Chapter 631

"Chief, us?" Shangguan Si glanced at Jue Shenji.

"Take him down!" Jue Shenji just said very calmly, and then moved his gaze to Xiao Sheng.

Forming an alliance is indeed a technical task. It is right for two weak alliances to deal with the strong ones, but they are calculated by their own allies. The allies hide most of their strength and use them as cannon fodder. That's disgusting.

Now Jue Shen Ji can only use his own strength as much as possible to preserve Dasheng's strength. After all, they are the powerful family, even if the dynasty finally disintegrates, it doesn't matter.

Everyone is still living well, it's just that someone else is the emperor, whether it is the emperor of Dazhen or the emperor of Daqian.

This is also the reason why only the younger generation is allowed to fight, and the Three Kingdoms are not moved. Otherwise, if the Three Kingdoms really rise up, the people will be destroyed, and all three losers will be hurt. Why not be killed by the demons?
Anyway, it is only two or three years since the large-scale invasion of the demons. It is basically impossible for these powerful forces to grow into the pillars of the sky within two or three years. It is very fragrant.

Today's Qi Luck Yang Gu policy is to give birth to stronger geniuses.

Although a group of talents will be lost, there is a strategic difference between top combat power and cannon fodder. Anyway, those who are dead are worthless, but it is enough to give birth to a few tops.

Even the original purpose of this battle was to redefine the fate of Shenzhou.

Gather all the fortunes of the nations into one dynasty and create the emperor of Shenzhou. The emperor is the ultimate goal of Qin Tianjian.

As it was said.

Does it matter who the emperor is?

It's ok!
As long as a human emperor can be produced stably, it will be fine.

As for other methods, is it rock-paper-scissors, or playing house?
Wanting to regain all the dynasties without bloodshed is just a dream, and now this proposal that everyone agrees with is nothing more than sacrificing a group of young people.

This is what they are willing to come in, and it is also what they want to come in to find opportunities.

The spirit contained in luck can accelerate the comprehension of geniuses, and even stabilize their Dao Xin without going through the world of mortals. As long as they can get out alive, with the blessing of national luck, they will definitely be able to soar into the sky .

Therefore, this is nothing more than Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

Moreover, even if they lose, there will not be much resistance in the end, because this is the game rule formulated by Qin Tianjian, and it is a game rule agreed by everyone. If you lose, you want to turn the table.

One is to have the strength to turn the table, and the other is to have the determination to pull the emperor off the horse without being willing to cut himself.

Otherwise, if you want to overturn the table, the force part of Qin Tianjian is not a decoration.

No one knows exactly how many great sages and soldiers are hidden in the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, but the [-]th great sage council on the bright side clearly tells them about their fighting power.

Murong Qiancheng and Jue Shenji had already seen through it, and the current situation was the most unfriendly to Dasheng.

Dagan is the strongest and Dazhen rises the fastest. Even because Zhang Changsheng is dead and Chen Xianzhi is trapped underground, Dazhen now has the best chance, because the Supreme Sacred Sect and other top figures have not ended.

Therefore, in this game, so far, their hope of winning the big promotion is less than half completed.

In the past, the two sides joined forces, and there was still a chance, but now the two dominate, and Dasheng is caught in the cracks to survive.

Thinking of the amazing machine here makes me even more annoyed, it's all because of that woman from the Supreme Holy Sect!
"Let's have a good discussion between you and me. In fact, my original intention was to walk into the city. Why did you stop me alone?" Chen Mo used ghost energy to shake his voice.

Chen Mo is usually not curious about things, but this time Chen Mo did feel curious. After all, they have no grievances and no enmity. It is impossible to take action just because Chen Mo is a potential threat, and there are so many costs involved. Down.

"Hahaha, Chen Xianzhi, if you want to find it, you can ask me, please, I will tell you." Zhao Huangchao laughed loudly, his body was immediately wrapped by a ghost, and the possession was completed. At the same time, he took advantage of his strength to take a dozen steps back.

"Please? Hey, I'll beat you to your knees and beg for mercy!"

"The meaning of evil - Jinghong dragon fell!"

The figure of Yan Luo with three eyes suddenly disappeared.


Zhao Huangchao's Tidal Ghost looks like a murloc as a whole, but it is mostly human. The exposed body is covered with tiny scales, shining with cold light. The body is wrapped in a tattered black robe, revealing scarlet ghost eyes.

The dark blue ink-like black ghost energy surging around surrounds the body of the tidal ghost, and the ghost hands are full, not at all like the withered ghost hands, as if they are full of blood.

"The whale fell into the water!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

Surrounded by ghost hands, bursts of black mist are like a giant whale, and the black ghost aura is shining with a faint dark blue light.

"The five saints open together!"

"Totally invincible power."

Scarlet threads appeared in the gaps of the black ghost armor, and the surging scarlet threads were quickly crushed like magma raging on the surface, and the powerful force made the black ghost body flash red.


The three-eyed Yan Luo's body abruptly pressed against the opponent's ghost hand, and rushed in front of Zhao Huangchao.

"How could it be, how could his strength be so strong?!" Zhao Huangchao was horrified to find that Chen Mo's strength was even stronger than before, and now he was able to withstand their offensive.

"No, it's not that he is stronger, but that I was suppressed."


"Crack!" Chen Mo's ghostly hand hugged the tide ghost tightly, and stabbed the opponent's chest with a knife. The immortal ghost is finally injured now, not because the ghost energy is exhausted, but because it is real. injured.

A black liquid oozes from the wound.

"Tianhe reversed!"


At the same time that the tidal ghost shook the three-eyed Yama, the figure had disappeared.

"Move the talisman?" Chen Mo looked up, and Zhao Huangchao had disappeared into the corridor, and he should have returned to the ground.

"It's a pity, I knew that the ghost domain couldn't trap them." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, a bit regretful, it would have been better if it was in a wide area, and the moving talisman was aimed at the ghost domain, not anything else.It is aimed at narrow areas like now.

If it is an open area, the effect of moving the talisman is too low, after all, it cannot be moved very far.

"Brother Chen, what should we do with this person?" Jue Shenji looked at Chen Mo.

And under their feet was Xiao Sheng who was tied up.

"Everyone, let's kill him. It's fine for one person to give him a knife. It doesn't matter if I kill him." Chen Mo showed a kind smile on his face, and looked at the three of them with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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