Reckless through another world

Chapter 587 Headless Koan

Chapter 587 Headless Koan
"That's right, why can't you tell me in advance, you have to wait for my junior brother to be killed before telling the truth, you clearly want to kill my junior brother." A woman with a slightly fat face stood up and glared at Chen Mo.

"We are in a competitive relationship. Are you stupid if you want me to save someone?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, and then grinned.

"Anyway, we are all people who came in from the outside. Can't we let go of our prejudices and survive together at this time? Even if it's a fight, you should give my junior brother a dignified chance, instead of being like this now, winning with no force. .” The woman said coldly.

"Speech of tongue, trash!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and didn't care about the woman and the brothers behind her, anyway, don't even think about running away after a while, and Chen Mo didn't want to communicate with the other party, so he didn't bother Say something more.

Zongmen disciples should get used to it, not to mention that in this world, there are very few people who can agree with Chen Mo's three views.

People who have already stubbornly believed that they are right and others are wrong, and who insist on their own opinions and regard the debater as an enemy will not change their minds.

They will no longer argue about right and wrong, but must prove the other side is wrong.

Lin Youping didn't interfere, instead, the old god was sitting on the high platform, as if he was watching a play, and he was watching it with gusto.


"I'm not talking about you."

"The seal of Buddha and Murong Qiancheng, both of you stand up."

"Why?" Murong Qiancheng Shi Shiran stood up, puzzlement and doubt flashed in his charming eyes, and the same was true for Foyin, but he still obeyed Chen Mo's words and stood up, chanting the Buddha's name.

"I mean, everyone sitting here is trash!" Chen Mo said, moving his gaze to the face of Lin Youping who was sitting on the high platform.


"Chen Xianzhi, don't bully others too much. Do you think you can beat us all together?"

"Yes, if you think Ziyi is invincible, then you are too young to be a hero in the world."

"So that's how it's played, it's fun, it's fun, Chen Xianzhi, sit down, I want to play too." Murong Qiancheng clapped his hands, looking suddenly enlightened.

"What the hell..." Chen Mo's face was calm, but he complained in his heart.

Lin Youping also saw Chen Xianzhi who was targeting him, but he didn't say much, and there seemed to be a provocative look on his face.

"I can't deal with you in the hall, otherwise I will lose control of my body. I don't know if you are targeting killing intent or action, or something else, but you really want me to do it." There was no killing intent, nor any malice, and it was even as calm as the surface of a lake.

"That's right, since you came in, no one can go out, and only if you have the slightest killing intent, you will be suppressed by the evil spirits. To be honest, I have already died, so you Even if you want to kill me, it's useless." Lin Youping threw out the scrolls of bamboo slips.

The bamboo slips fell into their hands one by one.

"Find out the last case. If you understand it, you can live. You can even take away my national fortune. If you don't understand it, you will all die here." Lin Youping didn't expect that Chen Mo would see through him.

Now that he has been seen through, there is no need to pretend anymore. Although it is very interesting to play with these people, the obsession in his heart is another matter.

Lin Youping no longer pretended to be a tall monster with no head and mouth.

This monster does not look like a ghost, nor is it an ordinary monster. It seems to have been connected with the National Luck Light Pillar in the sky.

The crowd didn't intend to argue with Chen Mo anymore, but they all looked at the bamboo slips in their hands, which recorded a headless public case, why is it called a headless public case, because the owner of this case was not only beheaded, but also 20 years later. Nian still has not been rehabilitated, and even his head has not been found.

"Time waits for no one. There are still two hours before [-]:[-] noon. If you fail to find out the truth of the case within two hours, you will be killed one by one, no matter how strong you are or how few you have to survive." The means, me, are not something you can deal with."

"Hurry up, my patience is limited. If you want to thank, thank Mr. Chen, because if he doesn't point it out, maybe I will kill a group of people and let you go."


Lin Youping laughed loudly, some of the countless mouths on his body were talking and some were laughing, it sounded like hundreds of evil spirits whispering and laughing, waiting for new prey.

"What kind of case is it?" Chen Mo felt that the pressure on his head was slightly loosened, but Chen Mo didn't think the other party would let him go, it must be because of the increase in his range of activities because of the boss.

After all, in this kind of puzzle-solving horror plot killing, it is impossible to experience the creepy sense of horror if it is tightly confined to one area.

But this Lin Youping was really interesting, he actually wanted to trick Chen Mo in the end, no matter it was Chen Mo's sharpness or his strength, Chen Mo had already made everyone hostile to him, and it was still quite hostile.

Regardless of whether they are smart or not, they will regard Chen Mo as a big threat, and Chen Mo also said that they are all trash, which means that Chen Mo himself has already regarded them as prey.

So in fact, it is useless for Sun Kaiqiang's senior sister to say anything, because after passing this level, Chen Mo will also clean them up.

So the first time everyone was lifted, apart from Foyin and Murong Qiancheng, they all distanced themselves from Chen Mo, and they were more or less hostile, and they also hugged subconsciously.

"Think that being in a group is useful?"

"That's right, what they met was the No.1 of the younger generation, Chen Xianzhi, and it would be useless to give them ten times more people."

"I see that, the only threat is the evil spirit possessed by that headless monster full of mouths."

People outside saw Chen Mo's figure through the mirror, if it wasn't for Chen Mo not being able to hear the cheers, his fans would all be cheering him on.

"Amitabha, this Lin Youping is the Lin Youping in the case." The little monk proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"Let me see." Chen Mo picked up the file and quickly read it.

This case happened 20 years ago, and it was a very shocking case, but Lin Youping was implicated.

It is said in the case that the emperor was able to take charge, but in the same year, Prime Minister Lin finally collapsed due to exhaustion. After leaving the imperial city, all the reforms he presided over were overthrown.

However, Lin Youping, the state shepherd of Yangzhou, was implicated in a major case and was imprisoned.

Three years later, Lin Youping returned to his post, but there was a letter from Yangzhou that flew into the imperial city from Yangzhou. Lin Youping was killed on the way to the imperial city, and his head was missing. This case has not been solved in the past 20 years .

(End of this chapter)

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