Reckless through another world

Chapter 579 The Strange Multi-Eyed Monster

Chapter 579 The Strange Multi-Eyed Monster



Chen Mo woke up with a start, and sat up suddenly from the bed.

"Didn't I cross the path of luck just now?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. His physical strength did not decline in the slightest, and even strengthened a little. The evil spirits in his body could also be summoned.

He remembered that he rushed over quickly. At the end of the sky road was a broken bridge, and there was darkness in front of him. Chen Mo didn't hesitate, and directly plunged into it.

After he entered, there seemed to be a problem with his consciousness. As for why he came here, this is also Chen Mo's question. Maybe it was the teleportation of the Heavenly Path of Luck, or maybe other terrifying existences pulled them in.

"Where is this place?" Chen Mo looked around, the night couldn't block Chen Mo's sight at all, the ghost eyes in his body opened, making Chen Mo's vision become the clear vision he controlled again.

The surrounding furniture is very worn out, and the whole room is somewhat dirty, cramped and depressing, and the small space does not seem like a place where people can live.

"Where did I appear?" Chen Mo got up from the bed, and cautiously moved towards the door.

The night was very dark, and Chen Mo's ghost eyes looked even more strange in this abnormal blackness. The scarlet eyeballs rolled a few times, but Chen Mo didn't find anything unusual.


The door was pushed open, and Chen Mo walked out of the narrow shack, and there was a hint of coolness outside.

"The blood-colored sun?" Chen Mo looked up, and a full moon in the sky seemed to stick in front of Chen Mo's eyes. The huge moon was suffused with an unusual and strange scarlet color, hanging in the sky.

"There is no bloody moon in Shenzhou. Is this ghost really a moon?" Chen Mo looked at the moon, and then looked away from the moon.

There is no starlight in the black sky, and the gray and foggy clouds seem to be falling from the sky, which is very depressing.

Fortunately, the coolness in the air can stimulate people, but it will not cause chest tightness. Otherwise, if they live in such a place, ordinary people may suffer from depression.

This place is obviously a village, but what surprised Chen Mo was that he didn't find the breath of a living person.

"My primordial power has been suppressed, and it's suppressed to a huge extent. What's going on?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. Only then did Chen Mo understand that it wasn't that he couldn't feel a living person, but his primordial power Being suppressed is miserable, and now being able to let out five meters is the limit.

"What the hell is this place?"

Chen Mo's footsteps are very light, the sky is weird, the ground is gray, and the surrounding villages are so silent, it seems that something will come out of it at any time.

"Can you hear it?" Chen Mo took out his God Catch Token, but nothing happened, and he couldn't find anyone.

"Strange, it doesn't even work with sound transmission."


A hand slammed on Chen Mo's shoulder, this hand was pale and pale.

"Outsider, didn't I tell you not to go out at night?" The person who spoke was an old man, and he had retracted his withered arm while speaking.

Chen Mo has already noticed this person, but he didn't say anything. Even the ghostly eyes on the back of his neck were hidden by Chen Mo. Now he is very confused about the situation he is in now, and he needs a guide. Need to find someone to understand the situation.

It's just that this old man has a very strange appearance, with a hunched body, not to mention a hunchback, and a huge tumor growing on his back, his head is tightly wrapped in rags, and only one eye is exposed, which is full of tears. Red blood.

"Old man, why can't you come out at night?" Chen Mo asked with interest.

"Because it's very dangerous outside at night. There are sick patients everywhere, and the patients will attack normal people, gurgle!"

"What's wrong with you, old man?" Chen Mo quietly took a step back,
"Because you are so delicious, I want to eat... Roar!" The tumor in the old man's body in front of him was beating like a heart, and the rags on his body began to shatter, revealing a whole body of ferocious eyes, eyeballs He opened his eyes and looked at Chen Mo.

"Oh, this big water has rushed into the Dragon King Temple." Chen Mo grinned, and at the same time the ghost eyes in his body slowly opened. The scarlet eyeballs in his body, if it is dense and frightening When it arrives, it will most likely die of discomfort.

Even normal people will be terrified when they see it.

"Huh?" The rickety monster covered in eyeballs in front of him was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Mo in a daze. Chen Mo exuded a more terrifying aura, and the ghost eyes in his body were also more agile, which was better than that of a dead fish like him. The general eye is much better.

This hunched multi-eyed monster just reached Chen Mo's waist, but its size was not small. Looking at Chen Mo's eyes, it didn't know what to do.

"I can tell at a glance that you are not human, but have you seen what I am?" Chen Mo grinned, and the ghost eyes in his body blinked smartly.

The big-headed-eyed monster stretched out its shriveled hand, scratched its head, and looked at Chen Mo with a blank face. It clearly felt that the person in front of it was a human being. How could it become such a terrifying existence in a blink of an eye? It's all scary.

But it doesn't matter, the monster with big head and eyes has already made a move, and its shriveled tentacles went straight to Chen Mo's head.

Sure enough, people and monsters like to go straight to the head.

"Boom!" Chen Mo's four arms grew out from under his ribs, and he grabbed the tentacles that it stretched out, and then tied it up with five flowers, and tied it up with its hands.

Soon, Chen Mo tied the big-headed monster into a ball.

"The combat power is not weak, but it's not strong either." Chen Mo frowned slightly. The combat power of this thing is not bad. If it is put outside, it is also an ordinary combat power of heaven and man, but it met Chen Mo.

"What is this place? What are you?" Chen Mo asked.

"Gulu Gulu!" The hunched multi-eyed monster was speechless, and it was murmuring without knowing what it was talking about. After it showed its original shape, it had already lost the ability to speak.

"It's not that I lost the ability to speak. It was the one eye that confuses me just now, making me think it can speak. In fact, it looks like this." Chen Mo murmured with his forehead. Use it, he needs to know where he is now and what he should do.

"Kill it!" He pulled out the broken knife from Chen Mo's waist, and it clicked the thing with one knife, and a small golden thing merged into his body, and the beam of light in Chen Mo's body also added a little light, It's just that compared to Chen Mo himself, the increase is very rare.

"Huh? Luck?" Chen Mo was a little surprised, the ghost in front of him actually had luck.

(End of this chapter)

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