Reckless through another world

Chapter 626 People fly in front, souls chase behind

Chapter 626 People fly in front, souls chase behind

"Am I deceiving too much?" Chen Mo pointed at himself blankly, and then laughed out loud.

"We both contribute [-]% each, what does Mr. Chen think?" Zhao Huangchao frowned slightly

In fact, Zhao Huangchao did not agree with Chen Mo's proposal. You must know that the luck of the two of them combined is equivalent to one-fifth of the total national luck. Chen Mo is going to give [-]% to each of them. This cut really makes them heartbroken.

"Burning the residence newspaper during the festival, are you fooling the ghosts?" Chen Mo's eyebrows sank, his right hand had already touched the handle of the bronze broken knife, and the coldness in his eyes gradually emerged.

Now that Chen Mo is the one holding the sword, even if they want to talk, they should understand that Chen Mo can't give up more than half of it, which has already violated Chen Mo's bottom line.

"Chen Xianzhi, you think we are afraid of you. Even if you are superior in combat power, we are at most in a mess. If you want to kill someone, you have to weigh yourself." Xiao Sheng sneered, holding the sword.

His original intention was not to reconcile with Chen Mo, so the provocation in his words was obvious.

Xiao Sheng was not only exposed by Chen Mo, but also the one who was beaten the worst by Chen Mo.

Martial arts, let alone swordsmen, are not so arrogant.What's more, as a warrior, if you have more evil spirits in your chest, even if the opponent is strong and irresistible, you can't easily subdue, not to mention that the opponent is also limited in strength.

Even if the number of people was cut in half, Xiao Sheng felt that even if he couldn't beat him, at least he could protect himself.

"It's broken, isn't this a bad thing!" Zhao Huangchao was taken aback, he never thought that Xiao Sheng would be so unwise, and looking at Chen Mo's face, Zhao Huangchao immediately made preparations.

"Ignorance!" Chen Mo sneered.

"Boom!" Chen Mo appeared in front of Xiao Sheng in an instant, and at the same time, the ghost armor wrapped Chen Mo.

The three-eyed Yama absorbed Chen Mo in like a black liquid armor. Chen Mo held the bronze broken knife in his hand. At the same time, the three-eyed Yama possessed his body, his skin was gradually wrapped, and the knife had already slashed towards Xiao Sheng's neck.


Swords clashed, the long sword in Xiao Sheng's hand blocked Chen Mo's broken bronze knife, but it couldn't stop Chen Mo's huge strength, and he tried to pull out the long sword with difficulty.


A wave of air visible to the naked eye vibrated out.

The strength of the single arm crushed down, along Xiao Sheng's shoulder, smashing him to his knees on the ground.

Kneeling on one knee, the floor was smashed into a huge hole, and even half of Xiao Sheng's body was smashed into the floor by Chen Mo's blow.

"How could it be so strong?!" Xiao Sheng's eyes were full of horror. He originally thought that it was already the limit of Chen Mo, but he didn't expect the smaller one to be stronger.Stronger than him, it was as powerful as Mount Tai, smashing him to the ground.

Xiao Sheng raised his head with difficulty, just in time to look down, the eyes of the three-eyed Yan Luo three meters high, the scarlet eyes wrapped in the ghost armor helmet, did not show the slightest emotion, and the vertical eyes on the forehead flickered with light.

Zhao Huangchao was also shocked by Chen Mo's speed and strength, but he couldn't just ignore death, no matter what his intentions were.

Although Zhao Huangchao also secretly hated Xiao Sheng for speaking too aggressively, he actually stood on the opposite side of the other party.

It's just that this didn't affect Zhao Huangchao's attack.

At the same time as Chen Mo came forward, Zhao Huangchao had already made his move.

"Mountain Sea River Palm!"

The ghostly aura of both arms is turned upside down, just like a river flowing backwards and a typhoon passing by. The raging waves seem to want to sweep away all the mud and sand blocking the way.


A pair of pitch-black ghost hands hit the three-eyed Yama on the chest. Under Chen Mo's control, the three-eyed Yama withdrew his sword and returned to defense. With a bang, the palm hit the bronze broken blade. Yan Luo then retreated three steps.

The shattered armor on his body was shattered.

However, it was completely restored in an instant.


Zhao Huangchao yelled, picked up Xiao Sheng who was stuck on the floor, and ran wildly.

"Want to run?!" Chen Mo bent down, and the remaining four arms grew out from under his ribs, creaking, and his feet broke over with a strange step.


Chen Mo's figure jumped, and he lay face down on the ceiling with his head hanging down. His scarlet ghost eyes flickered, and locked onto Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng who were rushing forward.

"Mother, what the hell is that?" Xiao Sheng stared at Chen Mo's operation in a daze.

He was dragged upside down by his collar, so he could see Chen Mo's mutation, from a person to this terrifying monster.

Whether it was the fear and coercion emanating from the other party or his appearance, Xiao Sheng was very uncomfortable. He even got goose bumps all over his body, and his spine went numb for a while. It seemed that just looking at that twisted monster would make him feel sick.

It's no wonder that Chen Mo's current appearance is indeed terrifying, with six arms and his feet turned upside down, sticking to the wall at a very fast speed, staring at them with scarlet eyes.

The black ghost armor should have the thick feeling of the dark wind, but now there is only a sense of terror, sharp ghost horns, and layers of armor highlight this contrast.

Xiao Sheng originally wanted to ask Zhao Huangchao why he ran away, but now that he saw Chen Mo's appearance, he felt that running away was a damn wise choice.

Xiao Sheng even wondered whether Chen Mo had mutated or was controlled by a ghost, otherwise how could he be so terrifying.

"Hurry up, he's catching up!"

"He's really going to catch up!"

Xiao Sheng kept urging...

Zhao Huangchao, who was running sullenly, was a little surprised. Even if Chen Mo caught up, he wouldn't be so panicked. Hearing Xiao Sheng's eager voice, Zhao Huangchao looked back.

"Damn me!!!"


"What the hell is this!"

Zhao Huangchao cursed loudly, the pupils of his eyes shrank into a ball in fright, and his soul was almost scared out.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

The monster chasing after them ran faster and faster, even reaching out to grab them.

"Two-wheel drive, do you want to compare it with my eight-wheel drive?!" Chen Mo grinned, using both hands and feet. Because of the reason of the six-armed warrior, Chen Mo was faster and more powerful when lying on his stomach. The joy beyond words.

"Brother Zhao, hurry up, hurry up, this ghost thing is catching up!" Xiao Sheng looked at Chen Mo who was far away from him, and was getting closer and closer to him, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Not only to experience the tension of being hunted down, but also to experience this sense of terror.

"Death or death..."

"Corner!" Zhao Huangchao's eyes lit up, he ran the long straight road, and he finally saw the hope of getting rid of the thing behind him.

Zhao Huangchao didn't slow down at all, instead he started to gallop, and the true energy in his body directly made him fly.


Chen Mo hit the corner heavily, and at the same time, he broke through the corner and flew into another corridor.

"Finally get rid of it." Zhao Huangchao sweated and put Xiao Sheng down.

"Chen Xianzhi has already been eaten by that monster, right?" Zhao Huangchao realized that he didn't seem to see Chen Mo, nor heard Chen Mo's voice, plus the monster behind him, so he couldn't help becoming suspicious.

Xiao Sheng had a weird face, and then smiled wryly, "That monster is Chen Xianzhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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