Reckless through another world

Chapter 591 A Very Shaky Little Monk

Chapter 591 A Very Shaky Little Monk
"Why did Lin Youping's personality change so much? What is the truth? Is it really the so-called being angered by the emperor?" Chen Mo stroked his chin, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table.

In this silent night, it was the noise made by Chen Mo that was even weirder. Some people who wanted to come to the study room sensed the powerful fear and coercion in the study room, so they took a detour.

"Let's go back and meet Murong and the monk first." Chen Mo got up.


The screams sounded one after another, and Chen Mo jumped out of the study. When he came out, he happened to find two corpses lying on the ground. Stripped.

"Mr. Dao, did something come just now?" Chen Mo's face was gloomy. After the primordial power was suppressed, Chen Mo's perception was greatly weakened. He didn't even feel that someone died, and he was not far away from Chen Mo.

"Quick, here!"

The people around rushed out at once.

"Junior Sister!" One of the youths was stunned for a moment, and then jumped to the side of the female corpse, hugged the female corpse, and hurriedly took off the clothes on his body and covered them.

"Mr. Chen, you should give an explanation. Now someone died, and it was in this way. You are the first to come here." One of the heroic youths came out and glared.

"I didn't do it, I wouldn't do such a shameless thing." Chen Mo shook his head, and said that he was about to push through the crowd and go out.

"The two of them were beheaded with a single knife, and the expressions in their eyes did not change. The evil spirits in their bodies were dug away, and their luck disappeared. People who can silently kill celestial geniuses, except Mr. Chen, Probably only Miss Murong and that little monk you have been working on are left." Another woman came out and asked.

"I said, I didn't do it." Chen Mo frowned slightly, he didn't explain anything, maybe these people wanted to waste his time, and he was too lazy to pester.

"Get out of the way!" Like a thunderclap, all the evil spirits in Chen Mo's body gathered together, and the powerful aura made most of them feel fear, and they actively moved out of the way.


"That's true. He wants to kill people. No one should be able to stop him. That kind of terrifying evil spirit coercion."

"That kind of breath has never been so strong even on our first day."

Everyone started whispering immediately, no matter they were making excuses for their timidity, or they dared not do anything because of their cowardice, they kept describing Chen Mo's horror, it seemed that only in this way could they cover up their act of giving way just now.


"Your face is ugly." Murong Qiancheng saw Chen Mo's gloomy face.

"I've been bullied, someone is targeting me." Chen Mo told Murong Qiancheng what happened just now, and at the same time, Chen Mo was observing Murong Qiancheng's expression.

"You don't trust me?" Murong Qiancheng laughed dumbfounded, she could see that Chen Mo thought she was cheating on her.

"No. You and I are in a cooperative relationship, so we can't really talk about trust." Chen Mo shook his head, and he took out the collected letters from his mustard bag and handed them to Murong Qiancheng.

"When he was in prison, something must have happened to Lin Youping, which led to such a big change in his later behavior. Coupled with his grandfather's incident, it caused Yangzhou, which he had painstakingly managed for 20 years, to go to waste. It also set off the Wanmin Book." Murong Qiancheng didn't bother about Chen Moxin's distrust of her anymore.

Speaking of it, she doesn't trust Chen Mo either, the two parties are closely related to each other.

"However, the story is almost finished. Whether it is the Lin family or Lin Youping, there are only two doubts left. One is where this mansion is, and the other is what happened to Lin Youping in prison." Murong Qian Cheng pondered for a while and said.


While the two were talking.

The situation on Foyin's side was worse than ever. What he was facing was the tall figure with the bronze mask, and the arm of the figure hit the little monk with a penetrating wound.

A big hole appeared in Foyin's chest, and he staggered two steps. If it wasn't for the fact that he had turned into a ghost, the little monk might have been seriously injured and dying.

"Amitabha, little monk, I have found the weakness of the benefactor." The little monk laughed, blood flowed from his mouth, but he held a light ball in his hand and protected the light ball behind him.

The tall Buddha ghost behind him actually has two faces, one with compassion and compassion, and the other is the evil ghost with glaring King Kong, as if it wants to swallow the creatures under his gaze alive.

"Little monk, so what if you find it. You are suppressed by my rules now, and you are already exhausted. Why don't you give me what you have in your hands, and I will guarantee you all the fortunes of the country. Chen Xianzhi, Murong Qiancheng, even It’s everyone, you can completely go through this path, directly break through, and completely eliminate the hidden dangers in your body.”

The figure on the opposite side came out from the body of the evil spirit, it was Lin Youping.

Lin Youping stretched out a hand, with a smile on his face, but Lin Youping was a little afraid of the double-faced Buddha and ghost behind the little monk Foyin, but the calm expression on his face could not be faked, obviously he was determined Buddha seal.

"Foyin, you idiot, you will be deceived by this ghost, you can't let me come." In Foyin's mind, a little bald man in a dark cassock with an evil face roared angrily. The appearance is exactly the same as that of Foyin.

"Oh, the little monk was careless." Foyin sighed.

"Mother Xipi, it doesn't matter if you die. If you die, I will die too. You have two lives. Foyin, you are so stupid!" Foyin dressed in a black cassock looked annoyed, He didn't even notice it just now, so he not only scolded the Buddha seal outside, but also the Buddha seal inside himself.

"Give it to me, give it to me, you will survive, and I mean what you say, you can get all the luck." Lin Youping took another step forward, and the tall ghost stood quietly behind him, his His hands were still dripping with the blood of Buddha Seal.

"No, benefactor Chen said, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, if you return him, you bastard will be able to recover completely, I dare not do this, I believe benefactor Chen will definitely notice it. "Foyin shook his head.

After Foyin finished speaking, his body completely merged into the double-faced Buddha ghost. The four ghost eyes of the double-faced Buddha ghost slowly opened a gap, folded his arms together, bowed his head, and took a defensive posture.

"Little monk, don't be so stubborn. Even if you don't have this thing, your friends will send the truth to me. You will all die sooner or later!" Just stay here.

"Amitabha!" Foyin uttered the Buddha's name with pale lips, resisting Lin Youping's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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