Reckless through another world

Chapter 597 You're a fucking genius

Chapter 597 You're a fucking genius

"Lin Youping, you are not a ghost to control people at all, but a human to control ghosts, but it seems that you are no longer a human, after all, you have become such a ghost." Murong Qiancheng looked at Lin Youping, eyelashes fluttered. Trembling slightly, although she was very calm on the surface, her heart was still full of turbulent waves.

Who would have thought that a mere mortal would be able to control the evil spirits to such an extent, even now it seems that Lin Youping himself has succeeded.

"Not bad, not bad. After playing so many games, finally someone can tell, one is you and the other is you." Lin Youping clapped his hands, pointed to Chen Xianzhi, and then pointed to Murong Qiancheng.

Chen Mo was able to find out that it was entirely because he knocked off Lin Youping's mask, exposing Lin Youping's true face to Chen Mo's eyes, and Murong Qiancheng was able to compose the final answer from various clues in Lin's mansion , I have to say, is indeed a wizard.

At least in terms of wisdom, Lin Youping admired Murong Qiancheng very much.

"For so many years, I have been very lonely. Finally someone can unlock the secrets in my hunting grounds. It's not bad." Lin Youping said with a smile.

Over the years, many living people have strayed here, and even many people have been sent by major dynasties, but without exception, they all died in his hunting grounds and became his nourishment. Taller.

But now, someone finally uncovered the trap he set up and revealed the truth to the public. While Lin Youping was relieved, he also felt a little regretful.

"Yeah, it was solved in the end. It seems that my game is not perfect." Lin Youping seemed a little lost in spirit, his eyes were a little dazed, but he turned into a radiant one, as long as he silenced the people who knew it, he continued to perfect it. , Isn't his game still perfect?

Chen Mo could tell that Lin Youping was a proud person, he didn't even bother to hide it, and told others all the time.Arrogant and even a little arrogant, such a person has great ideals and ambitions, and put them into action, and has succeeded so much, of course he has the qualifications to be arrogant.

Although Chen Mo and him are not in the same way, Chen Mo appreciates his ability to act and his unrestrained imagination. "If it weren't for the current confrontation, maybe I would invite you to cook wine and talk about heroes." Chen Mo's eyes were full of undisguised appreciation.

After seeing the evil ghost's true face, Chen Mo respected this person, but respect is all respect, Chen Mo would not go with the other party.

Killing games are not fun.

"Hey, it's okay, don't rush to act, there will be plenty of opportunities later, either you will kill me, or I will kill you, now let's analyze the truth, of course, you can also understand it as..., my showing off to you .” Lin Youping laughed loudly.

A person who has kept a secret in his heart for a long time and accomplished an ancient event. After holding it in for a long time, he will always find someone to tell it, just like Lin Youping, or other so-called villains, they are lonely , even the purple sweet potato essence in Chen Mo's memory who wanted to wipe out half of the life.

Lin Youping controlled the evil spirit and removed the bronze mask from the evil spirit's face.

The mask was so big that it even covered the entire head and half of the neck. As Lin Youping slowly took off the mask, it was Lin Youping's face that appeared in front of Chen Mo and the three of them.

A human face appeared on the evil spirit's body, and looking down, the color of Lin Youping's head was completely different from the evil spirit's skin color. Like head transplant surgery.

It's just that the target of head-changing is not human and human, but human and ghost.

"It's still like this, it's more comfortable. After wearing the mask for a long time, even I have forgotten my own face." Lin Youping stretched out his ghostly hand and touched his own face. The fair face, black and white on the neck, black and white A human head is attached to the ghost body.

"Swap your head with a ghost, you're a fucking genius!" Chen Mo marveled, just now he was surprised because he saw Lin Youping's face under the mask, and after Lin Youping took off the mask, the relationship between him and the ghost body The coercion rose rapidly.

"Switched heads with ghosts, and this situation actually happened, and there is no rejection reaction, even controllable, has the attribute of beheading, can freely control ghost energy, the amount of ghost energy has increased significantly..."

Chen Mo doesn't know what to say, it's too shocking, so shocking, it's like connecting a human head to the body of a god, so as to control the god, this idea is whimsical, the most difficult thing is that he has completed it .

If you tell Chen Mo, Chen Mo will not believe it, but now that he has seen it with his own eyes, Chen Mo has no choice but to believe it.

"The amazingly talented person is able to transplant a human head onto the body of an evil spirit. Tell Chen Xianzhi that even if you can't bring the specimen back with this thing, you must get the detailed dossier." Qin Lao couldn't take his eyes off it. He stared at the mirror in front of him, it was Lin Youping and his ghost.

When Wei Hui informed him, he still didn't believe it, but now that he saw it, it was a supernatural workmanship, and the head change was done to the extreme.

"No, how can you prove that he is indeed a human, and not a new ghost?" Elder Qin found a problem. It is not uncommon for them to have ghosts controlling people, and many of them have powerful wisdom and can even spit out people. In other words, a very cunning ghost, and now this person seems to fit all of these.

"It's extremely difficult to get the evil spirits to speak." Mr. Qin shook his head slightly. When the evil spirits command people, all the words they say are in line with human status. I want them to say more about their own situation. The evil spirit loses the ability to speak, or it may be that the other party does not want to speak.

"Are you a ghost?" Chen Mo asked the question that Mr. Qin was most concerned about. Although Chen Mo felt that the other party was a human being, it's better to confirm this kind of thing.

"Of course it's a human!" Lin Youping glanced at Chen Mo, his eyes gradually regained their brilliance, and they no longer look like the eyes of a walking evil ghost, but now he is more like a human.

"Amitabha, I have to admit that the donor is indeed a genius. It will be even better if he can walk on the right path." Foyin whispered a Buddha's name and said.

"On the right way?" The smile on Lin Youping's face disappeared suddenly, and the atmosphere froze. His eyes were filled with anger and hatred, as well as countless resentment and hatred. Even the ghostly aura around his body was affected by him. distorted by the influence.

"I was an official, and I didn't get a single copper coin. Yangzhou was in my hands, and it was flourishing day by day. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the people's lives were prosperous. The imperial edict wiped out all my Lin family. When I was in prison, I was already Tortured to death! Dead!"

"Tell me, what is it called... Zhengtu?!" Lin Youping's face was full of ferocious expressions. While he was speaking, Lin Youping had already stuck in front of the little monk Foyin, with a strange smile on his face, and a pair of scarlet eyes. His eyes were fixed on Foyin.

(End of this chapter)

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