Chapter 576

The competition lasted for three days, except for the highest thirteen seats, although the rest of the seats have changed, they have not changed much.

Whether it is by strength or by luck, they have already left this position.

"Congratulations to all young talents, you will go to the battle instead of Dagan." The voice of Dagan Sheng sounded, majestic and penetrating. He stood on the high platform, wearing a red imperial robe, and the thirteen-beaded crown remained motionless.

"Today, you will carry the national destiny of Dagan, and the road to Dagan in the future will be handed over to you!" Dagan Shengshang said loudly.

"People of Daqian, raise your right hand, and lend your strength to me, through these young warriors." As he said, His Majesty Daqian also raised his arm, showing his wrist.

The important officials following Emperor Renzhi raised their right hands.

Golden mist gushes out of their bodies, which is the manifestation of the national destiny. They are in high positions, and they have been able to mobilize the power of the national destiny, and can change the national destiny into their own abilities and their own means.

Why there is a high-ranking official who can dismiss thousands of people with a single word is precisely because of the great fortune of the country.

"Lend me your strength."

The people watching the water mirror raised their right hands one by one, and the golden mist poured into the Shendu from the Nineteen Continents in Dagan, and the golden light turned the sky into gold.

"Mother, I heard His Majesty's voice, His Majesty wants us to lend him strength!"

"Mother heard it too."


"Sir, it seems that someone is talking again!" A Mengtong looked at the gentleman on the podium.

"Yes, it is Your Majesty, it is Your Majesty."

"Raise your right hand!"

"It is His Majesty's voice."


Farmers working, hunters hunting, soldiers on patrol, god hunters, scholars... and so on, all heard such voices.

The voice of Emperor Renzhi resounded in the beacon tower, and the voice of Emperor Renzhi also sounded in the hearts of the people, as if Emperor Renzhi was speaking beside them. This kind of strangeness did not make the people panic, but raised their hearts one by one. arm.

No matter who it is, at this moment, as long as they are the people of Dagan, they have already raised their right hands.


"Please luck ghosts!" Emperor Renzhi murmured, the golden light had already covered the sky, but the golden light seemed to be gradually dimming, and it turned gray in an instant.

"Is there something wrong?"

"How did it turn gray?!"

Everyone's expression changed. Why did the good golden national luck suddenly start to turn gray? Even the experts with advanced cultivation bases were all shocked, as if they had sensed something terrifying.

The golden color gives people the feeling of grandeur and grandeur, very comfortable, but when it turns gray, there will be a bit of coolness piercing into the bones

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong!"

The gray sky gradually turned black, and Emperor Renzhi gradually floated into the air. A huge black thing surged out from the palace, and the black ghostly aura immediately covered the entire sky. A big ghost whose face could not be seen clearly The head crawled out of the palace, and standing on the top of the evil spirit's head was Emperor Renzhi, and countless tiny black silk threads connected to the great saint Tang Rong.

The black silk thread seemed to be alive, and the red things were drawn by him.

"The ghost of the imperial court is really terrifying!" Chen Mo grinned, the huge head had just emerged less than half, but the half of the head had already enveloped the entire palace. Damage buildings, otherwise, summoning a dynasty ghost will rebuild the palace once.

The luck that Nineteen Continents flew over again was no longer golden, but black, and the golden beam of light above the heads of the senior officials also turned into a black beam of light, and everyone under the black beam of light seemed to be covered with weird.

"Don't be afraid, this is the truth of this world. What is the fate of the country? Of course it is a ghost, otherwise, what else can make people not afraid of strangeness and evil spirits? In this world we live in, the strongest It's an evil ghost!" Zhang Changsheng murmured, looking at the half-headed National Fortune evil ghost.

"Is that a ghost?" The people of Shendu looked in horror at the ghost who got half of his head.

"It's a ghost, but there seems to be someone on top of the ghost."

"It's Your Majesty!"


Chen Mo also looked over, it was indeed very scary, there were rows of question marks on Chen Mo's attribute panel, but when it comes to the quality of the other party, Chen Mo felt that it should belong to the world class, not up to the level of ghosts and gods.

The 13 people who sat on the top didn't have any abnormalities. Whether it was the cultivation of energy or the information they knew, they got more, so even such a change couldn't make them have any exaggerated expressions. Although they were slightly surprised, But that's all.

The golden national fortune has changed to the black national fortune, but there is actually no difference. It is actually one thing in essence. As for the national fortune ghost, it is not scary.

Of course it is scary, but it is this kind of horrible thing that can protect people. Even if it is a terrifying existence, no one will say anything.

The existence of the fate of the country has long been tacit to the important officials of the court. Everyone knows what is going on. Without the power of evil spirits, it is difficult to survive.

To put it bluntly, the so-called awe-inspiring aura and the power of luck are actually the power of evil spirits and the blessing of ghosts. The current scene is the best interpretation.

As for fear?
Fear comes from the unknown. Now that I clearly know that the one who protects me is a ghost, what is so scary about it? What's more, there are more and more ghost warding envoys, even if it is such a thing, they can accept it , after all, there is already an evil spirit living in his body.

Although the race of the evil spirits is not clear, the ghosts are indeed different from ordinary murderers. Without ghosts, a dynasty cannot be established, because all beacon towers need to be ignited by the power of fortune of the ghosts, otherwise they are just ordinary platforms. Unable to form protection.

Now Chen Mo also understands why each generation of emperors has not been in power for a long time, basically no more than 50 years. It turns out that there is a blood-sucking machine behind them. Relying on the emperor alone, basically the upper position will be sucked dry, so each generation of emperor must ensure that his people are alive.

Because the people live, they can live.

"Although the imperial court's ghost transportation is terrifying, it can only be used as a means to suppress the bottom of the box." Chen Mo compared in his heart.

He has seen many race-type evil ghosts, such as longevity ghosts, coffin pulling ghosts, and the current luck ghosts, but in comparison, Chen Mo prefers the kind of powerful killers, like the three-eyed Yama and the others. This kind of.

"Since I ascended the throne, I have worked hard to rule the country. Now that I am fighting for the future, I will use the luck of the court to strengthen everyone." Emperor Renzhi said loudly, his face flushed strangely, ghost transport is the last resort of the country, and it is also a means of breaking the net. , usually not summoned at all times.

Because of the gathering of people's luck, Emperor Renzhi was able to summon the ghost without injury, but he only dared to summon half of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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