Chapter 616

"Monk?" Qinglong naturally noticed the young monk.

The difference from Foyin is that he is wearing brocade cassock, exuding a faint white-gold light, and his whole person also looks dignified. Although this monk is very young, he already has the demeanor of a master.

"That monk is a big threat." Qinglong's face suddenly became serious. As the acting commander, Qinglong had already collected thirteen people from Dazhen and Dasheng, among whom there was this monk.

"It's better for the young monk to introduce himself." The young monk in the brocade cassock smiled kindly, clasped his hands together, and whispered a word about Amitabha.

Chen Mo didn't hide it, so it was only natural that the monk could hear it.The monk was not surprised either. Chen Mo didn't ask anyone else, but asked him for information alone, because the monk himself thought the same way, and he also wanted to know about Chen Xianzhi.

The feeling Chen Mo gave the monk was also very scary. Even though he knew Chen Mo for a long time, when he really saw Chen Mo, the monk couldn't help but admire Chen Mo's youth and strong fighting power. Compared with him, he seemed to be only stronger than weaker .

"The little monk was born in the Dazhen Great Bodhi Temple. He is the successor of Bodhi of this generation. The little monk's name is Bone Bodhisattva." Bone Bodhisattva's voice is upright and peaceful, and his attitude is also humble and peaceful when he speaks. Superiority and pride.

"I have long admired Mr. Chen's great name." Bone Bodhisattva saluted.

If you ignore the brocade cassock on his body, he looks like an ordinary little monk.

"Brother Chen, don't look at this monk's benevolence and kindness. In fact, he doesn't have much emotion. This person is born with a heart of bones. This kind of thing is very magical. All emotions and desires will be suppressed by a heart of bones." Qinglong reminded through sound transmission .

"Bone Heart, the prerequisite for the Bone Bodhisattva, no wonder." Chen Mo's eyes flashed with light.

Chen Mo thought to himself, "Why do these monks compare with one evil sect? Foyin is evil enough. He is born with demonic nature, but this one has a natural demonic heart."

"Jiu Yang." Chen Mo also bowed his hands and saluted. Anyway, at least the person opposite is a strong enemy, and Chen Mo has to take care of the big man behind him.

"Hiss—!" Chen Mo took a sharp breath. He hadn't noticed just now that when Gu Bodhi came out, Chen Mo finally smelled a bloody smell from his body, and the bloody smell was very tenacious.

"I have fought with someone, and I was injured, but it was not him who was injured, but the person who fought with him, this faint bloody smell that is not easy to detect." Chen Mo's thought flashed past, although Chen Mo There are some guesses, but the current situation clearly cannot allow Chen Mo to ask in public.

And even if Chen Mo asked, the other party might not be able to answer.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Huangchao glanced at the speaker just now, he seemed very familiar, and he could hear a sense of alienation from his tone.

On the other side, Murong Qiancheng's faction also seemed to be slightly worried about the visitor. Their reaction was very strange, and they should be familiar with the visitor, but after hearing the voice of the visitor, everyone looked at the leader, Murong Qiancheng. .

"It's getting more and more lively." Chen Mo looked like a crowd eating melons.

If the situation was good at the beginning, the situation took a turn for the worse after Zhao Huangchao and others came, but now, there are too many lice and no worries, and the debts are not worrying, just the more the water is stirred up, the more they have a chance to escape.

"The person who came here should be the chief of Dasheng. He is absolutely amazing." Qinglong saw the doubt in Chen Mo's eyes, so he said it by the way.

I have to say, with Qinglong by his side, at least Chen Mo won't lose his eyesight, and he doesn't even know who is who. Although he can judge the strength of the other party, if he can't even understand the relationship between people and relationships, he will always feel Things are a mess.

"The chief of Dasheng, that is to say, there is a conflict of interest between Murong and this person." Chen Mo glanced, although the faces of Murong and his party were as usual, but Chen Mo still saw some clues from it.

"Very good, the messier the better, just let us run." Chen Mo said something in his heart, and touched his chin.

Jue Shenji was followed by two masters, a man and a woman, the man was imposing and imposing, the woman was extremely beautiful, graceful and graceful, as proud as a swan with its chest up and its head up.

"I have admired Mr. Chen's great name for a long time, and Jue finally saw his true face today." Jue Shenji cupped his hands, and the folding fan in his hand was held by a sword flower on the side of his arm.

"Admiration for a long time." Chen Mo cupped his hands perfunctorily, he really didn't know anyone well.

No, it should be said that Chen Mo is not familiar with everyone sitting here, it is already troublesome enough to appear one after another, and it makes Chen Mo feel even more uncomfortable if Chen Mo needs to communicate with others.

And most importantly, these people were all from his opposite camp.

Jue Shenji wore a vermilion mang gown, and the Pingtian crown added a lot of color. His tall and straight body looked even more heroic, and his breath was gentle, giving him the air of a nobleman.

It is a kind of temperament that is precipitated by the time and background that the outbreak does not have.

While speaking, Chen Mo still felt the presence of a person coming, Chen Mo couldn't help sighing in his heart, he is not a rare animal, why so many people came to see him.

And it seems that the chaos Chen Mo hoped for did not happen, instead a strange harmony emerged.

"I said, can you make room for me? I'm going to enter the city with these brothers. I'm rushing, I didn't even have a sip of tea, and I was blocked outside the city gate by you. Even if everyone is an opponent, how much should it be Show some respect." Chen Mo really didn't want to wait any longer, but decided not to wait.


"It's been so long, can something happen?" The senior brother of Chunyang Sword Sect frowned slightly, and said to Xiao Daozi beside him.

"Don't worry, Tanma has already said that there is no battle yet, and the time Qinglong gave us is also an hour, and it has only been two quarters now, and we have to believe in Chen Xianzhi's strength." Xiao Daozi shook his head.

They always need to be stationed, and even if the chiefs of Dazhen and Dasheng leave, there are still people stationed there, and the fortifications are well done. Even if they want to draw their salaries from the bottom of the pot and come to encircle Wei and save Zhao, they have to think twice before doing so.

In this situation, we can only pray that Chen Mo can lead people to break through.

"What's the rush? If even Chen Xianzhi is no match, it's useless for us to go, just wait for the news." The senior brother of Shushan sneered, as if he looked down on Chunyang for being so restless.

"Huh, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Chunyang's senior brother snorted coldly, now the overall situation is the most important thing, it's not the time to fight with Shushan, and it's useless to play tricks, when is it not the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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