Reckless through another world

Chapter 593 The Judge

Chapter 593 The Judge
"Can't find it? If I can't find it, I will smash everything!" Chen Mo was also very anxious. If Foyin died, the evil spirit in his body would recover, and if he added a ghost that could resist people, Chen Mo would not Grasp can handle these two guys.

"Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo let out a long cry, black ghost aura emerged from his body like oil, flowed to the ground, tick tock, the mist had completely condensed into water droplets, and the black mist emitted quickly Converging into a black sky, the black mist enveloped the entire Lin Mansion.

"it's dark?"

"The sky is dark in the first place, and this terrifying aura is not normal. Could it be that the evil spirit in the hall did something?"

"Look, is there someone up there!"

"It really is!"

There were quite a few living people in Lin's mansion, and their cultivation was not bad, so they soon found Chen Mo who was standing in the air above their heads.

"It's too messy." Murong Qiancheng shook her head slightly, and she didn't stop Chen Mo. Now that the move has been made, it is an arrow on the string and has to be fired, and she can only move forward without being able to retreat.

"I'm pushing the ghost domain with all my strength, I don't believe it, there are still things that can hide in my ghost domain." Chen Mo let out a low growl, all the ghost eyes in his body widened, and the three-eyed Yan Luo behind him He also opened all the ghost eyes, and the black mist inside the ghost domain quickly spread out, and a blanket search was launched.

And the whole situation in Huangquan also appeared in Chen Mo's mind. Chen Mo closed his eyes, and what was in his mind was a black topographic map.

"I... found you!" Chen Mo grinned, his eyes had been dyed scarlet red, and blood mist drifted out from the corners of his eyes.

The figure of the three-eyed Yama had already appeared behind Chen Mo, Chen Mo merged into the body of the three-eyed Yama, and went straight to Lin Youping like a cannonball.

"Ghost abuse, death and burning—power to break mountains and rivers!"

The three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo suddenly struck, and the armor of his arms grew again. The two thick arm armors formed gloves like bullet ants, not bloated but full of violent aesthetics.The big hatchet in Chen Mo's hand soared to 20 meters and fell from the top.

The sound of the knife was like thunder, as fast as electricity, and with a click, the machete had already landed on top of Lin Youping's head.

But to Chen Mo's surprise, it was difficult for his knife to penetrate even an inch. A tall figure grabbed his machete with his bare hands, and caught the white blade with his bare hands.

"it is good--!"

"What a great power!" Chen Mo roared and snorted, the black ghost energy in his body spewed out from the gap of the ghost armor, and Chen Mo's arms swelled again.


The surrounding land has sunk by a full foot, and the pavilions, pavilions, dance pavilions and singing platforms have all been burned to dregs by Chen Mo's steaming ghost air, and even the wood and sand that were swept up by the wind were swept away. null.

"Chen Xianzhi, you are bloodthirsty..." Lin Youping was stunned for a moment, he couldn't see the evil value on Chen Mo's body, and the thickest thing on Chen Mo's body was not the blood, but the thick sense of danger.

"Chen Xianzhi, your hands are soaked in blood, why don't you have any sins in your heart?" Lin Youping was really surprised. Could there really be such a pure person in this world.

People in the rivers and lakes, everyone will more or less have lives in their hands, even people in temples, but although Chen Mo is full of blood and blood, even blood has come out of his armor, his hands are With so many bones, there was not even a single bit of evil in his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!" Chen Mo sneered in his heart. Since he came to this world, he has killed a lot of monsters, but he has killed very few people. Except for Chen Mo, who was low in strength at the beginning, he killed people with his own hands. , Later, it seems that he has never killed anyone. What crimes can he have?

"You are really different, but you chose the wrong time to attack." The evil spirit behind Lin Youping held the machete tightly, and slammed it hard, "Crack!" The blade broke directly.

"My fucking epic sword, is it broken?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment.

"Kill the evil ghost hand!" The tall ghost stepped out in one step, and he had already appeared in front of the three-eyed Yama. Compared with ordinary people, his height was indeed very high, even four or five meters high, but within ten meters In front of the many three-eyed Yama, he looked very short.

The calm bloody light revealed in the bronze mask on the face of the tall evil ghost, his figure seemed to be magnified at this time.

"Bang!" The ghost's hand turned into a punch, and the punch hit the ghost eye on the chest of the three-eyed Yama. The body of the three-eyed Yama was thrown upside down, and even Chen Xianzhi in the body of the three-eyed Yama was injured by the punch. , The bones in the chest seemed to be smashed and shattered.

The mouth is full of blood.

"Even though you, Chen Xianzhi, have very little sin in your body, it doesn't mean that there is none. You are guilty, can you admit it?" Lin Youping asked.

"This is the way you can kill the little monk Foyin." Chen Mo stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and the ghost energy in the body of the three-eyed Yama was scattered by the opponent's punch , and Chen Mo was also seriously injured by the opponent's punch.

If it wasn't for his strong defense, he might have been punched through the chest.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo looked at Foyin who was sitting cross-legged on the ground not far away. There was a huge blood hole in Foyin's chest. If it weren't for the double-faced Buddha and ghost protecting Foyin, he might have been attacked by this monster lethal.

"The evil spirits in this world are full of strange things. I didn't expect to meet a judge now. I said why everyone would be suppressed by you and couldn't move. It turned out that it was this evil spirit that suppressed them." It was suppressed by [-]%, and the defense power of his body was also weakened by half. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the opponent to injure him so easily.

"How long can you last?" Lin Youping sneered.

Then he yelled, "Zhang Zhengwen, you killed your mentor and defected from the sect, and committed all kinds of crimes. Can you be convicted?" Lin Youping stared at a young man with an ordinary face.

"No, I am not!"

"Cut!" A black command arrow was sent out from Lin Youping's hand, and a ghost-headed knife descended from the sky, with a click, the man's head was thrown high, and the evil spirit in his body woke up at the same time.

It's just that the evil ghost was pulled into the gray mist before he could wake up.

"You can kill people in the ghost domain!" Chen Mo squinted his eyes slightly. This ghost was so strong that he ignored his ghost domain, and after killing one person, the aura in Lin Youping's body became thick again. stand up.

"Judge, if you can judge people, you can judge ghosts naturally. Every time an evil ghost is drawn into the gray mist by him, his strength will increase."

"Hahaha, Chen Xianzhi, you can't get hurt, you should experience the despair well, and when I kill all of them, it will be your turn." Lin Youping didn't intend to tangle with Chen Xianzhi at all, and appeared in a flash. behind the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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