Chapter 627
Zhao Huangchao was stunned, swallowed and said, "You said that Chen Xianzhi?"

Zhao Huangchao didn't believe it at first, and even felt that what Xiao Sheng said was absurd, but after thinking about it carefully, the monster seemed to be really Chen Xianzhi, after all, that ghost armor, that broken knife, eyeballs, ghost hands,... …

too much too much...

But even though all the signs showed that the monster was Chen Mo, it was still too difficult for Zhao Huangchao to accept that monster.

"It's okay, as long as Chen Xianzhi can get rid of it, let's go." Zhao Huangchao didn't think about Chen Mo anymore.


Zhao Huangchao jumped up to the ceiling, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't smash the ceiling out of a hole, but was stopped by the ceiling. It seemed that there was something blocking Zhao Huangchao above his head.

"What's going on?" Xiao Sheng raised his head in astonishment, looking at the ceiling, a little dazed.

"It's impossible to go up there. There should be something blocking the sky. Let's go to the Bone Bodhisattva to meet them first, and then make plans." Zhao Huangchao didn't plan to stay for a long time. After all, although Chen Mo fell into another corridor, he didn't care. It means that Chen Mo can't catch up.

"That's right, let's go quickly, maybe Chen Xianzhi will catch up soon." Xiao Sheng said hastily, now when he thinks of that monster Chen Mo, he wants to run away as soon as possible.


The side door and window shattered instantly, and a monster shaped like a giant human spider flew out of it, and landed on the side door and window with light hands and feet.

This time, the other party seemed to have learned the lesson, and instead of smashing into pieces around the corridor in a rampage, it landed very lightly on the wooden doors and windows on the side.

"Damn it, let people live!" Xiao Sheng exclaimed and ran wildly.

"You crow's mouth, Chen Xianzhi has mastered his skills this time, and he has managed to control it finely. Now he is about to be overtaken by others." Zhao Huangchao was shocked. Chen Mo, who seemed to have mutated, turned out to be exactly as Zhao Huangchao thought. Finely control yourself.

After this, it will be even more troublesome for them to get rid of Chen Mo.

The humanoid spider monster behind rushed around the walls and floors in all directions like a drum washing machine, while Xiao Sheng and Zhao Huangchao ran in front.


"Fei, get rid of the other party before talking!"

The two reached an agreement, and their figures leaped in the sky as fast as a shuttle. Huawei's two rainbow lights were particularly conspicuous in the slightly dark corridor.

And behind them was a black shadow that looked like a humanoid spider, moving very fast, and the scarlet eyeballs shone with a faint red light.

They are playing speed of life and death, but this side is different.

"Mother, let those two guys run away, what's going on here?" Chen Mo moved his shoulders and neck.

Just now, his speed was too fast and his strength was too strong, which caused Chen Mo to directly smash into the wall at the corner over there. It was originally a wooden wall, which couldn't withstand Chen Mo's impact at all, and a big hole was broken all at once.

But Chen Mo's reaction was also very fast. Shenlong swung his tail and turned his head quickly. Unexpectedly, he plunged into the unfamiliar corridor again, but there were still Xiao Sheng and Zhao Huangchao around.

"Forget it, if you lose it, just throw it away. Anyway, it was picked up for nothing." Chen Mo did not entangle and lose the two of them. After all, no one thought that the corner of the wall was so fragile. Chen Mo thought that with his own control It will land very delicately on the corner of the wall.

"Anyway, I'll just go out and wait for them." Chen Mo also looked up at the ceiling.

Bow down, bend your legs.


Launch off like a cannonball.


Even though Chen Mo's head was as iron as the gold of the stars, he was still shocked.

Fortunately, he is no longer an ordinary person. Otherwise, if he were an ordinary person, his head would explode like a watermelon if he bumped into it.

"Get out?" Chen Mo lay on the floor in the corridor.

"Why are there no footsteps?"

Chen Mo turned around, lay down on the ground, and listened carefully. Except for the silence, Chen Mo really couldn't hear any sound.

The footsteps that had been following behind Chen Mo had disappeared.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, he always felt that the sound of footsteps had something to do with this ghostly place, otherwise, how could it be there just now, but not now.

"If a ghost is manipulating here, then what does the ghost's footsteps mean?" Chen Mo pondered for a while. He felt that if he wanted to go out, he must find a breaking point, and breaking the game Maybe it has something to do with the sound of footsteps.

"Forget it, it's important to find someone." Chen Mo couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think too much, but let the four evil spirits out to guard, and Chen Mo honestly let the three-eyed Yama possess him again.

Since ancient times, it is better to lose one's head carelessly than Guan Yu, and let someone in white clothes cross the river to have his head chopped off, so Chen Mo felt that even if the consumption of ghost energy is greater, he must ensure his own safety.

In this situation, there is no way out anyway. Chen Mo happened to wipe out all the people who were gathered in the corridor.

"Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, I didn't expect my luck to be good." A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face, and Lord Chi Yan had already found an opponent.


Wu Zongxian turned his head sharply. Just now he clearly felt a coveted look in his eyes, but when he turned his head, the eyes disappeared again, and there was nothing behind him except the long dark corridor.

"It can't be a false alarm, there must be something wrong." Wu Zongxian frowned, this place made him very uneasy.

"That's right, it's a big problem!"

A slightly gloomy voice came.


The moment Wu Zongxian turned his head, a bronze knife pierced his neck, the blood instantly wetted his clothes, his eyes widened, and he wanted to stretch out his hands to struggle.

Just when he was about to shout, another ghost hand covered his mouth and dragged him into the black mist.

"Long time no see, I miss you very much." Chen Mo's voice was shaken by ghost energy, while the broken bronze knife in his hand was still firmly nailed to Wu Zongxian's neck, and the countless scarlet eyes of Yama with three eyes Staring at Wu Zongxian.

"It's you!"

The blood in the mouth escaped immediately.

Wu Zongxian was shocked and angry, but turned to fear, he was afraid of death.At the same time, he did not dare to summon the evil spirit, because at the moment he summoned, Chen Mo would definitely cut off his head.

"You sneak attack, what are you... a hero."

"Yan Wang, but... that's it." Wu Zongxian stared with a pair of eyes like copper bells.

"Hey, soldiers never tire of cheating. I will transfer you with Chiyan Dijun, influence your spirit with the three-eyed Yama, cover and suppress you with the ghost realm, and crucify you with a bronze knife..." Chen Mo said with a smile, holding the other party with one hand. with the other hand holding a broken bronze knife.

"Didn't you say that you can't kill people with a broken knife? Looking at it now, is it still the same as before?"

"But since you want to fight, I'll give you a chance!" Chen Mo pulled out the bronze knife. Although the knife seriously injured him, it was not fatal.



The ghost fog roiled for a quarter of an hour, and finally subsided. A corpse with a detached corpse remained in place. take away.

"I'll give you a chance, you're useless." Chen Mo smiled, shook his head slightly, and continued to look for prey.

(End of this chapter)

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