Reckless through another world

Chapter 585 Finding a Case

Chapter 585 Finding a Case
"I didn't expect to be able to meet the master here." Chen Mo used his true energy to pass the sound.

"Amitabha, the poor monk didn't expect to meet Master Chen here, but this muddy water is not easy to navigate." The voice of the little monk Foyin was very calm, but with a trace of joy, he met his side. People are good things after all.

"What's going on?" Chen Mo chatted with the little monk, also intending to collect a set of information.

"I'm not sure, the poor monk has just arrived, but the one on the stage seems to be interrogating prisoners, and we are the prisoners under his hands, and we have killed a lot of them." The little monk Foyin shook his head slightly.

"Not enough. His interrogation of us is not about our right or wrong, but for us to judge the case for him. He will always bring up the case and let everyone sitting here decide the case. If the judgment is right, the next one will be the next one. Killed."

"Of course, before he kills, he will also count the sins of this person in detail, and then kill the killer. The luck after the murder has already gathered in the sky. If it weren't for the poor monk who was not sure about making a move, he wouldn't have waited Got it." The little monk Foyin responded.

It's a pity that although the little monk knows a lot, it is only useful, and there is nothing more.

"That's it." Chen Mo groaned slightly, and looked at the middle-aged man sitting upright on the high platform. The other party was dressed in an official suit and wore an official hat on his head. With a slap of the gavel, it seemed that there was really a kind of interrogation of prisoners. the meaning of.

Could it be that the law of killing this evil spirit is that the case cannot be settled?
Or something else, and whether this person is a ghost or not is another matter.

Chen Mo looked up at the middle-aged man.

However, Chen Mo also understood the little monk's words. It seems that the little monk Foyin also planned to do something, but he didn't do it because he was not sure. Now counting Chen Xianzhi and Murong Qiancheng, they are sure enough what.

"What did you whisper to that little monk? You don't want to break the contract and go back on it?" Murong Qiancheng came over and asked, with a suspicious expression on his face as he spoke, as if Chen Mo would really break the contract and go back on his word with others alliance.

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I definitely won't let you suffer. I just saw that you didn't have time, so I went to inquire about it." Chen Mo said with a teasing look on his face. He just found that there were several The sound transmission was passed to Murong Qiancheng.

"As expected of Murong Qiancheng, at this time, there are many people who are courteous." Chen Mo joked.

The slave family also had to chat with them for the sake of information, but it would be different if it was you, Mr. Chen. Even if it was for small talk, the slave family could chat with Mr. Chen for three days and three nights. "Speaking of that, Murong Qiancheng gave Chen Mo a wink.

"Forget it, the information I inquired here is..." Chen Mo was about to get goosebumps all over his body. Hearing the other party's tingling voice, he didn't continue the topic. He always felt that if he continued, his back would be tight chilly.

Of course, it is now a big live broadcast. Chen Mo and Foyin are both one of the thirteen seats, and now they occupy two seats, so their figures are also very conspicuous. In other words, the empress will also watch To what Chen Mo did.


With a slap of the gavel, the middle-aged man sitting high on the seat spoke.

"Who was convicted of the crime?"

"This... this." The sweat dripped from the forehead of the young man kneeling on the ground, stuttering, not knowing what to say.

"Maybe Niu Er broke the law." The young man made a random guess. There were only two people in the case. He thought that he could get a correct answer by fooling any one of them.

"How do you determine that Niu Er broke the law?" the middle-aged man asked with interest.

"I think it should be a vendetta. After Niu Er killed Li San, he buried his body in his backyard."

"Nonsense!" The middle-aged official slapped the gavel in his hand, and then burst into anger, the black ghostly aura gushed out of his body, and the whole person directly transformed into a huge monster.

The monster has a hunched body, countless mouths, and everything is missing, except for a head.

"You, Chen Dalai, killed your mentor, killed innocents, and your hands are full of blood, you can plead guilty!" The monster turned back into a middle-aged man again, the gavel in his hand slapped again, his eyes glared, as if he really thought he was innocent The good official is deciding the case.

"Admit, I think you are a bitch, if you want to kill me, I will die with you!" Chen Dalai jumped up suddenly, his body turned into a ghost, and the ghost in his body seemed to want to run out, and landed on his back. A huge ghost head was formed, piercing through the clothes ferociously.

"Where are the left and right, insert it, and make a decisive decision!" The middle-aged man seemed to be singing an opera, his voice was ups and downs, and he threw out a command arrow on the table with an opera tone.


The arrow landed on the ground, and Chen Dalai, who was about to strike, seemed to have lost his soul, standing there in a daze, allowing two men in police uniforms to drag him down.

The evil spirit in his body is about to move around, but without the consciousness of its master, the evil spirit cannot get out of the body, instead it is imprisoned in the body, and it cannot even be revived, only the evil spirit can be seen With a ferocious face, he struggled to get out, but couldn't.


Chen Dalai was dragged to the door, and he was sprayed with a mouthful of spirits in a puff, and then, in full view of everyone, he chopped off his head with a single knife. The blood was three feet high, and his body also fell unconsciously from the steps. Roll down.

At the same time, the ghost in his body also revived, but it was useless to revive now, he couldn't walk back to the steps at all, he could only walk into the mist.

"I said that there are so many evil ghosts and monsters in the mist, so they are all created in this way." Chen Mo said in his heart, but now Chen Mo is convinced that this is indeed another small ghost domain, and sitting upright The middle-aged man who settled the case there should be the carrier of the evil spirit.

The law of killing is mostly related to the judgment of the case. As for what it is, we have to look again, but Chen Mo saw that the little monk Foyin couldn't bear it.

Although the young monk Foyin looks a bit evil, he did have a Buddha heart, and even Chen Mo could see the compassion in his eyes. After Chen Dalai was killed, the little monk Foyin whispered something, Chen Mo listened It seems to be the curse of the past life.

And looking at the little monk's appearance, it seems that he doesn't want to wait any longer, and wants to try it out.

"Master, don't be impulsive, this evil spirit has a very high killing line, and we may all be killed." Chen Mo sent a voice transmission, this is the first time he has persuaded others not to be impulsive, if there are still many mysteries that can be solved Open, Chen Mo has rushed up.

"Amitabha, then wait a little longer." Foyin proclaimed a Buddha's name.

(End of this chapter)

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