Chapter 581 Tracking
"He won't find us, right?!" The young man withdrew his eyes when Chen Mo's ghostly eyes opened, his back was tightly pressed against the pillar, his heart was beating thumping, as if he was about to burst out of his chest. jump out.

He was so scared, the malice revealed in that scarlet ghost eye could be directly projected in his mind, he felt that even facing the evil ghost was not that scary, but facing that person, he had that kind of fear. A strange sense of terror.

"No, no, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." The young man immediately decided to leave, and hastily chased after the place where his brothers from the same sect were stationed. What they were waiting for was not so-called fat sheep, but ferocious beasts.

"Hey, my perception is good, but maybe I'm too crazy." Chen Mo didn't let him go, he came to this ghostly place, he didn't know anything, he just needed his tongue, how could he let this young man run away.

However, Chen Mo did not block him on the spot, but followed behind him unsteadily.

Only by putting a long line can you catch big fish.

Like a ghost shadow, he wobbled behind the other party. Although the other party often turned his head back and traveled in a very special route, he still couldn't get rid of Chen Mo.

Finally, he walked to the door of a small courtyard and looked back suddenly. He always felt that there was someone behind him. After he searched carefully, there was no one. Although there were not many people in the small town, they were quite popular. He just felt dazzled.

Although the atmosphere was dignified, it was not as scary as imagined.

"Maybe I'm overthinking, so far away, he can't find me." The young man murmured, then pushed open the door and walked in.

There are three people in the small courtyard, two men and one woman.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Senior Brother, there is no way to stay in this ghostly place." The young man hurriedly said as soon as he went in, this man was exactly the young man who was peeping at Chen Mo from the wall, and also the one who said Chen Mo was a fat sheep. But now it seems that Chen Mo is not a fat sheep.

"That man is too terrifying. I can feel his ghostly spirit halfway across the town." The young man said.

"Ning Shou, you have already brought the man here." The senior brother in charge looked towards the door, as if waiting for Chen Mo to appear, and at the same time, the true energy in his body was slowly surging under the surface.

"How come?" Ning Shou was taken aback, turned around and left the door quickly.

A tall figure appeared at the door. This man had a handsome face. He was dressed in a purple god-catching robe and looked more heroic. A broken knife was pinned to his waist. His pair of red phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was sizing up everyone in the courtyard.

"Yes, I'm here." Chen Mo smiled, just showing his white teeth.

"Keng!" The weapons in their hands had been unsheathed.

It's just that the young man in the lead pressed the button and didn't let them pull out their weapons. Although the person in front of him was dangerous, he didn't have any malice or killing intent, so it was not easy for them to do it easily.

"Don't do it." The young man shook his head slightly.

"Don't know your brother Gao's name?" said the leading young man.

"My servant is Chen Xianzhi." Chen Mo cupped his hands.

"I'm Hua Chenglin, these three are my juniors and juniors." Hua Chenglin looked respectful.There is no way, Chen Mo's purple robes are obviously only worn by chief arresters in purple clothes, and the four of them can't beat a chief arrester in purple clothes even if they are tied up.

"Don't worry, I don't like to kill, answer my question, leave [-]% of the national fortune, and you can go." The smile on Chen Mo's face is very kind, he is alone, not afraid of conspiracy, not afraid of others' revenge, Zhengchou has no way to fish, it would be better if these people are malicious, Chen Mo will treat them as leeks, once they are cut, they will be cut again.

"Okay!" Hua Chenglin nodded.

"Senior brother, we..."

His juniors and juniors wanted to say something, but Hua Chenglin shook his head and didn't say much.

Chen Mo doesn't suppress his coercion at all now, he can't pretend that terrifying power at all, and looking at the golden pillar of luck on the opponent's head, it looks like a pillar reaching the sky, he can't even bring up the idea of ​​hitting, What's more, it's really hands-on.

If he really made a move, the purple-clothed general arrester with red phoenix eyes in front of him could crush them to death in a few breaths.

"This is the information we collected, you can take it." Hua Chenglin handed a crystal panel to Chen Mo.

He knew that if he was not strong enough, he could only be slaughtered by others. Hua Chenglin never thought that he would meet an expert like Chen Mo in such a remote place. Since the other party can open their mouths to let them go, unless they are people in the way of the devil, Or a psychopath, otherwise there must be a high chance that they will fulfill their promise and let them die.

But Hua Chenglin also had his own thoughts, he quietly stretched his hand behind his back, and gestured to his juniors and juniors.

"Which dynasty do you belong to?" Chen Mo took the crystal panel and asked. Although these four people are all heavenly beings, they are not good enough in Chen Mo's opinion, and they cannot even be called top geniuses. Except for Chen Mo, all of them are above the first rank, and even the twelve are masters who are at the peak of the first rank and can enter the second rank.

"We are members of Dazhen Sect." Hua Chenglin replied.

"I didn't expect this world to be like this, no wonder you want to bring us here." Chen Mo muttered in his heart, and at the same time he was watching seriously. Chen Mo smelled a scent, and it turned out that it was a woman who was leaning over beside him. She was the only female disciple among the four of them.

Her face is delicate and her smile is like a flower, but under the cover of Zongmen's robes, she has such a handsome figure, with big breasts and fat buttocks.

"Chief arrest, let Ying'er explain to you." The woman who called herself Ying'er took Chen Mo's arm and leaned into Chen Mo's arms.


A dagger came out from her sleeve and went straight to the heart of Chen Mo's chest, but she was shocked to find that her dagger was difficult to penetrate an inch, blocked by black palm-sized crystals.

"Do it!" Hua Chenglin yelled, and flew out a small knife, which went straight to Chen Mo's forehead.

"Kang Keng!"

"I said to spare your lives, why don't you know what to do?!" Chen Mo sighed, the black crystal shield wall blocked their weapons, and the small flying knife was less than a few millimeters away from Chen Mo's vertical eyes. But no matter how difficult it is.


The other party obviously didn't listen to Chen Mo's words, the real energy in the woman's body with her arms around Chen Mo gushed out, her arms wrapped around Chen Mo's waist, trying to control Chen Mo.

"Boom!" The black ghost energy in Chen Mo's body gushed out.

Of course he knew why the other party would do it. They didn't have a fluke mentality, and they didn't think that Chen Mo would let them go. They just wanted to hold their lives in their own hands.

If the two sides were switched, Chen Mo would choose to do it instead of putting his life in the hands of others.

 The number of chapters is repeated, which does not affect reading. If Lingshan's eyes are dazzled, then it is taken for granted that they are all written as 66, which does not affect reading.

(End of this chapter)

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