Reckless through another world

Chapter 580 Out of the Village

Chapter 580 Out of the Village
With the rising of the sun in the sky, the beam of luck light above Chen Mo's head gradually receded for most of it. Although it can still be seen from a close distance, it is already very faint.

The light of the sun is white, far away from black, and the whole sky is still gray, like the cloudy sky before the rainstorm.

Depressed, dull, but in such silence, even at dawn, there is still a faint strangeness, as if some monster will come out of the mist at any time.

And the people in the whole village are also half-human, half-ghost at night, and their spirits are all abnormal. A little bit of stimulation will turn them into monsters, just like the big head and many eyes that Chen Mo beheaded. Strange.

"Suck!" Chen Mo stood on the roof, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

The cold air was inhaled into Chen Mo's lungs. After the lungs were filled with air, Chen Mo felt a little swollen, but it was real.

Chen Mo's sense of smell can smell the ghostly aura mixed in the air, it is a hidden deep ghostly aura, mixed in the air with a trace of fear and coercion.

Chen Mo probably knew where he was. If his prediction was correct, he should be in a huge ghost domain. Maybe all the people who participated in the plundering of the National Games had already entered this ghost domain.

"Everyone should come in." Chen Mo murmured and opened his eyes, the scarlet in his eyes flashed, and he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Qin Tianjian will definitely create a battlefield, even if Qin Tianjian does not create a battlefield, the three dynasties will also create a battlefield.

It's just that what Chen Mo didn't expect was that they were sent into a huge ghost domain. This ghost domain is much stronger than the ghost domain where the six-armed warrior used to stay. It is conservatively estimated that creating this huge ghost domain The evil ghosts of Huangquan are world-class.

Otherwise, the world would not be shaped so realistically.

"So you want me to join the hunt?" Chen Mo looked into the distance. Although it was daytime, Chen Mo's luck pillar was still burning like a lighthouse. If it was night, it would be even brighter.

"Outsider, what are you doing standing on the roof?" the aunt on the ground asked.

The houses are also adobe houses, and the whole village looks disgraced. A small half of the village has been abandoned and half buried by the wind and sand.

"I'm looking for a way out." Chen Mo turned over and jumped off the roof. Now that it's daytime, people in the village have come out one by one. They finally regained their popularity, and they all look very good normal.

The aunt in front of me looks like she is 60 or 40 years old, but her real age is only about [-] or [-] years old. The wind and sun, farming and labor make their appearance look very different from their age.

"Auntie, have you heard of Donglin City? I came from there, and now I can't find my way home." Chen Mo pretended to be a lost traveler, and he was indeed a lost traveler. The expression is very real, no need to pretend.

"Our small place, where have we been to the city? There is a small town fifty miles north, called Goat City. If you go there, you should be able to get some news about your hometown." The aunt was very normal. She sighed, and she didn't ask Chen Mo. Why come here.

"Then I'll start now." Chen Mo didn't procrastinate, and left the village after finding the way out of the village.

The ruined land appeared under Chen Mo's feet. Chen Mo wore a purple robe of catching gods, which was simple and exquisite, and was incompatible with the whole world.

Even the surrounding trees are withered.

Even the people are so weird, the bloody moon, the white sun, the monsters at night, and the gray fog hanging over the head.

As a traveler, Chen Mo discovered that this vast world is just like a wasteland.

Wrapping the clothes wrapped around his body, Chen Mo quickened his pace, the world was ruined, and there was no spiritual energy in the world, and the consumed true energy could not be replenished.

Therefore, apart from maintaining his personal needs, Chen Mo did not overdraw his true qi. Although his qi and blood can also transform his true qi, in this weird world, Chen Mo intends to save his strength. trouble.

"Finally I saw that small city." Chen Mo looked up, and there was a little surprise in his eyes. The city was built with stones, and it had no special features except that it was very dilapidated. The stone was covered with a layer of yellow air-dried Dirt, with hay stalks and whatnot in the dirt.

"Someone is here, and it looks like he's a foreigner." The eyes of a young man in a plain robe lit up, and the beam of light on the top of Chen Mo's head was like a guiding light. Even so far, you can still see clearly.

"Hurry up and inform senior brother that a fat sheep is coming."

"Why do I think that person doesn't look like a fat sheep, but we look like fat sheep." The man next to the young man whispered, and at the same time looked at Chen Mo who was getting closer to them. His attire is not easy to mess with at first glance, and looking at the beam of luck above his head, it can be described as a little sun.

This kind of person may be a fat sheep?It looks like a beast!

"No matter what happens, I have to inform my brothers and sisters. If we think of a way, we might be able to bring him down."

When they were talking, Chen Mo had already walked into the small town. He said it was a small town, but in fact it was just an extra city wall. It looked more like a small town. There were not many people in the town, and there were not many buildings in the town. Unified, there are stone houses, adobe houses and even thatched houses, and of course, some wooden houses.

Most of the houses are very dark, not well ventilated, and not well lit. This is the problem of rural houses, and there is nothing to explore.

But thinking that there might be monsters and ghosts hidden in it, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

No matter how long you face these things, no matter how strong your mind is, you will still feel horrible when you stand in front of the weird. This is human nature's fear of the unknown, and it is an instinctive fear.

"After all, I have to go into the village to have a look." Chen Mo walked in from the road into the city.

There is a faint similarity between here and Dagan, whether it is the official road that has long been ruined outside, or even the city wall, and that.

The first time Chen Mo entered the city, he saw that thing, the beacon tower that stood in the very center of the city, but had long been extinguished.

Chen Mo had already found the extinguished beacon tower in that small village. Although it was small, it was indeed a beacon tower.

"Huh? There are several pillars of luck." Chen Mo's eyes moved slightly.

The scarlet vertical eyes on his forehead opened accordingly, moving slightly, and Chen Mo didn't hide his difference, he had already seen several powerful pillars of luck through his ghost eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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