Reckless through another world

Chapter 624 Who Is More Patient

Chapter 624 Who Is More Patient
But Chen Mo didn't answer, and there were also people who were killed by ghosts through sound transmission. Some of them responded to the evil ghost's words, and some were directly tracked and killed by the evil ghost in the sound transmission.

All Chen Mo was silent, pursing his lips and listening quietly.

"Help me, who, who will save me!"

The woman is crying.

"Voice, it comes again." The woman's voice was immediately lowered by herself, but at the same time, Chen Mo could already hear the voice from the other side of the sound transmission.

It was a kind of friction sound of old tape playing back and forth.

Even if you don't listen carefully, you can hear footsteps.

"Batta, Batta..."

The sound of footsteps in the darkness was particularly loud, and the person walking seemed to be very heavy. Every time he took a step, there was a loud sound, like the dull sound made by a dead person falling to the ground suddenly when being carried.

The hairs on Chen Mo's body stood on end.

"Come out to be vigilant, she is afraid, I am more scared than her, these footsteps are not human." Chen Mo muttered silently in his heart, and the five evil spirits in his body had slowly crawled out of Chen Mo's body come out.

"Master, I know you can hear me, I know, I know that thing is coming, please..."

"Please save me."

"I'm under the bed now, I don't dare to go out, he's here, the footsteps... are getting louder and louder, woo..."

The woman covered her mouth in horror, she was terrified, she was terrified of being discovered, under the dark bed, the space was very narrow.

But she just wanted to shrink in.

"Blah, blah, blah!"

The voice is getting louder and louder, even every time it seems to be walking on the heart, let the heart beat with the footsteps, hold your breath and concentrate, you can control your breathing, Chen Mo wants to hear more clearly.

However, whenever he wanted to hear clearly, the footsteps disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sound from outside the door.

Footsteps sounded.

"Batta, Batta..."

Like two old-fashioned tapes rewinding each other, the footsteps began to loop.

Chen Mo had already cheered up, but he didn't hear any footsteps from around. Even the first footsteps he heard, Chen Mo felt that they came from the sound transmission token, otherwise If so, even if there is a ghost, it should be discovered.

Five evil ghosts surrounded Chen Mo, but they still didn't make Chen Mo feel safe.

The scarlet ghost eyes opened, and Chen Mo planned to move.

The woman's call for help did not get a response from Chen Mo. Even if Chen Mo responded, she might not be able to save her. Maybe it was a trap set by evil spirits.

Chen Mo has always thought that this is a trap of evil spirits. After all, his voice transmission is no longer available, and there is no exchange of voice transmissions. How did the other party call?
All of these are suspicious.

This matter itself is weird enough, Chen Mo was pulled in all of a sudden, and surrounded by completely real scenes.

If it's an illusion, it's okay to say, it's probably this kind of terrifying existence that can quietly drag Chen Mo from one environment to another.


The sound of Chen Mo's footsteps was especially harsh on the wooden floor.

"Grandpa, where are you, sir? I'm in A Zihao..."

It seemed that she heard Chen Mo's movement, so the woman who was already desperate felt hopeful again miraculously, even though Chen Mo didn't speak, quietly nothing.

On the contrary, Chen Mo's coping method, which was scarier than ghosts, did not make the other party feel terrified.

If Chen Mo was on the other side's side, Chen Mo's voice transmission didn't respond at all, Chen Mo might hang up immediately, because no one can tell whether the person listening to the voice transmission on the other side is a person or... ghost.

"I'm hiding under the bed now, but the voice is still there and I'm really scared."

The woman's voice trembled, and Chen Mo could even imagine that the other person's face was pale, and her knuckles were turning white from holding the sound transmission token.

But Chen Mo didn't respond to the other party, but listened quietly.

"He's in!"

The woman's voice came over. The woman's voice was full of despair, and there was a cry in her voice. Finally, she finally couldn't help crying. Accompanied by a choked sound, the footsteps slowly approached her.

The voice was getting closer and closer. This time, the voice did not leave. It seemed that the other party had opened the door and walked in, walking into the woman's boudoir.

Chen Mo could hear the voice, it was very heavy, very heavy.

It seemed that every time the other party took a step, it would be a great burden on him, and the wooden floor creaked under his feet.

"I saw him." The woman finally collapsed, she could no longer hide her despair, even though she was hiding under her bed, the thing still came in, and even the doors and windows didn't stop him, Now the woman finally saw him.

"He was wearing a pair of black boots that looked like rain boots with mud on them, and there was water on the floor..."

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"He found me."

The voice came from the sound transmission token, screams, sharp screams, as if seeing the most terrifying thing, the kind of horror that can pull out the soul of a person, transmitted from the sound transmission token come over.

She cried, but the other party was so strong that she was dragged out from under the bed.


When the sound transmission token fell to the ground, all the sounds were extinguished, and everything returned to silence, as if nothing had happened just now.



Chen Mo let out a deep breath. He could feel that something picked up the sound transmission token on the opposite side and put it next to his ear, but it was a pity that both sides seemed to be silent.

Chen Mo didn't speak. Even though he was under such a great pressure, Chen Mo still didn't say a word, and the other party didn't speak either, listening quietly to the movement here.

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a sense of horror. You must know that the opposite party is probably a ghost.

Think about it, you are holding the phone, the call has been connected, but it is quiet, there is a ghost on the opposite side, holding the phone you called, listening quietly, it seems very curious.

One person and one ghost started a psychological game.

In fact, this is just Chen Mo's own idea. Ghosts are ghosts, and they don't know how to play psychological tactics with people. They live to kill people, no matter what kind of evil ghosts they are.



After going through the first one, Chen Mo heard the second person calling for help, and even the third person, it seems that there will always be a place where Chen Mo can be found through the sound transmission token.

Chen Mo, on the other hand, listened quietly to the other party's demands without saying a word.

Every time a person dies, there will always be a dark moment afterwards, that is, one person and one ghost are listening to the sound transmission, but neither person nor ghost speaks.


"Okay, you've won, come here, I'll be waiting for you!" Chen Mo hid himself in the body of the three-eyed Yama, and spoke faintly with a ghostly aura.

(End of this chapter)

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