Reckless through another world

Chapter 577 The Nature of the World

Chapter 577 The Nature of the World

"Click!" Chen Mo leaned back on the seat, the evil spirits had already returned to Chen Mo's body, but this black luck seemed to have an unusual attraction for them, even though they were in Chen Mo's body, Still ready to move.

"Don't worry, luck will fall on us in the end." Chen Mo whispered in his heart, and at the same time comforted the five evil spirits.

Looking at the ghost of great power with half of his head exposed, Chen Mo found that this world seems very different. After all, human beings need to rely on the power of evil ghosts to survive. It is as difficult as climbing the sky to fight for a piece of sky with bare hands.

Seeing Zhang Changsheng's face with ghost eyes, Chen Mo felt that he seemed to know the secret of Tianshi Mansion. In fact, it was not that the evil spirits learned the human skills, but the evil spirits' abilities were transformed into skills by humans, so that's why alike.

Maybe all human beings in the world are like this, they all use exercises evolved from evil spirits.

There are too many evil spirits in this world. Flowers, plants and trees may be ghosts, weapons and armor may be ghosts, evil spirits have different shapes, men, women, old people and children. After careful thinking, Chen Mo found that everything in the world seems to be possible. It's a ghost.

Even people can be transformed into evil spirits, just like Lao Hei, if the time of life and death really comes, it is not impossible to transform all people into evil spirits.

But Lao Hei is an exception. Although he has become a ghost and possesses fear and coercion, under the inspection of the attribute panel, he has a mixed template of human, weird and evil ghosts, so his ghost There is a big problem with the transformation.

If possible, Hades and Qin Tianjian must have produced mature evil spirits. The technical data there are very sufficient and it is impossible to make mistakes. Therefore, Lao Hei can only be regarded as an example, and cannot be developed.

At most, people will be half-ghosted and turned into that kind of white ghost.

It's just that the white ghost's resistance to star gold is even worse. Ordinary martial arts can use star gold to hack them to death, not to mention sky demons. The existence of high planes like sky demons has more methods, and the other party also has sky demon insects. Consciousness remains, not death.

Thinking about it in detail, the two seem to have something in common. The demon will not die under the support of the demon insect, while the evil ghost itself is immortal. In this way, the potential of the Shenzhou plane has even surpassed the world of the demon. .

Although there has always been a saying that "destiny is undefeated, evil spirits will never die", but no one has ever seen what the so-called destiny is. Maybe it is the way of heaven in this world, maybe it is a person, maybe it is flowers and trees, or even A bell around a cat's neck, no one dares to say.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief and ended his wild thoughts. People actually don't care about the truth of the world, and they don't care about those deaths. What they care about most is whether they can survive.

Although the invasions of heavenly demons are frequent, the number is not large. Although the monsters are terrifying, under the suppression of the dynasty, the monsters can't make any waves.

"Brother Chen, what do you think our world is like?" Sensing Chen Mo's heaving a sigh of relief, Zhang Changsheng looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"The essence may be a ghost, and I don't know the rest." Chen Mo didn't hesitate much, and glanced at this gentle little celestial master. There was also a wave of fear and coercion on his body, although it was very faint, it was still so clear.

"Yes, the essence of the world is ghosts. Of course, they can also be called 'Gods, Buddhas, and Immortals'. In fact, it doesn't matter what they are called. Don't get me wrong. They are not the kind of powerful life forms that claim to be gods. They are real. 'god'."

"It's just that the ghosts fit their image better." Zhang Changsheng nodded, seeming to agree with Chen Mo's statement, and a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

"Amitabha, I have always thought that we can communicate with ghosts on an equal footing." The young monk Foyin also said after hearing the conversation between Zhang Changsheng and Chen Mo.

"Equality, don't be ridiculous, they are high-ranking people, they are high-ranking people, how could they talk to us on an equal footing, our value is to be used, and then use the other party's ability in turn." Zhenyi Si Qinglong sneered, he He is also an envoy of ghosts, but he never treats evil ghosts as his friends equally.

Chen Mo also looked over, this person's thoughts are quite strange, he belongs to the mentality of being used and being used, he seems to be guarding against evil spirits, with a strong imperial color, you can tell from his behavior style.

"Qinglong, your thinking is too extreme, we want to be friends with each other?" Xiao Daozi said with a smile.

"Want to eat your friend?" Qinglong said with a smile, but no matter how you look at this smile, there is a little ridicule.

Their attitudes are different from Chen Mo's. Chen Mo regards evil spirits as comrades-in-arms. Of course, they still treat them as large-scale real ghost figures. If it wasn't for Chen Mo not knowing the upper limit of his ability to subdue evil spirits, he might accept one after another.

In Chen Mo's words, "I'm not a scumbag, I just want to give every ghost a home."

Xiao Daozi didn't say too much, different ways don't conspire with each other, people in the sect basically have the old ancestors' views on evil spirits, people in the court's view is to use and be used, these are understandable, the environment in which everyone grows up Different, contact is also different.

Chen Mo looked up at the black sky in the sky, the black luck formed black clouds pouring in, the whole God City seemed to have become a large piece of ghost land, there was silence in the blackness, if you explored it, you might fall into it in.

"Do you think they saw gold or black?" Zhang Changsheng was obviously asking Chen Mo.

"Who?" Chen Mo asked.

"People, ordinary martial artists, do they see the golden one or the black one?"

"It should be black." Chen Mo replied casually. Although these people were surprised on their faces, they didn't seem to be that obvious.

"No, what they saw was golden. Only the national fortune seen by the ghost envoys is black, the black spirit of national destiny." Zhang Changsheng replied calmly, and he watched quietly with serious eyes.

Do we still see a different world from them?Chen Mo couldn't help thinking of these things. At this time, Chen Mo couldn't help but think of the past. In the fantasy game, what they saw was ghosts, but what the people protected by the system saw was the Q version of the landscape world.

"It's about to start." Zhang Changsheng looked at Dagansheng who was standing above Yungui's head, and didn't say anything more to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't talk to him either. He felt that the little celestial master of the celestial master's mansion was a bit strange, but it was okay. After all, no one in this world is not strange. Even Chen Mo himself admitted that he was very strange, and sometimes he would show it a little crazy.

"The opposition of black and gold, the tumbling fog, and the terrifying ghosts, now we can get a glimpse of the truth, which is indeed a fortunate thing."

(End of this chapter)

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