Reckless through another world

Chapter 583 There Are Others

Chapter 583 There Are Others
When Chen Mo returned to the small courtyard, Murong Qiancheng was making tea. On the stone table in the small courtyard, there was a pot of fragrant tea and two tea bowls.

"Chen Boss, please sit down." Murong Qiancheng made a gesture of invitation, with flamboyant hands, smiling like a flower, which made people fascinated.

Looking at the other person's figure, soft and boneless, with snow-white skin, plump breasts and fat hips, even a relatively indifferent person like Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a fire in his heart, the fire in his eyes was swept away by the soul, Only pure remains.

"Where is the luck?" Chen Mo sat on the stone bench, looked at Murong Qiancheng on the opposite side, and then looked down at the tea bowl on the table.

"When the time comes, Boss Chu will follow the little girl. Is Boss Chu still worried that the little girl will harm you?" Murong Qiancheng said as he raised the teacup in his hand, motioning for Chen Mo to drink too.

Chen Mo didn't hesitate either, he picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp. It has to be said that it is really good tea, even Chen Mo who chews peonies can taste this good tea.

"Chen Boss is really not afraid of the little girl being poisoned?" Murong Qiancheng suddenly became interested in Chen Mo. The man in front of him seemed to have no desires. Except for the emotional fluctuations during the battle, he was very calm in normal times. Calm, like a deep pool of spring water.

"The body of the ghost warrior has already been handed over to the evil spirits. Little tricks can't kill the ghost warrior." Chen Mo said flatly. This thing is indeed life-saving, and the ghost of the body is enough to make the ghost guard resist the poison.

Even some fatal injuries are fine, but you have to pay a big price, vitality!

That's why Chen Mo doesn't like ghosting, but it doesn't mean that Chen Mo won't. On the contrary, if Chen Mo turns into a ghost, his combat effectiveness will soar, but the damage is too great.

Chen Mo even thought about turning his whole body into a ghost, but this is just a thought, unless he is as immortal as a player, otherwise he is trying to die.

"It's the little girl who underestimated Mr. Chen's demeanor." Murong Qiancheng's beautiful face showed surprise.

"Since you and I are both allies, can we talk about the problems of this world?" Chen Mo is really puzzled by the second monk, so he just plunged in like a novice. What? I don't know anything and I don't know anything.

"This should be a large ghost domain, and the rest of the little girls don't know." Murong Qiancheng also just came in, but with Murong Qiancheng's cleverness, she analyzed, "I suspect that people with stronger luck should come in." slower."

"It looks like it should be." Chen Mo nodded, "Where is that large luck."

"Actually, I lied to you." After forming an alliance with Chen Mo, Murong Qiancheng was not so hostile, nor was he so nervous.

But when these words came out, Chen Mo was still taken aback.

"Luck or something else?" Chen Mo's mind turned quickly.

"We don't want to rest for a night, but we have to set off at night, and we can enter that place at night." Murong Qiancheng said with a smile, and looked at Chen Mo who was sitting beside him, but she didn't look at Chen Mo's face. What expression do you see.

"Okay, let's go at night. If not, then I can only ask Miss Murong to stay." Chen Mo glanced at Murong Qiancheng, grinning, the smile on his face was very kind, and his sharp phoenix eyes narrowed slightly .

The threat is beyond words.

"President Chen, don't worry." Murong Qiancheng seemed to have not understood Chen Mo's threat, the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"That's right, very powerful." Chen Mo nodded secretly. In this world, stealing overcomes stability, stability overcomes recklessness, and recklessness overcomes stealing. The best way to deal with a reckless person like Chen Mo is to be steady.

The night gradually fell, and the gray fog-shrouded sky was slowly covered by black, and the blackness in the sky became thicker and thicker.

This time, Chen Mo looked at the changes in the sky completely. The blood moon turned out to be transformed from a white sun, but as the night fell, the blood moon was pulled a lot closer. Feel like you can land at any time.

"This lost world is already dead." Looking at the blood moon, Murong Qiancheng sighed, and he didn't know whether he was sighing for this dead world or for those who entered this world.

"Let's go, we should go too."

Chen Mo also followed the other party and walked over. He didn't find out anything anyway. Murong Qiancheng can always find divergent topics. If Chen Mo insisted on asking, the other party would know when he said it.

Chen Mo followed Murong Qiancheng all the way out of Goat City. The fog became more and more foggy as he walked. Even later, if Chen Mo hadn't opened his ghost eyes, he could not see the way ahead with his naked eyes alone. Murong Qiancheng was still moving quickly. walking.

"Don't look back, there is something in the mist." Seeing that Murong Qiancheng wanted to turn back, Chen Mo hurriedly reminded.

Because of the opening of the ghost eyes behind him, Chen Mo could see that a white thing was sticking to his back behind him, as if it was waiting for Chen Mo to turn around.

Chen Mo has experience, so he reminded Murong Qiancheng when he wanted to turn back.

"Grasp my hand." Murong Qiancheng handed over his hand.

Chen Mo was not pretentious, but grabbed Murong Qiancheng's hand, but in such an environment, Chen Mo didn't think too much. Those around him were not monsters at all, but ghosts. Shen will startle them,

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the eyes of the two suddenly became clear. The surrounding fog had disappeared, but there was more fog in the sky, and the sky was covered by black clouds.

"If you walk too much at night, you will run into ghosts." Murong Qiancheng said something, his brows were slightly frowned when he spoke, two blushes appeared on his cheeks, and at the same time he spat secretly, he said in a low voice, "You still don't let go?"

"Oh, forgot, forgot." Chen Mo hurriedly let go of his hand, he really forgot, after all, holding hands for a long time, it is no different from holding a piece of wood, it is not because Chen Mo wants to take advantage of others.


"There are indeed people. It seems that there are others besides us." Murong Qiancheng frowned slightly, if there were too many people, it would be a competition, and judging by the light of the other party, it seemed that they were not easy to get along with.

"If they are from the same faction, let them live, if they are from different dynasties, kill them, and whoever kills them will belong to them." Chen Mo said.

"Yes, but we still need to ask them to find the way for us." Murong Qiancheng nodded slightly, and then showed a little fox-like smile.

"Brother, there are people there!"

"And it looks very powerful, the two beams of light are very powerful, they are like bright lights in the dark night."

"Brother Ying, we..."

"Look and tell, there are only two of them, we are not afraid of them."

A group of seven people, it seems that the seven of them are not a group, they are roughly divided into two groups, one is headed by the tall and straight man in white, and the other is headed by a calm and short man, they also look like It is cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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