Reckless through another world

Chapter 590 Ending the affairs of the king and the world, winning the fame before and after his life

Chapter 590 Ending the affairs of the king and the world, winning the fame before and after his life

"The last assistant of our Dasheng was able to leave the Dasheng Emperor safe and sound. How much do you think he paid?" Murong Qiancheng asked mysteriously.

"How much, not a few million taels of gold crystals?" Chen Mo said as much as possible, there must be corrupt officials. In the officialdom, there will always be more corrupt officials than honest officials. How to feed the people if they are not full.

Just like the Dasheng Dynasty, the king shared the world with the family. If there is good food, the family must eat it first. After the family has finished eating, the officialdom will be divided, and the officialdom will be distributed before it goes to the common people.

The important thing is, as long as it is a competent organ.

"1000 million taels of gold crystals." Murong Qiancheng stretched out a green finger and sneered, "So, 200 million taels of gold crystals is nothing at all, and it's just the confession of Lin Qingzhi's eldest son."

"My concubine suspects that this is simply a piece of perjury, because Lin Qingzhi ransacked his home and only copied this number." Murong Qiancheng stretched out three fingers and waved them in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

"30?" Chen Mo said in astonishment.

"That's right, it's 30 taels, and it's only 30 taels for digging three feet of ground." Murong Qiancheng nodded, but her face didn't have any other color. She is an outstanding first daughter, and she has long been used to these things.

I will not judge a corrupt official or an honest official simply by good or bad.

"Then Lin Qingzhi was wronged?" Chen Mo pursed his lips. If this was the truth, then Lin Youping should be the one who was implicated, and then they could fabricate a truth that Lin Youping wanted to believe.

"Actually, it's not wronged. After all, the prime minister's annual salary is 900 taels of gold crystals. If he wants to get 30 taels, he has to be in office for more than 300 years. Therefore, it can only be regarded as petty greed." Murong Qiancheng changed to a relatively simple one. conversion method.

"However, if there are only 30 taels of gold crystals, what about this mansion?" Chen Mo suddenly realized a problem. The luxury of this mansion and the built area are all top-notch. If there is no corruption, how could it be built? Such a mansion.

"This is indeed a problem." Murong Qiancheng did not expect Chen Mo to be so keenly aware of this.

"However, my concubine has already sent the little monk to investigate the details of the mansion, so don't worry about Mr. Chen." Murong Qiancheng said calmly, and wrote the information he had sorted out on the crystal panel.

"Awesome." Chen Mo said in admiration. The more he got in touch with the children of these big families and big sects, he could also find their strength. Some were strong in strength, and some had strong wisdom.

"You are familiar." Murong Qiancheng's eyes flashed proudly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but then he restrained himself, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, which was quite complicated.

Although Chen Mo could see something, he didn't ask much.

With Murong Qiancheng sitting here, Chen Mo is more at ease, he is going to go out for a stroll, this Nuo Da's mansion should not hide all the documents in the dossier treasury.

The mansion of the Lin Mansion is very large, and Chen Mo searched for a long time before finding the study room. The study room was already in a mess, all kinds of materials were scattered on the ground, scattered into a pile, and even those bookshelves and bookcases were rummaged through. Those who knew thought it was a thief.

"Letter files?" Chen Mo rummaged through a few, many of which were missing pages and words, and seemed to have been taken away.

"This one has a strong sense of malicious peeping?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. He didn't look back, but he already felt the strong maliciousness from behind. Looking at Chen Mo.

He couldn't see the other person's expression clearly, he could only see a scarlet eyeball, and there was darkness behind him.

Chen Mo's eyes instantly turned into scarlet ghost eyes, and his black pupils were instantly stained with scarlet. Chen Mo turned his head abruptly, just in time to see the malicious scarlet ghost eyes in the crack of the door.

"Step on the song!" Chen Mo rushed to the door, his arm was instantly covered by the black ghost armor, and the powerful force directly penetrated the entire door, smashing the two doors at the same time, Chen Mo also chased after him. come out.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, black mist slowly poured in from all directions, a pale hand stretched out from the mist, and appeared above Chen Mo's head, but Chen Mo didn't seem to notice it.

"Here we come!" Chen Mo turned sideways slightly, and a black machete fell from the position he was standing just now, as if it had been cut close to Chen Mo. If Chen Mo hadn't turned sideways, the knife would have It will hit him on the head.

Chen Mo didn't feel the arrival of this knife at all, there was no breath, no sound of wind, as if it appeared out of thin air, but fortunately Chen Mo has ghost eyes, and his perspectives are all open, otherwise, he might really be hit It's a knife.

Chen Mo shouted, "Ghost Slash!"

While his body was covered by the black ghost armor, Chen Mo pulled out the broken knife at his waist and slashed back.

"Keng!" After the other party parried a move, he dodged and smashed open the window and rushed out.

Chen Mo chased after him without the slightest hesitation. The ghost eyes on his body opened from the gap in the ghost armor. It was said to be a gap, but it was actually more like the joint between the armor and the armor. After all, it was Chen Mo's own skin transformation. here.

"The ghost runs very fast." After Chen Mo left the study, the other party disappeared, and his primordial power was suppressed to less than five meters, so Chen Mo didn't know where the other party ran from. The black mist has already begun to affect his vision.

"It's too strong, my evil ghost, it has already knocked me down with just one shot." A voice sounded in the darkness.

"Sure enough, it's trash. It can't even take a blow from the surname Chen."


Since he couldn't catch up with Chen Mo, he didn't go after him, but returned to the study.

"Jedi Swordsman, go to be vigilant." Chen Mo sent the Jedi Swordsman wearing red blood armor out to guard, there is the ghost shadow of the Jedi Swordsman, if he wants to come in to disturb Chen Mo, he will have to face the Jedi Swordsman and the ghost shadow under siege.

"It's a pity that the subdued evil spirits have lost such a strong killing ability. Otherwise, at the level of a Jedi swordsman, whoever wins will die." Chen Mo couldn't help muttering, if the evil spirits still maintain the killing ability If it is the case, whether it is the Jedi Sword Lord or other evil spirits, it will be even more dangerous.

"After 20 years of beacon fire on Yangzhou Road, I didn't expect that Lin Youping would be a good official." Chen Mo glanced, there were a lot of correspondence in Lin's house, and there were countless cases and judgments.

"Wait, why did he sue again? If he was involved in the case, he would have no room to sue." Chen Mo spread out a piece of paper and wrote down all the names of the Lin family.

"Later, Lin Youping's reputation declined rapidly, and he even made complaints from the people and was executed."

Chen Mo sat on the seat, "Bada, Batta" his fingers landed on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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