Reckless through another world

Chapter 595 It's Just Begun

Chapter 595 It's Just Begun
"Foyin, you still give your body to me. You are me, and I am you. You and I have two sides in one body. Now that your soul is seriously injured, it would be better for me to take charge of your body." A half-hearted smile.

He just raised the corners of his mouth, the muscles on his face didn't move together, and there wasn't even the slightest smile in his eyes. If there was any expression on his face, it was probably greed and covetousness. He had been suppressed for too long.

Now I finally found a good opportunity for Foyin to be seriously injured.

"It's not good, Foyin..." The complexion of the old monk Shi Woxing of Leiyin Zen School changed, and he could tell at a glance that the condition of Foyin was not right, and sticky black lines gushed out from the body of Foyin. It seems that he wants to swallow the seal of Buddha.

"Amitabha, Buddha seal will not die so easily, he has his own destiny." Another eminent monk said in a low voice, and looked at the Buddha who was meditating through the mirror flower and water moon inside the Leiyin Zen Gate. Print a glance.

As the black-clothed Foyin said, he is Foyin, and Foyin is him, so in fact, it doesn't matter which of the two of them appears, but the way they behave in the future will definitely change drastically.

Chen Mo didn't notice the change of the seal of Buddha, although the ghost eyes on his body also saw the seal of Buddha, but Chen Mo just took it as the means of seal of Buddha to protect himself.

"Bah!" Chen Mo frowned slightly. He felt that Lin Youping in front of him seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Originally, the four evil spirits, including the three-eyed Yan Luo controlled by Chen Mo himself, were able to suppress Lin Youping, but as the fighting time became longer, Chen Mo But found that the opponent's strength is slowly getting stronger.

Although the range is not much, but his strength is indeed constantly getting stronger.

"Why is he in such a strange state?" Chen Mo had already forgotten how many knives he had slashed, but no matter how many knives Chen Mo slashed, the opponent's body would heal quickly, and his strength did not retreat but increased.

The opponent made repeated shots, but the ghost energy in Chen Mo's body was greatly dissipated.

"No, it's not that he's getting stronger, but that I'm getting weaker." Chen Mo took the time to pull out his attribute panel, his face changed slightly, the attributes on it were being greatly weakened, Chen Mo's strength had just been half of what it used to be combat power.

"Is it because of this?" Chen Mo raised his head, surrounded by Chen Mo's ghost domain, but Chen Mo knew where the pressure came from, it was from the large circle of black fog outside and the thick black luck in the sky.

Chen Mo is fighting on other people's territory, and it is only natural that he be suppressed.

It's just that Chen Mo was startled, and Lin Youping was even more surprised. It was the first time he met such a powerful ghost emissary, he was like a fighting machine. Chen Mo will really push him horizontally.

Moreover, Chen Mo's ability has completely subverted Lin Youping's three views.

It was the first time for Lin Youping to see a multi-ghost driver. The remaining four evil ghosts clearly came out of Chen Mo's body. Including the armored multi-eyed ghost, there were a total of Five of them, and they are all extremely powerful.

"Damn Xipi, if it wasn't for the early action, it would be easy to capsize in the gutter." Lin Youping's eyes flashed with emotion. Although he is injured now, fortunately, the initiative is gradually in his hands.

If they waited any longer, even if they didn't find anything, it would be Lin Youping who was suddenly attacked when they did something.

Now that the battlefield is divided and a young monk is abolished first, the annoyance in Lin Youping's heart has disappeared without a trace. After all, it is better than facing so many people joining forces.

And it is still too early to say, Lin Youping himself has his own trump card.

"How about it, Chen Xianzhi, you already feel that you can't do what you want. In fact, you just need to nod your head, and if I cut them off, I may spare your life, and even give you all the luck." Chen Mo was forced to retreat with one blow, Lin Youping's figure bowed slightly, his body vigilant against the remaining four evil spirits.

Lin Youping's ghost eyes are narrow and long, and the eye sockets are longer than ordinary people's, as if the eyeballs of ordinary people have been turned to the temple.

The two ghost eyes with dim light rotated a lot, but at the same time, the field of vision that fell into his eyes was wider than that of ordinary people. Lin Youping's field of vision could even cover more than half a circle around his body.

Chen Mo didn't pay attention to the other party. At this time, it is impossible for Lin Youping to let go of the victory in his hands, so don't expect the other party to let him go, and give Chen Mo all the black luck.

Compared to Lin Youping's nonsense, Chen Mo believed in the knife in his hand more.

"You thought you must have won, no, it's just started now, the warm-up is over!" Chen Mo grinned, his eyes were fierce and wanton, and the black ghost energy in his body gushed out crazily. Normal scarlet.

"The power of invincibility!" Chen Mo whispered, all the big moves in all stages of the body were activated, and the power in the body surged violently, and the waves continued like the tide, and even the edge could not be seen at a glance.

"Compress the figure!"

Chen Mo controlled his body to more than five meters, and the body of the three-eyed Yama became bigger as if it was inflated.


The ground suddenly shattered, and the surrounding solid foundations exploded. From Lin Youping's eyes, Chen Mo had disappeared in place, and the sense of oppression was coming from all directions, as if Chen Mo would attack from all directions.

"Ghost torture and burn—windmill!"

When Lin Youping came back to his senses, the three-eyed Yama's grimace was already stuck in front of him.

"What a fast speed!" Lin Youping's eyes reflected the figure of the three-eyed Yama. While he was astonished at the speed of the three-eyed Yama, he also found that he seemed unable to dodge the blow. Come.

"Ghost Order!"

Lin Youping yelled loudly, and the souls of the dead poured out of his body, forming thick black ghost walls.

What filled Chen Mo's mouth and nose was the strong smell of blood and the wailing of those dead souls. Chen Mo didn't know how many people the person in front of him had killed, but Chen Mo felt that if he couldn't kill this ghost here, it would be very difficult for him to die. Something big could happen.


After breaking through layers of ghosts, the broken bronze knife in Chen Mo's hand finally slashed at the neck of the ghost Lin Youping was guarding.

"Keng!" The feeling of cutting it up was like hitting some kind of weapon of the same type.


The powerful force was transmitted from Chen Mo's hand to the knife, and then hit the neck of the evil spirit that Lin Youping was guarding against. At the same time as the sound of breaking through the air, Lin Youping flew backwards under Chen Mo's knife, and bright red blood flowed from his neck. soared out.

"Bang bang bang!" It ran through more than a dozen buildings in a row, accompanied by black smoke and dust all the way.

Chen Mo disappeared in the same place again, his speed was too fast to see clearly, and now he came in front of Lin Youping again.

Only this time, the pupils of Chen Mo's eyes shrank to the size of a pinprick, and he saw an unbelievable scene...

(End of this chapter)

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