Chapter 596
Chen Mo even forgot to attack, his figure has already pulled away quickly, away from the evil spirit controlled by Lin Youping.

After he left, he still had an unbelievable expression on his face. The scene he saw just now completely overturned his three views.But now Chen Mo finally knows why Lin Youping's ghost society is so strong, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

It even has its own beheading attribute.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be seen by you." Lin Youping chuckled, covering his face with ghostly hands, he could only see a scarlet ghostly eye from between his fingers, and the expression in the eyes changed unexpectedly.

Lin Youping picked up the bronze mask on the side, and brought it back to his face. The expression in his eyes disappeared again, and turned into calm ghost eyes, clear and calm, ghost eyes like blood pools.

The neck was crooked, and half of it was chopped off by Chen Mo, which is not enough for Lin Youping now, but he is more dangerous than before. Scarlet blood flowed out from his neck wound, covered his body, and dripped on the ground.

After straightening his head, Lin Youping's body was already covered in blood, and the bloody clothes all over his body gave off a stronger sense of danger.

"I didn't expect you to be so suppressed that you can still have such combat power. It's extraordinary, but I, the blood sacrifice, should be stronger!" Lin Youping stared ghostly, swish, and turned into a red lightning, The ghost hand attacked again and again.


The black ghost claws tore through layers of ghost energy, and the opponent seemed to be able to attack Chen Mo in the body of the evil ghost through the evil ghost. The ghost claws left scars on the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo, and were able to attack Chen Mo's body. There were scars on the body.

The skin and flesh turned outwards, and within a few breaths, Chen Mo's whole body had become a bloody man.

"Take injury for injury, then exchange injury for injury!" Chen Mo himself was crazy, but now his own blood was flowing freely, which stimulated Chen Mo even more. Chen Mo's speed is getting faster and faster.

Because Chen Mo had the help of four evil spirits, Lin Youping's injuries were twice as many as Chen Mo's.

"Wrathful Ghost Cut"




After a quarter of an hour of crazy injuries, Chen Mo's chest heaved violently, and the sound of breathing was like a broken bellows, and Lin Youping was not much better, Chen Mo scattered [-]% of his ghostly aura, and the blood in his body was not much. Know how much is flowing.

The two were several feet apart, but neither of them made a move.

"Now is not the time to go all out." Chen Mo murmured in his heart, no matter how miserable the other party was, Chen Mo would not underestimate him. The Fearful Sword Ghost King taught Chen Mo a lesson a long time ago, even bloody ghosts. What's more, this kind of ghost has the attributes of human wisdom and evil ghost killing, so we must be more careful.

Show the enemy's weakness and attack him unprepared.

Chen Mo was silent for a long time, and then asked, "How did you do it?" There were doubts and doubts in his eyes.

"It took me a lot of effort to do this. I didn't expect to be exposed one day, but it's okay. After killing you, I will have enough power." Lin Youping said to Chen Mo very calmly. talking.

It's like old friends, communicating with each other plainly.

"Cough!" There was a violent cough, and the ghost eyes behind Chen Mo had seen it clearly. It turned out that Foyin had awakened, and the black sticky thing on Foyin's neck quickly faded away.

"Chen Benefactor, you are finally here." Foyin's weak voice sounded, with a smile on his face.

"It's your fate." Lin Youping snorted coldly, the longer the time drags on now, the more he recovers from his injuries, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, his strength will reach its peak. The only king in the Ghost Mansion.

Foyin smiled bitterly, not because he was weak, but because he was attacked by Lin Youping and Lin Youping's evil spirits, not only that, but also completely suppressed him in terms of attributes, so that his combat power could only be used at best. [-]% out.

Foyin naturally still has a way to leave, but the cost is too high, it is more cost-effective to wait for Chen Mo's rescue.

"Chen Benefactor, this is a part of Lin Youping's Yuanshen, which was obtained by the little monk, and the little monk also discovered that this is not the Lin Mansion at all. This should be the large town base used by the ritual formation that was rebuilt later." Buddha Yin stood up, without Lin Youping's suppression, the blood hole in his chest was healing quickly.

The new white bones grow rapidly, and the blood granulation grows from the incomplete wounds around, clinging to the new bones, the blood vessels and meridians are quickly built, everything happens in an instant, within a short while, Foyin Her chest has grown back, but the newly grown skin is exposed in the torn cassock.

Seeing Foyin handing the ball of light to Chen Mo, Lin Youping's eyes twitched involuntarily.

Lin Youping's figure flashed past, and he stretched out his ghostly hand to snatch it, but Chen Mo was faster, kicked out with one kick, kicked with a heavy armored knee, and the air was broken by Chen Mo's heavy foot.

"噗!" Lin Youping's body landed on Chen Mo's instep unexpectedly, and the ghost hand in his hand stretched out towards Chen Mo's hand.

"Go back!" Chen Mo yelled, his fists clenched into a ball, and the black spiral hell was formed in an instant, his waist and horse were united, his arms were like a big bow opened, and the strong wind howled, and Lin Youping was killed by Chen Mo's fist at the same time. On the ghost body, the spiral hell did not stop, but was spinning at a high speed, trying to get into Lin Youping's ghost body.

"Cough!" Lin Youping pierced with his ghost hand, and only then offset most of the remaining power of the spiral hell.

"I didn't expect you to hide tricks, five evil ghosts, you have at least half of the tricks hidden, and even the field-controlling ghost skills are useless." Lin Youping smiled, and did not make any more moves, looking at Chen Mo's His eyes were no longer calm. ,
"Missing, this person is so strong that he can even threaten me. I would have known better not to let him in." Lin Youping's eyes flickered, but he said this in his heart. He was too greedy at the time, thinking that he could eat Chen Mo , Now it's like a lump in my throat, I can't eat it, I can't spit it out, I feel so uncomfortable that I want to curse.

"Yo, it's so lively!" Murong Qiancheng was like going on an outing, his clothes were windless and automatic, and his face was relaxed and freehand, he didn't look like someone who was in any danger for his life.

Seeing the appearance of Lin Youping and Chen Xianzhi, Murong Qiancheng's eyes flashed with astonishment. She really did not expect that Chen Mo would be able to beat Lin Youping into this grandma, even though Chen Mo's appearance is also miserable now.

"Murong benefactor, you are late." The little monk Foyin sighed slightly. If Murong Qiancheng had come earlier, she and Chen Mo would join hands to suppress Lin Youping. After Foyin woke up, the three of them would join hands to suppress Lin Youping. .

Even if you can't figure it out, you can run away.

"It's not too late. If I had come earlier, I wouldn't have been able to discover so many things. Without his suppression in Lin's residence, there would be not a single flaw exposed." Murong Qiancheng smiled sweetly.

(End of this chapter)

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