed back by Chen Mo.

"I come!"


There are more and more geniuses who can break through the defense of the five ghosts, but there are still very few who can walk in front of Chen Mo like Xiaodaozi.

"I didn't expect Chen Xianzhi to become a combat power detector. If you can't walk in front of Chen Xianzhi, you are not qualified to sit in the top thirteen seats." Fei Yiduo shook his head slightly, as if with a little helplessness.

No one thought that a big melee would turn into Chen Mo's personal show. It was really unexpected. After all, no one thought that Chen Mo was the master of many ghosts, and no one thought that Chen Mo could divide the battlefield.

Even if Chen Mo were to end, those five powerful and terrifying evil spirits would be enough to wipe out the martial artists.

After all, Chen Mo's evil spirits could suppress Tingzhu-level chief arresters at three-star strength, and now they have all reached four-star levels. Unless it is a turn, if you want to get in front of Chen Mo, you need excellent evil spirits, as well as powerful ability to control ghosts.

However, after this battle, everyone understands one thing, that is, Chen Mo's cultivation may not be the highest, but his ability to control ghosts is definitely the strongest among the young generation, not to mention his evil spirit. Ghosts are also so scary by him.

"It's still worse. If the three-eyed Yan Luo is promoted to five-star, he should be able to suppress the second rank." Chen Mo thought, but if the three-eyed Yan Luo is promoted, his strength must not stay at the level of heaven and man, and he must enter the first rank. Now that he is at the peak of heaven and man, it is time for him to be promoted.

"The catastrophe of the first round should be coming soon." Chen Mo grinned, his catastrophe of the first round is probably coming soon, because he has already felt more and more oppressive, which is the urging of heaven to him .

This time the battlefield is definitely not his catastrophe, because even if Chen Mo fails, his life will not be in danger, and the real earth immortal catastrophe will definitely be life-threatening, just like the demon at the peak of heaven and man he once encountered. Elder door.

The elder of the magic sect actually recited the idea to meet a monster like Chen Mo, so it can only be said that Tiandao loves him too much.

"Gui Yuanzong's elder brother is seated."

"Sister Shenxiufang is also seated."

"Hey, the little monk from Leiyin Zen Sect sat on the seat without even fighting."

"That's not true, that little monk is one who seldom makes shots, but he is still terrifyingly strong."

"Who is that?"

"It seems to be the elder sister of Baihua Valley."

"Isn't that the Sword Immortal of Chunyang Sword Sect? If he isn't fighting Chen Xianzhi, who is he fighting?"

"You don't know that, the one who is fighting against him is the young pillar of Shushan, and the grievances between his two families can't be finished for two days and two nights." The martial artists who watched were amazed.

The second of the eight peerless sects, and also belong to the Sword Immortal sect, although one practices Dharma Sword and the other cultivates Physical Sword, but both are Sword Immortals after all, no matter whether there are so many grievances or not, the two Everyone will fight.

What's more, so many things have happened, and there are countless grievances and grievances.

"Little Celestial Master wants to teach you?" Chen Mo looked at Zhang Changsheng who was not far away from him.

"I don't dare to teach you. If Brother Chen wants to be the leader, he still has to join hands with the poor Taoist." Zhang Changsheng was dressed in linen, with a yellow Taoist robe and a yellow Taoist crown on the outside. It's not very elegant or gorgeous, but it's better than simplicity and atmosphere.

"Then please!" Chen Mo held the bronze broken knife in his hand, almost overturned the car just now, Chen Mo has put away his proud thoughts, he is really powerful, but since Xiao Daozi fell to the third seat , which means that Zhang Changsheng must be stronger than Xiaodaozi.

Of course, it is also possible that Xiao Daozi is modest and low-key.


Purple true energy gushed out from Zhang Changsheng's body, and the clouds in the sky also flashed and thundered. A bowl-thick lightning struck down and turned into a thunder dragon roaring, rushing towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took a step forward, and swung half of the broken bronze knife in his hand at the same time. The black knife energy formed a huge page, and the majestic black knife light poured down like a wild waterfall, rushing towards the increasingly powerful purple thunder. dragon.



The light of the knife flashed, and Thunder Dragon's head was chopped off by the light of the broken knife.


A loud bang in the sky!
Countless thunderstorms spread rapidly with Zhang Changsheng as the axis, and a thunder field was formed in an instant.

"That's right, I have already practiced Lei Fa to this point. It seems that Zhang Changsheng is about to step into the second round." Xiao Daozi smiled brightly. He seemed to never know what sorrow is, and he always carried a bright smile.

"What does he want to do, just rush in?" Gui Yuanzong's elder brother asked the young monk beside him with his bronze box on his back.

"Amitabha, Master Chen's body is stronger than ours. Naturally, he has to rush in. Only in close combat can he have a chance." The little monk Foyin was dressed in a white monk robe, with red lips and white teeth, and a little red on his forehead. is a special inscription.

The gentle temperament does not match his appearance. Instead, he doesn't look so gentle, but has an evil nature, but his temperament seems to suppress such a face.


As the little monk Foyin said, Chen Mo rushed forward decisively.

Regardless of whether it was Thunder Dragon or Thunder Thunder, Chen Mo slashed as much as he could, and carried as much as he could carry. With his rough skin and thick flesh, he rushed to Zhang Changsheng.

"Accepted!" Chen Mo cupped his hands, he was more resistant to beating after all, Zhang Changsheng was a sorcerer, after being meleeed by Chen Mo, he was like a dumb man who couldn't tell what he was suffering from.

Relying on his tyrannical physique, Chen Mo rampaged in his Thunder Domain.

"Brother Chen's physical body is really extraordinary." Zhang Changsheng shook his head slightly, although he kept his hand, but Chen Mo also kept his hand, not to mention his five evil spirits are still outside.If he fought alone, Zhang Changsheng really felt great pressure.

Chen Mo sat on the first seat again, facing one challenge after another.

The final roster finally came out, the top three were Chen Xianzhi, Zhang Changsheng, and Xiao Daozi
And the fourth person is a newly trained person from the Zhenyi Division. He has no name but the code name "Qinglong", that is, the young man with a white jade body, while Foyin is ranked fifth, Guiyuanzong is sixth, and Chunyang and Shushan are tied for the first place. Seventh, Shenxiu Square ninth, Baihua Valley tenth.

No.11 Chen Mo didn't know him. He was dressed in black and even wore a mask, looking mysterious.

No.12 is a disciple of the aristocratic family. When Chen Mo looked over, he nodded slightly and waved the folding fan in his hand.

No.13 is another young Ziyi from the God Catchment Gate, Chen Mo doesn't know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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