Reckless through another world

Chapter 586 Who is the Murderer?

Chapter 586 Who is the Murderer?

"Another distinguished guest has arrived." The middle-aged man in official uniform was sitting on the high platform with a smile on his face. The three-foot gavel seemed to have really become a sharp weapon in his hands, no matter what kind of prisoner he encountered. , can be finalized.

"Brother, this place is not quite right." The young man stood at the gate and looked around. They had already seen everyone in the hall.With a look of suspicion in his eyes, he looked at the expressions of everyone sitting there, and whispered to their leading senior brother.

"It's very wrong, don't say anything." The heroic man in the lead quietly looked back, with an indifferent smile on his face, and a smile that he thought he was kind, and smiled at everyone and said, "In Xiayingshi Jie, a disciple of the Hundred Refinement Sect."

"Guests, please take a seat, just sit casually, don't be restrained." The officials on the high platform made a gesture of invitation. There are many vacancies in the hall, so they can naturally sit casually, and seeing this man in official uniform The faces of the people who looked at them seemed to be very happy about their arrival.

"Dare to ask brother Gao's name." Ying Shijie didn't sit down immediately, but asked the official's name.

"My official Lin Youping, the former Prime Minister is my grandfather, all distinguished guests, please sit down." Lin Youping said kindly.

"Eh, he's actually just the prime minister's grandson?" The light in Chen Mo's eyes flashed, and he sent a voice transmission to Murong Qiancheng.

"And why is it the former prime minister, Miss Murong, you should know all these things, right?" Chen Mo's face darkened, Murong Qiancheng was hiding information for himself, and he didn't say such important information, if someone asked, Chen Mo didn't think about it at all, instead he rushed over to find out the evil spirit's law of killing.

"It's really a little girl, isn't it? I wanted to tell the boss to catch me, but I didn't expect someone to ask first." Murong Qiancheng was not at all flustered by Chen Mo, and there was a sincere and touching emotion on his face.

But Chen Mo didn't stick to it.

"This woman is hiding something. She has deep thoughts and can act. Ignore her after this vote is done." Chen Mo thought to himself, he never likes people who hide from his own people, since If they form an alliance, then they should share information.

Chen Mo has no information, so he can put in more effort, and everyone will not suffer, but this woman is obviously guarding against Chen Mo by doing this.

Murong Qiancheng also felt Chen Mo's estrangement, but she did not explain that she and Chen Mo are in a cooperative relationship, and the two are also in a competitive relationship, "Chen Boss, Chen Boss, how can you be so naive! "

"I don't know if you can figure out who broke the law?" Lin Youping looked at the person in the center of the hall. He was given the document after Chen Dalai's death. Although the topic is simple, it is an old topic that has been written for many years, and it was written 20 years ago. topic.

And this topic is easy to understand.

Said: There is a gentry in Qingyuan County who is extravagant, lecherous and licentious. He has harmed many girls from other families.However, his wife was jealous, and every time a concubine came in, she was killed and buried three days later. The gentry was just trying to make something new, and the county magistrate was ostracized by the gentry, so naturally he did nothing.

Later, a few rangers came and heard about the evil deeds in Qingyuan County. They naturally robbed the rich and helped the poor, and wiped out the nobles. The county magistrate was transferred away after two years. who is guilty.

Sun Kaiqiang saw it, it was too fucking simple.

"Lord Lin, isn't it clear at a glance? The gentry must be guilty, and the ranger is doing harm to the people." Sun Kaiqiang looked at his senior sister in a daze. His senior sister frowned. She felt that the matter was not simple, but I can't tell where there is a problem.

"I see that you are used to it. Whether it is a gentry oppressing kindness or a ranger killing people, they are all guilty. According to the law of Dagan, kidnapping and trafficking women should be cut in half, and murder should be executed. And this story itself should have another interpretation, otherwise If so, why has the original ranger been brought to justice after 20 years have passed." Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

As he said that, Chen Mo also looked at Lin Youping who was holding a gavel on the high platform, as if observing Lin Youping's reaction.

These heroes of the rivers and lakes are lawless, listen to the wind and rain, kill people at every turn, and the most important point is that the county magistrate who played the role of parent official was promoted and transferred away, so he did not get involved in the incident.

Chen Mo felt that something was very wrong, and it was very wrong.

"Oh, the honored guest is also a member of the government?" Lin Youping became interested in Chen Mo, and his eyes on Chen Mo also changed, as if he had a feeling of looking at his own people, with a natural sense of intimacy, although Chen Mo He was talking about the laws of Dagan rather than the laws of the dynasty here, but those who can follow the laws and regulations are indeed very popular with him.

"I'm not talented, the chief arrester in purple clothes, Chen Xianzhi!" Chen Mo lifted his own robe beside him, and the purple word catch token, the sound transmission token, and the seal of the chief arrester in purple clothes were all exposed, Moreover, Chen Mo's talk about working hard on laws and regulations also shows that Chen Mo is working hard on middle-aged people.

"Zi Yi, so young."

"The most important point is that people in the middle of nowhere are hard to deal with!"

"Damn it, now there are wolves before and tigers behind. Even if we pass the test, we may not be the opponent of this poor man."

The people on the side chatted in low voices. They didn't transmit sound, it was unnecessary, of course, it was because they did it deliberately. After all, Chen Mo is not easy to mess with now. The idea of ​​the people is naturally to unite and get rid of Chen Mo.

"Amitabha." The little monk didn't say anything, and waited quietly after chanting the Buddha's name. Since Chen Mo had spoken, wait a little longer, there will always be a time to act. As for this case, the little monk is not Like evaluation, a few words will condemn someone, which is against his Buddha heart.

"Okay, I'm guilty of choosing both." Sun Kaiqiang said hastily.

Lin Youping frowned slightly, "Wrong judgment."

"Sun Kaiqiang, you raped dozens of women, can you plead guilty?"

"Ah!" Sun Kaiqiang was stunned, and at the same time, with his mouth open, he uttered an unbelievable question.

"Drag it on, cut it off!" Lin Youping obviously had no interest in Sun Kaiqiang.

"Impossible, how could the judgment be wrong?" Sun Kaiqiang muttered in a daze, his voice was full of despair, but when he wanted to do something, he found that he seemed unable to move, and could only be beaten by both sides. The yamen servant was pushed out, and was pressed on the stand of the ghost knife.

"Wrong judgment, no way, is it the first time he judged?"

"It shouldn't be possible, there should be some mystery in it."

"Is there a mystery?"


"I don't know what Mr. Chen's opinion is?" Lin Youping didn't seem to care about other people's lives at all, but looked at Chen Mo with burning eyes.

"That county magistrate should also be one of the murderers." Chen Mo said after a while.

"Crack!" Lin Youping clapped his hands and praised, "As expected of a god arrester, what Mr. Chen said is not true. The county magistrate of CN is also one of the murderers. It's a pity that he is one step away. If Mr. Chen said something earlier, he wouldn't have to. died."

As he spoke, Lin Youping glanced at Sun Kaiqiang's brothers and sisters with a playful look.

(End of this chapter)

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