Reckless through another world

Chapter 617 Prepare for Raid

Chapter 617 Prepare for Raid
As soon as Chen Mo's words fell, everyone was stunned. No one thought that Chen Mo would put things on the table so blatantly.



"He might just be stupefied, after all, who would say such cold words on such an occasion."

"I think that Chen Xian's death is certain. He was originally on our Dasheng's territory, but he let us give way so politely. It's just a slap in the face. Neither Murong nor Jue Shenji can give in."


"Boy, you are crazy!" The black-clothed swordsman took a step forward, raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of sharp eyes under the bamboo hat, killing intent for a moment, a huge sword intent burst out from his body, turning into a The invisible sword energy cut towards Chen Mo.

"Hey, it's just normal." Chen Mo opened the ghostly eyes on his forehead, and the saber intent in his body immediately turned into an invisible heavenly saber to meet him.

Others couldn't see it, but everyone within the thirteen seats could see the saber intent and sword intent issued by Chen Mo and Xiao Sheng.The sharpness of the sword is like a sword swinging out of the world, and there is nothing it can't cut, but the sword intent trained like a wild waterfall is extremely domineering, rampaging along the way, crushing all stumbling blocks that dare to stop it. fly ash.



The fight between the two was only a split second, and even though they looked like they were equal, the black-clothed swordsman Xiao Sheng took half a step back, which was enough to show that Chen Mo's swordsmanship was so powerful that even such a swordsman was defeated by Chen Mo's swordsman. Invisible saber intent to repel.

Xiao Sheng felt a tingling pain between his brows, but he couldn't do it if Xiao Sheng was asked to back off. The needlepoints of both sides pointed at the wheat awning, and the explosion was close to Xiao Sheng, so although Xiao Sheng was the one who made the move first, he was the most embarrassed that one.

"Your little monk is okay, but you are not. As far as I know, you don't seem to be number one in Dazhen swordsmanship." Chen Mo grinned.

You don't slap people in the face when you hit someone, and you don't expose your faults when you swear. Chen Mo likes to expose his faults.

"You're courting death!" Xiao Sheng in black was immediately enraged by Chen Mo.

This is related to a past event in the past, and among them was that he lost to the current number one swordsman of Dazhen, which he regarded as a shame, and now he has been trying to surpass him for many years, and now he is despised by Chen Mo, Xiao Sheng is naturally extremely angry.

The ghost energy in Xiao Sheng's body surged out, turned into a black meteor and came straight towards Chen Mo. In mid-air, the evil spirit behind him had manifested, and the huge sword ghost sucked Xiao Sheng into his body.

"It would have been better if it had been like this earlier." The three-eyed Yan Luo behind Chen Mo appeared. Although he was only more than three meters tall, he was so imposing that anyone could know that the one behind Chen Mo was not easy to mess with.

While Qinglong and the others were about to attack, Chen Mo had already covered them with Ghost Domain.

The black ghost energy turned into a black mist that covered the surrounding sky.

"Where is this place?" Everyone behind them panicked, but seeing that the leader was still there, they felt a little more at ease this time.

"This is my ghost domain, you don't need to take action, I will take you out." Chen Mo explained by the way, everyone felt relieved, they did not feel terror in Chen Mo's ghost domain.

What Chen Mo said was just to calm them down. With Qinglong and the three of them present, they would definitely appease the hundreds of people they brought along, and Chen Mo didn't need to do it himself.

"Earth Immortal One Turn? I'm hitting Earth Immortal One Turn!" Chen Mo's fangs were completely exposed, the ghost eyes in his body opened, and the surrounding scenes suddenly entered Chen Mo's eyes. Following Xiao Sheng's attack, everyone was ready to move .

"Amitabha, let's see." Bone Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows and said in a low voice, even though he lowered his eyebrows, he still paid attention to Chen Mo's movements.


The three-eyed Yan Luo's figure suddenly increased, and a 20-meter-high figure appeared behind Chen Mo, holding the sharp stabbing sword of the sword ghost controlled by Xiao Sheng with both hands.

"How is it possible!" Xiao Sheng turned pale with shock, his sword was caught empty-handed.

"Anything is possible!" Chen Mo grinned, and his body gradually merged into the body of the three-eyed Yama. A trace of emotion appeared in the eyes of the three-eyed Yama, which had no emotion. This was Chen Mo's emotion.

"Damn it, this ghost?!" The people on the city wall stared at Chen Mo's big ghost dumbfounded.

The figure of Yan Luo with three eyes broke through 30 meters along the way. The tall body condescended to give a strong sense of oppression. The black aura gushed out crazily from the gaps in the ghost armor he was wearing. Chen Mo was suddenly enveloped by black ghost fog. Even the sky was subsequently dyed black.

The three-eyed Yan Luo stood in the ghost mist, and his scarlet ghost eyes shone with a strange red light.

"What level of evil spirit is this?"

"God Catcher's Purple Clothes are at this level?"


"This damn is only at the beginning of the first turn?"

They have all been frightened by Chen Mo's aura. They have never dealt with evil spirits of this level, and more than two years ago, they just came into contact with evil spirits. The strongest they have seen now is only more than ten meters away. close to 20 meters.

How could it be like the current situation, 20 meters in the field, and 30 meters after the fusion.

"Retreat." Murong Qiancheng was not entangled, but planned to retreat against all opinions. Although this is also Dasheng's territory, a fight will definitely destroy it wantonly, but it is better than losing his life.

Still the same sentence, isn't it good to live?
She is someone who knows Chen Mo's details. The evil spirit that day was at the 40-meter level, which means that Chen Mo still has strength, and now he can suppress Xiao Sheng to fight. To kill Chen Mo like this, the price they have to pay is too great.

"Murong, don't we want a share? Now it seems that Chen Xianzhi is really the chief of Dagan. If we can kill Chen Xianzhi, we can reduce one enemy, and Dagan will definitely be annexed by us." The people around persuaded .

"Kill Chen Xianzhi?!" Murong Qiancheng sneered, "Don't be ashamed, now it seems that if you fight alone, even the Bone Bodhisattva is no match for him, how can we kill him?"

"What's more, if Dagan is really gone, Dazhen will turn around and deal with us. Our own strength is the weakest one. Now that Dazhen has faced Dagan, we just sit on the sidelines." Murong Qiancheng analyzed calmly. From the beginning to the end, she was all for making Chen Xianzhi and Dazhen face each other.

It's nothing to lose a Liao Qingfeng, but it's not ordinary for Dazhen to lose a Xiao Sheng.

What's more, want to kill Chen Mo with more people?
Murong Qiancheng felt even more amused when he thought of this. Once Chen Mo's ghost domain is opened, it can isolate the inside and outside, and it can be slaughtered in batches.

Now, from Murong Qiancheng's point of view, if he wanted to kill Chen Xianzhi, at least he had to bring all the thirteen seats over to have any hope.

"Let's go quickly, don't be affected, but we have to fight and retreat, so as not to notice anything to Dazhen's people, if we can delay it for a while." Murong Qiancheng immediately formulated the best strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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