Reckless through another world

Chapter 618 The world that can make them work

Chapter 618 The world that can make them work
"The meaning of evil - ascending dragon!"

Chen Mo started running with two bangs. Although his body was huge, Chen Mo's speed did not decrease much.

People always feel that the speed of giants will drop sharply.In fact, it is not the case. While the body is improving, the speed of the strength in the body is greatly increasing. Even if the speed will drop a little, it will not drop very much.

"Not good!" Xiao Sheng knew that something was wrong when he saw the three-eyed Yan Luo who was stuck in front of him, condescendingly looking down at him.


As soon as the Dragon Rising Fist started, the Sword Demon controlled by Xiao Sheng was immediately kicked up by the three-eyed Yan Luo, and was also punched into the sky.

"Tiantong Fiendish God Strike!"

Naturally, Chen Mo didn't let go of this opportunity to break the defense by floating in the air. The Rising Dragon Fist is like this, with the continuous attack skill of breaking the defense in the air.

"Save people!" As soon as Zhao Huangchao's words fell, the Bone Bodhisattva next to him had already made a move. A huge skeleton and bone ghost appeared behind the Bone Bodhisattva, sitting on the bone lotus platform, and faint flames danced in his eyes with.

The aura of the Bone Tongtian evil ghost was like a mountain, blocking everyone's eyes.


The beads in Foyin's hand immediately enveloped Chen Mo like raindrops.

"Jue Shenji, if Chen Xianzhi is asked to go back to the big job, don't think about it. Don't forget that you took the initiative to do it. If you don't want to take action, don't blame us for being ruthless!" Zhao Huangchao's face was gloomy. Give it a chance.

Even if they were able to win Chen Xianzhi, it would seem that they would pay a heavy price, but if they let Chen Mo go, wouldn't their plan be in vain.

It will even gradually increase the momentum of the Dagan. Now less than half of the thirteen seats of the Dagan have come back to support the situation. If Chen Xianzhi is added, the main situation will definitely be stabilized. When the time comes, the remaining half will come back, although Dazhen and Dasheng joined forces, but they couldn't get much advantage.

This is Daqian, the country is prosperous, the land is vast and the resources are abundant, and the luck of the Nineteen Continents is even stronger, which can allow all the talents of Daqian to share enough luck.

"If you don't drink fine wine for a toast, then let Chen Xianzhi die here!"

"Give me, get—ah, get down!" Jueshenji prolonged the syllable of the word "Na", adding a third of the charm of singing, and the man behind him was already moving forward.

"Murong, you don't want to leave, do you?" Jue Shenji narrowed his eyes slightly, he saw Murong Qiancheng's retreat, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "After all, she is a woman, facing such a situation, she is helpless and wants to retreat. "

"Of course not, but we are only able to do little harm to Chen Xianzhi." Murong Qiancheng smiled sweetly, with a flattering meaning in his smile, it seemed that she was really like what she said. Not badly.

"You and Dazhen's plan is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. We should weaken the power of Dazhen and Daqian to become the dominant party." Murong Qiancheng sent a voice transmission to Jueshenji.

"Naturally, I know, but I have to deal with this one." Jue Shenji's expression eased slightly, although Murong Qiancheng disagreed with him, but after all, they were both members of Dasheng, and they shared common interests. Even if they fight, there won't be much loss. After all, the situation outside the game must also be considered.


"Okay, okay, if you can't be singled out, change to go together?" Chen Mo slowly got up, and there were two regular furrows in front of him, which were caused by the legs of the three-eyed Yama. Although Chen Mo noticed the Bone Bodhisattva, but the other party Still strong.

Even though he paid attention, Chen Mo was caught off guard, and Chen Mo had to quit Baizhang.

"Amitabha, after all, Mr. Chen is the chief of the great cadre. Even if we go together, it's really nothing, because you are the chief of the great cadre." Bone Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows, and his words were calm and flat, as if Talking about a trivial matter.

"That's right, Chen Xianzhi, if you can turn to the light, I'd like to recommend you to be the chief of our Dazhen." Zhao Huangchao was a little late.

"Following you is to abandon the dark and turn to the bright?" Chen Mo twitched his eyebrows, the other party's shamelessness was beyond Chen Mo's reach.

"Chen Xianzhi, if you catch him without a fight, you will be left with a whole body!" The man behind Jue Shenji sneered.


"That's how you forced Zhang Changsheng that day." Chen Mo just listened quietly, and even brushed off the dirt on his body out of boredom.

"Whatever talk to him, just kill him." While speaking, Xiao Sheng had already preemptively struck.

"Heroes see the same thing. Today, either I, Chen Xianzhi, killed everyone, or everyone killed me!" Chen Mo smiled ferociously, and Huang Quan was thrown into the sky by Chen Mo as light as a feather.

At the same time, Sanmu Yanluo held the bronze broken knife in his hand. Fortunately, the bronze broken knife would be enlarged according to the size of the ghost.

Otherwise, there is only a blade as long as an adult's forearm, and Chen Mo really doesn't know how to hold it in his hand.

"Broken knife?"

"A broken knife can kill a person!"


The air waves around Chen Mo exploded like the heavy artillery of a giant ship. During the roar, Chen Chen Mo had already appeared in front of Xiao Sheng, the broken knife in his hand was raised high, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Only to see the scarlet mist turning into a streamer, Chen Mo's attack has arrived.

"Why is it me again?!" This kind of thought just flashed in Xiao Sheng's mind. Even the sky dominated by Chen Mo's ghost mist was torn apart.

Although he is not as good as Chen Mo, as one of the thirteen seats, he should not be underestimated.

"Step on the song!"

"Ghost abuse and death." Chen Mo held a broken knife in his right hand, and his left hand turned into a fist. The fist and knife blocked each other, greatly reducing the opponent's display space.

"Overturn the river and the sea!"

Zhao Huangchao's evil ghost is hidden in the ghost fog. Chen Mo can't see clearly, but he can see the black robe and a pair of black ghost hands. Using the evil ghost to perform human martial arts, martial arts and even martial arts, the power is very powerful. multiply.

Even the destructive power caused is even greater, but the opponent wants to attack with such a simple move, and they underestimate Chen Mo too much.

"Half-step collapse fist!"

Chen Mo's Xingyiquan and Bajiquan had been practiced all the time before time-traveling, and now it's finally time to show its power.

The game of sword fist and the opponent's palm was dazzled so that everyone couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and even the faster and faster the fight, the more frightened Zhao Huangchao was.

"Hold your elbow!"


The powerful energy even directly penetrated the huge body of the evil spirit in front of him, and a cyclone appeared behind Zhao Huangchao.

Zhao Huangchao bowed like a prawn, and was immediately forced back by Chen Mo.

"Bone Vajra Palm!"

Chen Mo was not afraid at all. He used to use his strength to crush others. It was what Chen Mo yearned for to fight like this. What's more, although they were not as good as Chen Mo, they were all top geniuses in the world!




"Move, block, beat!"

"Bang bang bang!"

For a while, the four of them were in a stalemate with Chen Mo...

(End of this chapter)

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