Reckless through another world

Chapter 582 Met Tie Hanhan

Chapter 582 Met Tie Hanhan

The broken knife in Chen Mo's hand was pulled out immediately, and a blood line appeared on Ning Shou's face, and his body fell straight.

"Evil intent—windmill!" Chen Mo leaped fiercely, lightly tapped the opponent's sword with his toes, turned around, and the other person's head fell down.


Kaba, Hua Chenglin still didn't escape, Chen Mo didn't want to kill people, but since the other party made a move, he had no choice but to kill the grass.

The fate of the three of them slowly gathered in Chen Mo's body.

"No...don't kill me, I'm still useful, as long as you don't kill me, you can do whatever you want me to do, I'm still a virgin." The only remaining woman sat on the ground, begging Chen Mo not to kill her.

"Let's go on the road." Chen Mo didn't tell her the so-called "I didn't want to kill you, but I did it because you did it." Such nonsense.

It's useless to say it, it's just that the other party is unhappy on the road, it's better to solve it with one knife, so that the other party can go on the road with peace of mind.

To kill is to kill.

Compassion is the power of the strong, and the weak who pity others is only bringing disasters to themselves, and maybe it will harm others and themselves.

After solving it, all the national fortunes of the four of them gathered in Chen Mo's body, making the golden beam of light above Chen Mo's head brighter, but it was not obvious, they were just small fish and shrimp after all.

Their shadows have been captured by Chen Mo.

If someone saw it, they would find that these four people had no shadows.

"Come out, you've seen it long enough." Chen Mo said flatly, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped the bloody broken knife.

Chen Mo stood quietly in the courtyard and did not leave.


The applause sounded.

"I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be such a cruel person. He doesn't feel pity for others at all. If he wants to kill, he will kill him." The speaker was a woman, dressed in a red robe, outlining her exquisite figure. His figure seemed to feel like a fire was burning in his heart just by looking at it.

"Who are you?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, the opponent's cultivation base is not low, at least it is a turn, and the fear and coercion in the opponent's body cannot be underestimated, it is surprisingly strong, but it seems that it is not their fault people.

"Little girl Murong Qiancheng, a member of Dasheng's Murong family, admires President Chen very much." Murong Qiancheng stood aside with a smile.

"My reputation has gone abroad?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. He had to say that the other party's appearance was very beautiful, and his figure was also graceful. Although Chen Mo was also quite interested, if he really did it, it would be hard to say who would take advantage of it.

He looked up at the national fortune above the opponent's head.

Good guy, very strong, not much worse than Chen Mo.

"If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, if there is no way to hell, you come and vote. Since you are here, don't leave." Chen Mo grinned, he is not interested in small fish and shrimp, but he is interested in big fish.

"Boss Chen, don't make things difficult for the little girl. Although the little girl doesn't have the all-encompassing skills of Boss Chen, she still has some room for self-protection. The little girl came here because she wanted to negotiate a deal with the boss." Murong Qiancheng Don't panic, Chen Mo is as good as he is, and she really can't beat her, but she is not a muddleheaded one. As a top talent of Dasheng, if she doesn't have the slightest means, then she can't justify it.

"Deal? Let's hear it." Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The little girl found a place where a lot of national luck is stored, more than the two of you and me combined. If we can break it together, the little girl is willing to share it with the chief arrester." Murong Qiancheng handed a crystal to Chen Mo.

"I want [-]%." Chen Mo glanced at it.

"Impossible. It's really not easy for a little girl to win there, but the chief arrester has too much appetite." Murong Qiancheng frowned slightly. The most she could accept in her mind was to split the price evenly. After all, it was a place she found. Maybe the other party will share an extra [-]% of the past, so wouldn't she accompany her as a wedding dress?

"Then let's do it." Chen Mo said that he was about to do it.

"[-]% is [-]%, but you have to work harder." Murong Qiancheng said bitterly, why did this person follow the hob like meat, I don't know if he made a move now, the two of them broke up.The situation turned against her immediately. After all, Chen Mo was empty-handed and the white wolf had no losses. If she was seriously injured, wouldn't it be a waste of money.

"Let me tell you earlier, I don't like to fight." Chen Mo grinned. Since he could benefit so much, Chen Mo didn't bother to tangle with this woman. After all, the other party is a top genius of Dasheng, and there are many methods. If it is a simple fight , is indeed a good opponent, but Chen Mo always remembers his mission, which is to plunder luck, not fight.

Don't forget about business.

"Then rest for one night before leaving. It's not easy to walk at night, and you will easily encounter ghosts." Murong Qiancheng gave Chen Mo a cold look.

"Then call me when you're ready, and I'll bury them first." Chen Mo picked up the four corpses and walked towards the backyard with splayed steps. He didn't pay much attention to Murong Qiancheng at all, since everyone wanted to cooperate Yes, it takes a little trust.

Moreover, Chen Mo is not interested in beautiful women. As the saying goes, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people. Don't be deceived and pay back the counting money. That is the most deceitful thing.

"Hmph!" Murong Qiancheng stomped his feet resentfully, with a displeased expression on his face.Not to mention her own family status, her appearance alone is enough to call her a shameless woman, but in the eyes of this person, she is worthless, and the fact that she has not buried her body gives him the power to act.

The most exaggerated thing is that he actually wants to make a move when he can't reach an agreement. The ghost believes his so-called "do not like to make a move", and he looks like he is going to make a move.

"I thought I could meet a young hero, such a bright beam of light, but the owner is actually a tough guy." Murong Qiancheng rubbed his forehead, she simply betrayed herself and sold herself, and the other party didn't even give it away. The money kind.

Chen Mo just instinctively stays away from people, and he also needs to digest what he got.

This is indeed a huge space, and it is a huge dynasty, called the "Shenhuang Dynasty". All the common people are members of the dynasty. Even if this small town was slaughtered, it would still not be able to make up one of the four people.

That's why Chen Mo was able to confirm that what Murong Qiancheng said was true, because there was indeed a national destiny here, and they not only plundered the national destiny of those who came with them, but also plundered the national destiny of the Emperor's Dynasty.

Chen Mo felt that if the luck ghosts here could be dug out, then combining the fortunes of the other two countries would surely give birth to a human emperor.

"No matter where this place is, just finish your business honestly and leave." Chen Mo didn't think too much, dug a hole to bury the four people and returned to the small courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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