Reckless through another world

Chapter 592 I Caught You

Chapter 592 I Caught You
"Little monk, why do you have to hold on so hard? Give me the things, and I will let you live. There is still such a great opportunity." Lin Youping's figure gradually distorted, turning into that headless monster.

The countless mouths on his body spoke, as if one person was speaking, or hundreds of people were speaking, forming a strong oppressive force and resonance.

Of course, although Lin Youping spoke, the movements of his hands never stopped. The tall evil ghost behind him approached the body of the double-faced Buddha ghost step by step.


Murong Qiancheng racked her brains to fabricate the truth. She needs to fabricate a truth that can be explained clearly and that Lin Youping can believe. No matter what the real truth is, it doesn't matter, as long as Lin Youping can recognize it.

And the truth must be reasonable.

"So, there are actually three theories. One is that after Lin Youping entered the imperial prison, he got the evil spirit and escaped from the dead. The emperor saw that he was still useful, so he was reinstated. However, he listened to the evil spirit and wanted to be resurrected. His own family, and thus began to plan the entire Yangzhou City, after the matter was revealed, he was beheaded by Wan Min for his orders."

"The second is that after Lin Youping entered the imperial prison, the emperor did not find Jin Jing, who was greedy for ink in the Lin family, but released him instead, trying to follow the clues."

"The third is that Lin Youping dominates everything."

"As for the matter that the emperor forgave the Lin family, this is unrealistic." Murong Qiancheng wrote quickly, bringing up various possibilities. In the end, she had never seen the facts, and they were just making up stories. Just to make up the best truth.

Chen Mo also felt that it was not the emperor who forgave them.After Wei Zheng's death, Tang Taizong smashed Wei Zheng's stele and dissolved the marriage contract between his daughter and Wei Zheng's eldest son.

Moreover, the idea of ​​imperial power is that the emperor is not wrong, even if it is wrong, it is right.

"Is it possible that Lin Youping has already been transferred. In fact, Lin Youping has already died in prison, and the ghost who came out later is actually the ghost who replaced Lin Youping." Chen Mo hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Murong Qiancheng very seriously.

Even though Murong Qiancheng is an Earth Immortal master, she couldn't help but feel a chill down her back. Her small cherry mouth opened wide for a long time, and she replied, "It's not unreasonable, maybe it's true."

Murong Qiancheng pondered for a few breaths, and then raised his head abruptly, "It is impossible for a ghost controlled by a living person to have the law of killing, but only when ghosts control people, there will be a law of killing."

"It's broken, Foyin hasn't come back for so long, has it fallen into the hands of evil spirits?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, he felt that something was wrong, and now he has walked around the mansion twice , but there is still no news about Foyin who went out, which really made Chen Mo feel that things have become a little weird.

"Probably not, I know the little monk's cultivation level, even if the evil spirit wants to harm people, the little monk can't beat him and he can get away." Murong Qiancheng didn't think so.

A faint blood red floated in front of Chen Mo.

"Suck!" Chen Mo took a sharp breath, and the blood red was inhaled by Chen Mo.


"What's wrong?" Murong Qiancheng asked curiously.

"Hush." ​​Chen Mo put his index finger on his lips, motioning for the other party to keep silent.

Chen Mo's nose moved, he closed his eyes, the ghost eyes in his body opened, and the ghost eyes turned rapidly, his nose became more and more sensitive.

Chen Mo smelled a faint smell of blood. That smell of blood was nothing but the blood aura of a powerful creature. He was already sensitive to blood aura, and a person who could have such a powerful blood aura would have absolutely no Low.

"I smell it, not only the smell of blood, but also a smell..." Chen Mo felt it carefully. It not only smelled the smell of blood, but also smelled a smell of fear. It was the smell of soul, countless souls Unable to reincarnate, but was bound, condensed, kneaded into pieces, forming a soul aggregate.

"What else?" Murong Qiancheng was bewildered, she didn't feel anything because she didn't feel anything.The power of primordial spirit has been completely blocked, and [-]% of their perception has been abolished. Now they are just powerful mortals, not land gods who control a side of the world.

"The smell of blood and fear, I have to go and see." Chen Mo opened his eyes suddenly, his figure turned into a streamer, and he had arrived in the hall where Lin Youping was located in an instant.

"Sure enough, it's gone." Chen Mo had an expected expression on his face. There are very few people in this place who can injure or even kill Buddha Seal, and Lin Youping is one of them. Now that Lin Youping has disappeared, Chen Mo has already guessed that most of them are Buddha. Yin triggered the so-called plot kill.

Evil ghosts need to kill within their rules. Although they can injure or even kill people if they don't follow the rules, Foyin is not an ordinary person. How could such a top genius be injured and killed by evil ghosts under ordinary circumstances.

"Where is it?" Chen Mo soared into the sky, looking at the entire Lin Mansion, all the ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body were opened, and all directions were included in Chen Mo's eyes.

"What is that?" Chen Mo's eyes narrowed, and he saw that there seemed to be a dark mass in the beam of luck light, but Chen Mo was sure that it was not the seal of Buddha.Chen Mo slowly approached the black pillar of luck. He wanted to see clearly what was inside, but even with ghost eyes, he couldn't see through the luck to see what was hidden inside.

Chen Mo could find that the thing inside was not big, it was about the size of a big watermelon, and it was a dark mass.

"Where is the seal of Buddha?" Standing in the sky, looking around, there are many living people in the mansion, and there are also fights among them, but the bloody smell is different from the bloody smell he smelled.

"Benefactor Chen!" The Buddha seal in the body of the double-faced Buddha and ghost raised his head slightly, and he was overjoyed when he saw Chen Mo in the sky wearing ghost armor and ghost eyes.

"Little monk, you must have played tricks." The ferocious look on Lin Youping's body became even more terrifying. No wonder the little monk was so confident that Chen Xianzhi would come, so it turned out that he had already played tricks.

"Amitabha, when the benefactor attacked the little monk, even though he had blocked all the aura, the little monk had already sent out his own bloody aura. Thinking it took such a long time, it was enough for the benefactor Chen to notice." smile.

"Hahaha, so what, by the time Chen Xianzhi finds you, you will already be dead, but if I get that, and your luck, you will be even stronger, everyone will die!" Lin Youping The many hideous faces on his body are telling.

And the tall evil ghost had already wrapped its ghost hand around Foyin's neck, and slowly strangled it. The four ghost eyes of the double-faced Buddha ghost were all opened, and the black light in the body could not affect this animal. evil spirits.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, Foyin, you bald donkey, we are going to become lonely ghosts." Foyin in black could only stare blankly, but there was nothing he could do.

"Or just give him that thing."

(End of this chapter)

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