Reckless through another world

Chapter 589 Lin Youping: Why did you leave my card bug?

Chapter 589 Lin Youping: Why did you leave my card bug?
Foyin hesitated and was finally persuaded by Chen Mo and agreed to fabricate a fictitious truth to Lin Youping.

Of course, it would be even better if something useful can be found in the Lin Mansion, or information that can make the truth more real, so the three of them decided to split up. The ceiling of combat power.

Although the Lin Mansion is big, for the three of them, it only takes a few breaths to go back and forth, so it is not as convenient as moving separately.

After the three separated, Chen Mo walked into the hall alone, and there was no one in the hall, except for Lin Youping who was sitting on the high platform, even those controlled ghost slaves had disappeared. The still lively hall suddenly became empty.

"Brother Chen is really interesting. The rest of the people went to the mansion to look for clues, and I didn't hide anything. Why did Brother Chen return to the palace instead?" Lin Youping returned to his original appearance, drinking and drinking by himself. The arrival seemed quite interested.

If he hadn't turned into that monster, Lin Youping himself would still be very handsome, and he seemed to be a gentle scholar, his eyes were rather dull, as if his head was missing, so his The complexion is always a little weird.

Chen Mo is not afraid of the opponent, even though the opponent's combat power is extremely high, but Chen Mo himself is the current ceiling of combat power, even here, he can explode amazing combat power.

"Clues, where is the pleasure of asking the parties? They dare not ask, and someone is not afraid to ask." Chen Mo laughed, and the hearty laughter echoed in the hall, and even spread far away.

He was full of energy, and he didn't have any other emotional fluctuations at all because he was facing a powerful evil spirit.

Since Lin Youping won't keep it private, does that mean that even what he said is true? Clues are important, but it's quicker and more convenient to ask the person directly if there is any clue.

"If Lin knew it, he would have known it long ago. Why wait until now, let you help me find out the truth." Lin Youping shook his head slightly, and glanced at Chen Mo, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

It was anger and resentment that seemed to spiral out of control at any moment.Lin Youping looked around, there was only Chen Mo left in the circle, and this person was sitting there swaggeringly, drinking small wine and eating small dishes without any sign of fear.

He didn't even intend to do anything, so Lin Youping was helpless.

"Ba da!" Chen Mo slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the table and wiped his mouth. With his current peak cultivation base, it doesn't matter what he eats or drinks, he can digest it at any time.

"It's good to listen to the story, I'm more curious about what happened back then." Chen Mo said and looked at Lin Youping.

"I don't know, and I can't remember. After my head was chopped off, a large part of my memory disappeared. Now I just want the truth." Lin Youping shook his head, he couldn't offer Chen Mo anything.

His body turned into a monster, and after his head was cut off, his memory went wrong, and he couldn't remember many things.

"That's right." Chen Mo nodded slightly. What Lin Youping said was correct, but the memory is not only stored in the brain, but also stored in the soul. Chen Mo didn't see the soul of this monster, maybe it has been fused into his body. Maybe it dissipated, but it doesn't matter now.

"It seems that Murong Qiancheng's method is correct." Chen Mo walked out of the hall, with his back to Lin Youping, standing on the steps of the hall, looking around, there was a vast gray fog all around, and the sky was thick black fog, dense Like a substantial black column of air luck, it pierces through the darkness of the sky.

"Can you hold back your hands?" The ghost eyes on the back of Chen Mo's neck were quietly hidden. Chen Mo had already sold such a big flaw, but this Lin Youping had no intention of doing anything yet.

Seeing Chen Mo leave, the hostility in Lin Youping's eyes flashed, but he did not leave, nor did he make a move. Chen Mo gave him a great sense of threat, so Lin Youping was also cautious, but no matter how serious, if he fell into In the beheading trap of the evil spirits, people will still die.

"Look for a chance and kill him." Lin Youping whispered. Behind him stood a middle-aged man wearing a bronze mask. eyes.

"Did you find out anything?" Murong Qiancheng flipped through the bamboo slips in his hand, and casually asked Chen Mo.

"There are a lot of nonsense, saying that his head was cut off, and he doesn't remember anything, but I see that, he doesn't want to say it, and his state is very wrong. I feel a strong fear and coercion from him."

"But he didn't take advantage of my orders. I thought he would." Chen Mo rubbed his nose and smiled brilliantly.

"He's not sure about killing you, so naturally he won't do it. If he does, he will startle the snake, and it will be easier to expose the evil spirit's law of killing." Murong Qiancheng smiled back, with a calm smile, as if he never imagined that Chen Mo would succeed.

She naturally knew that Chen Mo had walked into the hall, but Murong Qiancheng didn't expect Chen Mo to get any useful news.

"This prime minister, Lin Qingzhi, should be a good prime minister." Murong Qiancheng handed Chen Mo the classics gathered by his left hand.

"Hey, I thought it was a reform. It turned out that there was no reform, but a reform. These measures are very good. Re-measurement of the land will offend the powerful and bloody warriors, but it is good for the common people. , and it is also of great benefit to the treasury of the entire God Emperor Dynasty."

"Reform the military system and professionalize the generals..."

"Weaken the clan..."

"Successful method, one whip method..."

The more Chen Mo looked at the information, the more he admired this person. The Emperor's Dynasty was obviously a big mess, and he was saved in the end. If it wasn't for unknown reasons, the Emperor's Dynasty fell and the ghost realm formed. Otherwise, the Divine Emperor should still be continuing on the land of Shenzhou.

"A capable person!" Chen Mo couldn't help admiring.

Chen Mo's amazement also made other people who checked the treasury look over, but after seeing that it was Chen Mo, they didn't say much. Talking too much would cause conflicts instead, and they didn't want to die here.

"But I didn't expect that a prime minister would embezzle 200 million taels of gold crystals, tsk tsk." Chen Mo was amazed.

"Hehe, Mr. Chen was wrong. It's a document from the Ministry of Punishment, and it's the confession of Lin Qingzhi's eldest son. Besides, is it more than 200 million taels?" Murong Qiancheng said with a smile.

"Not much?" Chen Mo himself has no concept of money, so he doesn't know if it's good or not.

"Of course not many!"

(End of this chapter)

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