Chapter 623 Mutation
"What?! Chen Xianzhi fought back again?" The smile on Xiao Daozi's face also turned into a wry smile. Although he was very nervous and even felt unbelievable, but because of this, Xiao Daozi's smile was wider.

Although Xiao Daozi didn't want to laugh very much, and was even anxious and nervous, he couldn't help but smile.

They are not surprised, this is a disease, it is a disease brought by the evil spirit that he himself controls, they all have more or less unspeakable symptoms brought by the evil spirit, even if it is a martial artist, it can survive enough Controlling your own skeletal muscles cannot control these.

"I'm not persuading you. You guys know better than me what Chen Xianzhi's temperament is. After all, the time I've been dealing with him is shorter." Qinglong's face was frosty, and although there was helplessness in his voice, he was not worried.

"Chen Mo can lead them out of the Ten Thousand Armies, not to mention that it's only Chen Mo going by himself now, it must be like entering the land of no one in the Ten Thousand Armies." Li Chunxi smiled and wanted to smooth things over.

"Nonsense, that's how Chen Xianzhi is the chief, and he doesn't have the slightest view of the big picture!"

"Actually, think about it in a disguised form. It would be good if Chen Xianzhi could kill the opponent a few more seats. After all, Chen Xianzhi himself said that he is not a material for a leader." The elder sister of Shenxiu Square defended Chen Mo.

In fact, although there is a so-called sense of righteousness and a view of the overall situation, in fact, everyone wants Chen Mo'an to follow the command in a stable manner, instead of taking risks like he is doing now.

Even among the people sitting here, who is completely selfish and wants to tie Chen Mo to the chariot and let Chen Mo help defend against the enemy, but no one has broken the window paper? .

"Are we saving people or are we?" The smile on Xiao Daozi's face has returned to normal, his expression has stabilized slightly, and he looked at Qinglong while speaking.

"Wait a little longer,"

Chen Mo stood on the top of the city, beside him was the huge gap he cut just now, and the scarlet embers gave off little stars in the gusts of wind.

"Chen Xianzhi, you fucking dare to come back." Zhao Huangchao roared.

"The fight just now was not satisfying, let's fight again." Chen Mo rattled his pair of iron fists, with a ferocious look on his face, these guys had a good fight just now, now throwing off the burden, Chen Mo I can finally let go and hammer people.

A real man should do what a man should do.

"Brother Chen, you have something to talk about. Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. After all, we all want to resist the demons." Jue Shenji's complexion changed, and he said with a smile, like an old friend.

"Hahaha." Chen Mo sneered, his mother was about to chop off his head, so he had to talk to his mother if he had something to say.

Anyway, Chen Mo has already figured out their combat strength, and it is impossible for them to let everyone leave alive.


A golden bolt of lightning strikes in the sky.

The originally gray sky was instantly illuminated by this golden lightning.

Everyone felt that the gray sky suddenly brightened up, and the space that was always morning and dusk seemed to come to noon all at once.

"What's the matter?!" Chen Mo looked up, and the sky was full of golden national luck, rolling in, stretching without end.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

A burst of golden light rushed into the sky from all directions.

"It's finally here." Murong Qiancheng's phoenix eyes flashed with excitement. The plan they had planned for a long time was finally able to start.


The horrible creature dormant in the darkness slowly raised its head. Its ugly body and condensed black eyes coveted the light from the darkness and peeped at the golden national destiny. Make bursts of sound waves.

"Quack quack."

"Quack quack."

One by one, creatures hidden in the darkness came out of the darkness, and crawled out of the mud.


Huge, or short, densely packed monsters appeared on the surface.


"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu like the sound of horns from ancient times, the land in all directions cracked up from the capital city, and a huge building slowly emerged from the ground, covering the capital city of the God Emperor in an instant.

"What happened?" Chen Mo was shocked. He only felt that the surrounding walls and rocks collapsed in an instant, and the central area was constantly being refurbished, as if something in the central area wanted to crawl out of it.

Not only did changes occur on Chen Mo's side, but even Zhao Huangchao's feet also experienced changes, and even the entire capital of the God Emperor was undergoing changes.

The soil and city walls, like buildings that have been standing for a long time, are blown by the wind and quickly begin to be deserted.

The Holy Maiden of the Holy Sect stood quietly in the main hall, which was as stable as Mount Tai, and was not affected by the vibration at all, and what she was holding in her hand was the black jade seal, which was as big as two fists like a casserole. The whole body is black.

The black jade seal was slowly placed on the table by the saintess of the Most Holy Sect, and the groove on the table was just right for storing the jade seal.At the same time, the table case was turned over, and the table case with the jade seal had disappeared, replaced by a huge throne.

The black figure on the throne holds a black jade seal in his hand.

The figure slowly raised its head...


The golden sky in the sky was instantly covered by black clouds, the wind howled, and the dark environment was terrifying.

"Gudu!" Chen Mo swallowed, and footsteps came from behind Chen Mo, but after Chen Mo's ghost eyes opened, there was no one behind him, only a faint sense of fear drifted from all directions.

Chen Mo's eyebrows darkened. He immediately knew that something was wrong. There must be an evil spirit staring at him, and it was the kind of evil spirit that was very difficult to deal with, because Chen Mo didn't find the other party, and he could hear the silence Among them, there were terrifying footsteps.

The surrounding environment has completely changed, here is no longer a city wall, but a long corridor, like the corridor of a wooden attic, surrounded by compartments made of painted red wood.

Chen Mo stood quietly in the corridor, he did not act rashly.

At this time, Chen Mo's sound transmission token rang.

Chen Mo was taken aback.

After all, the sound transmission token has always been difficult to use, and now it is very likely that it was called by a ghost.

"Accept, or not?" Chen Mo hesitated immediately. This ghost was so terrifying that Chen Mo didn't even notice it. If he answered rashly, he might fall into the other party's trap.

But Chen Mo didn't answer, and the voice transmission token was still opened.


"I was very scared. There was a sound of footsteps lingering at the door."

It was a woman's voice that came through the sound transmission. She was very flustered, even agitated.

Chen Mo could feel that the other party should be hiding in a dark corner, looking around in a panic, and covering his mouth tightly, while sending a voice transmission to Chen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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