Reckless through another world

Chapter 625 This offer is innocent

Chapter 625 This offer is innocent
The promenade is not long, but the original intention of the builder seems to be to build a huge maze, so there are many rooms connected to each other, and the promenade appears again after the door is opened.

"It's annoying. The sound transmission token has stopped ringing, but I can't get out either." Chen Mo pushed open an elegant door, and what appeared in front of him was another long corridor, which was quiet and without a trace. sound.

If it was an illusion, Chen Mo wouldn't be so worried, but they are all real things.

The wooden floor, the elegant building, and the dim surroundings make people feel a huge sense of oppression, as if something is hiding inside, and the eyes are peeking at Chen Mo's back.

Chen Mo always felt that something was following behind him, but when the ghost eyes behind him opened, there was nothing.

Chen Mo raised his head and glanced at the roof. Since he can't get out from here, he just needs to rush up. After all, Chen Mo might be involved just now because of the change in the capital of the God Emperor. .

If Chen Mo's prediction is correct, this place should be underground, and the key to breaking the game is to get out of the maze, and the other is the violent breaking method advocated by Chen Mo.Poke a hole from the sky, and then go out.

"It doesn't matter where it is going, just rush up." A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face.

Only a thousand days of being a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief.

Although Chen Mo could see clearly in the dark, Chen Mo didn't see the owner of the footsteps at all.

The three-eyed Yama, who was three meters tall, bent his legs slightly, and jumped up with a bang. The floor under his feet suddenly shattered, and the figure of the three-eyed Yama also rushed up.

With a sound of "Boom!", a big hole was smashed into the ceiling above the head.

"What the hell place." Chen Mo's gaze was fixed, the surrounding environment has not changed much, but the building seems to be more dilapidated.


The sound of footsteps came from behind Chen Mo. Chen Mo opened the ghost eyes behind him. He only had a pair of rain boots with yellow mud in the black mist. After stepping out of the boots, he slowly put them back.


The three-eyed Yan Luo that Chen Mo was envoy appeared in that place, and the ghost hand stretched out, and the black mist dissipated. There was nothing on the ground except for a puddle of water and a little yellow mud, and the ghost energy lingering here was also gone. Then dissipated.

"If you like to follow, just follow." Chen Mo was quite helpless, even if the thing behind him was called, he would not come out.

As for how big the threat was, Chen Mo didn't see it. He just hung behind Chen Mo, like a fishbone stuck in his throat.


"This should be the underground of the capital, right?" Zhao Huangchao frowned, there was another person standing beside him, it was the black-clothed swordsman Xiao Sheng, and the two of them were also involved.

"The good thing that the Supreme Sacred Sect did was to summon the true capital when we came out. Now that the dragon veins of the God Emperor have been completely drawn out, if we have been trapped underneath, wouldn't it be that the Sacred Sacred Sect dominates? !" Xiao Sheng said coldly.

Anger was suppressed in his voice.

"Let's find a way first. We've been dragging on for so long, and we won't be able to go back, and the Holy Sect belongs to our Dazhen after all. Even if they get the benefits, it's Dazhen's benefit." Zhao Huangchao can only do this comfort myself.

At any rate, the Supreme Sacred Sect is also a Dazhen man, even if his luck is gathered in the end, the human emperor he creates will also be a Dazhen emperor.

It's better than a big job or a big promotion, so even though Zhao Huangchao felt angry in his heart, he didn't say much. This plan was prepared a long time ago, but it was delayed until now because of the loss of Yuxi. .

"Furthermore, although we were buried, Chen Xianzhi was also buried, and Dagan's strength cannot compare to the combination of the two."

"Dasheng's two headed family members are also absent. This timing is simply a godsend." Zhao Huangchao shook his head slightly and gave a wry smile. He didn't expect that the person from the Holy Sect would even deceive them.

Although Zhao Huangchao has been persuading himself to be calm and take the overall situation into consideration, he still has dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Find a way."


The low sound of water drops sounded from behind them.

Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng didn't look back, nor did they speak, they were not fools.

In case a powerful evil spirit came, if they violated the law of killing, even though one blow might not necessarily kill them.

If you are targeted by evil spirits, there will always be a time to relax.

"Let's go, this place is very evil, let's rush up directly." Zhao Huangchao looked up at the ceiling, and flew up directly.


Chen Mo heard a loud noise next door, and immediately became alert.

"Huh? An old acquaintance." Chen Mo heard the other party's voice, and he fought with them just now, so of course he can quickly recall it.

It's just that what Chen Mo didn't expect was that they would also be buried here, and they were also separated with Chen Mo.

"Why is this floor so dilapidated? Could it be that we turned it upside down and went further and further down?" Xiao Sheng asked his own question.

"Good idea." Chen Mo was listening next door, and originally wanted to push the door, but after hearing Xiao Sheng's words, Chen Mo decided to listen again, maybe they had some inside news that Chen Mo didn't know about.

"Probably not. The underground space in the capital is huge, but we are still standing here instead of being suspended." Although Zhao Huangchao didn't know the existence of gravity, he explained gravity in a very superficial way.

"Maybe, we are in the ghost realm?" Chen Mo murmured.

"Who, come out!"


A sword light shattered the door panel, and Chen Mo's figure also appeared in front of the two of them.

There was a smile on Chen Mo's face, and he was gearing up: "If there is a way to heaven, you don't go, if there is no way to hell, you come and vote. I am worried that I can't find you!"

Chen Mo's expression was calm, but looking at the grinning smile, he felt hideous no matter how he looked at it, and his words were even filled with excitement and joy.

The other party is only two people, even if it is the first few seats.

"President Chen, now we are in trouble together, at least we all go out and fight again, do you think it is feasible?" When Zhao Huangchao saw that it was Chen Mo, the tension in his expression can be imagined, this guy may be a real lunatic, even if Even if they fight together, they can't beat Chen Xianzhi.

So Zhao Huangchao spoke kindly with a very relaxed expression, and rubbed his hands quite nervously.

And Xiao Sheng was even more nervous, he had offended Chen Xianzhi terribly, now when he met again, Xiao Sheng's face turned green.

"Cut off [-]% of your luck, and I'll let you go. What do you think? At least [-]% is left for you. It's interesting." Chen Mo took out two mint leaves from the mustard bag and put them in his mouth. Li, said with a smile after chewing.

"I'm not like them. They kill people to steal treasures, and don't give you any way to survive. At least you have life, and you still have [-]% luck. Is this quotation fair?" Chen Mo said kindly.

Chen Mo believed in the exchange of equal value. If they paid, he would not hack them to death this time, and we will talk about it later.

"Chen Xianzhi, don't bully others too much!" Xiao Sheng said angrily, and the sharp sword in his hand came out of its sheath with a clang.

 Sorry, my mind is muddled, this chapter has been written from seven o'clock to the present, forgive me.

  The renovation next door, I went to bed late yesterday, and then I didn't sleep well during the day, I was very dizzy, and then I was arguing for a long time, so I was delayed, everyone forgive me.

  This month will definitely not give you less updates, three updates a day as a base.

(End of this chapter)

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