Reckless through another world

Chapter 630 Fear Chapter Gallery

Chapter 630 Corridor of Fear
"I may not have noticed it before, but now that I see it, I probably understand it." Chen Mo's voice was stunned, and he looked like he had known it for a long time.

Chen Mo resisted the comfort of lying on the ground, stood up, and pointed his ghostly finger at the one not far away, the huge shadow that slowly dissipated and was glued together.

Of course, Chen Mo had already guessed, but now it has been confirmed by Chen Mo.

"That's right, this should be the place where I can manifest my fear, just like the kind of fear that comes from a flash of inspiration." Murong Qiancheng said based on the information he knew.

"Fear?" Xiao Sheng murmured, and then suddenly realized that it was indeed because of fear.

"So, what we are looking at is not Chen Xianzhi, but our fear at that time, the kind of fear that flashes of inspiration." Zhao Huangchao felt a little ridiculous.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he did have that momentary fear of being overtaken by Chen Mo.

"Besides, we didn't have any fear at first, but because of your relationship, we also have fear, so we let this thing have an opportunity,"

"Because you were once terrified of Chen Mo's form, that's why you were able to see this blurred shadow. It's just that we all felt fear, so it made it more real." Murong Qiancheng's analysis was straightforward.

"That's right, this is a corridor that creates fear. It should be very simple to get out, that is to eliminate your own fear." Chen Mo grinned and looked up at the ceiling in the sky.

"It's so simple?"

"Simple, it's impossible to focus on nothing else, just like now, do you think I will let you go?" Chen Mo held the bronze broken knife in his hand, and looked at Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng who were not far away.

"Hahahaha, Chen Xianzhi, the situation is no longer what you thought. Could you kill the five of us one by one?" Zhao Huangchao laughed loudly. He was no longer afraid of Chen Xianzhi.

The five of them will definitely not be so embarrassed together, and they may even have a chance to fight back.

"That's right, Chen Xianzhi, you thought it was time for you to hunt us down?" Xiao Sheng also snorted coldly.

"Now that the situation is reversed, whether you can resist us is what you should care about!"

Xiao Sheng took a step forward, pointing the long sword in his hand at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo felt that they were quite interesting. Although the situation had indeed become more subtle, it was still too rare to see such a person who couldn't recognize himself.

"You want to be with them?" Chen Mo asked, looking past Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng.

Naturally, the three of them were Jue Shenji who asked.

In fact, Chen Mo didn't care whether they teamed up or not. Even if they teamed up, it was nothing more than a one-on-one fight. Although it was difficult, there was still a chance to defeat them one by one.

After all, there are only thousand-day thieves, and there are no thousand-day anti-thieves. As long as they show their flaws, Chen Mo can divide the battlefield and kill them one by one.

"Zhao Huangchao, do you still have the face to say, what's the matter with you people from the Dazheng Shengzong? Knowing that both of us are here, you dare to launch a big formation brazenly. Just like this, you have the face to say that it is an alliance! ?" Jue Shenji looked at Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng with a gloomy expression.

Now those disciples they have promoted to the top, without the support of top figures, are lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they are very easy to be swallowed up.

It was like entrusting one's daughter-in-law to one's brother to take care of her, but this brother took care of her on the bed, and shamelessly talked about the so-called brotherhood and alliance issues.

"Here, Brother Jue, we don't know either... We are also trapped here and can't get out." Zhao Huangchao suddenly became a little anxious. After all, it was true that they did this unethically, but it had nothing to do with him .

But if it doesn't matter, no one will believe it. After all, they represent Dazhen, not to mention that Zhao Huangchao is still the chief of Dazhen in name.

Even if Zhao Huangchao wanted to get rid of the relationship, he couldn't get rid of it.

"Now it happens that we already know the way to get out. As long as we kill Chen Mo here, we can sit back and relax after going out."

Zhao Huangchao thought about it for a second, now he can only use benefits to tie the magic machine.

"In this way, I will take a step back. After going out, how will the national fortune be divided into June [-]th, you six and us four."

But seeing Jue Shenji's increasingly gloomy face, Zhao Huangchao hurriedly changed his mind and said, "Or Qisan."

"President Chen, I don't know what price you are offering?" Jue Shenji directly passed Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng, and asked Chen Mo who was watching them not far away.

Of course, this is just a signal.

But it was just such a signal that made Zhao Huangchao and Xiao Sheng even more nervous. They were already at a disadvantage, not to mention that even Jue Shenji was planning to encircle and attack them.

"I'll give you five-five, kill them both, and they will share the national fortune fifty-five." Chen Mo stretched out a slap, if he could tie Jue Shenji and Murong to the chariot, Chen Mo thought it would be good, after all Now it is Dazhen who is going to become a big problem.

"It's much better than their empty golden ticket and white pancake." Chen Mo took out the mint leaves from the mustard bag, but forgot that he was in a state of being possessed, and put the mint leaves back embarrassingly.

And listening to their words, it seems that Da Zhen also caused this change, which is even more intriguing.

"I don't know what happened to them." Chen Mo sighed in his heart, but Chen Mo felt that there should be no serious problems.

Qinglong has a good military quality, and there are still more than half of the thirteen seats in Dagan. Even if Chen Mo is missing, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Brother Jue, you can't trust him, they are the strongest..." Zhao Huangchao said hastily.

"Enough is enough, I think our alliance can be cut off once and for all." Jue Shenji's face gradually returned to calm, after he weighed it, he finally planned to form an alliance with Chen Mo.

"Want to leave, look at the knife!" Chen Mo jumped up violently, his body was like a flying gecko, his hind legs were still on the ground, and his body had already rushed out.


The bronze broken knife carried the knife energy like a wild waterfall, and chopped down in one fell swoop.


Black ghost energy evaporated from Chen Mo's ghost.

"Ghost Domain!" The surrounding area was instantly enveloped by Chen Mo's ghost domain.

"Pretending to negotiate, but actually running away, you are ugly, but you think you are beautiful!" Chen Mo's strength was on Zhao Huangchao's shoulders.

Zhao Huangchao's face was livid, he already felt the opportunity to go out just now, but he didn't expect Chen Mo's speed to be so fast, no, not only the speed is fast, but also his sense is very keen, he even noticed such subtle things.

"The one with the sword is yours. I'll have fun with Chief Zhao." Chen Mo grinned, the fierceness in his eyes was wanton, and the reddish blood mist drifted from the corners of the ghost eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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