Reckless through another world

Chapter 634 The Most Holy Religion, the Holy Maiden

Chapter 634 The Most Holy Religion, the Holy Maiden
"Li Chunxi, Gui Yuanzong's great disciple, surrender!"

Standing not far from Li Chunxi was a swordsman in green shirt, carrying a sword box, looking at Li Chunxi who was carrying a bronze box not far away with a look of regret in his eyes.

"My generation of martial arts cultivators, why not fight to the death!" Li Chunxi looked at the swordsman opposite and sneered.

"Aoki King Armor!"


The bronze box was opened, and the armor of the whole body flew out of the box, and put on Li Chunxi's body one by one. With the mask slowly covered, Li Chunxi was fully armed.

"The ghost of the armor, come to my body."

Li Chunxi stood upright, the armor and the evil spirit blended into one body, forming a new form, with a ferocious body, scarlet ghost eyes, arms like two huge sickles, and all parts of his body were born for fighting.

"Boom!" With the sound of a sonic boom, Li Chunxi rushed across the battle line in front of him and reached in front of the green shirt guest.

"Why bother!"


"Eat my body, burn my primordial spirit, how happy is life, what fear is death, evil ghost, take away everything you want, give me fighting power..." Li Chunxi roared, his eyes gradually turned blood red .



"The northeast front collapsed. Our people suffered heavy casualties. There are only a few survivors. The elder brother... died in a deadly battle." Wu Xiu, who was covered in scars, cried and half knelt on the ground, watching the brothers beside him fall one after another. Even their elder brother died in battle, but nothing can be changed.

Anger, resentment, and the last breath of blood, turned into killing intent, was killed by the protection of the brothers, and came back to report.

Qinglong staggered, and the loss of consciousness flashed in his eyes. He still remembered that bohemian young man, always full of enthusiasm and blood, but now he suddenly lost his composure when he heard that such a hero had died.

Qinglong gritted his teeth, his voice was firm:

"Only fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"


"Saint, even if Dagan and Dasheng join forces, they are no longer our opponents. Do we want to take them all in one go?"

The person who asked the question, standing beside the woman respectfully, turned out to be Zhao Huangchao.

Moreover, even the Bone Bodhisattva gathered beside this woman, with a very respectful expression, as if this woman was the leader.

"Don't worry, there is another big enemy we need to guard against." The woman's voice was calm, she just looked straight ahead.

They stood on a high platform with a huge palace behind them, and this woman stood at the very front.

"The enemy, who?" Zhao Huangchao questioned, and then asked.

"Chen Xianzhi!" The Saintess of the Most Holy Sect turned her back to the crowd and said the name.

"Impossible, although he is powerful, but his strength is limited. Could this person be the enemy of the saint?" The man in hard attire standing beside him frowned and asked.

"The horror of this person is beyond what you can imagine. He has never shown the horror of being a ghost driver." The saint said.

"Did you think Dasheng was the one who cheated? You're wrong, Chen Xianzhi was the one who cheated. Only in the absence of Chen Xianzhi can we get things done and our victory established."

"As for Zhang Changsheng, even if he is a cover, but he knows something he shouldn't know, he is still a person who should be killed by the town. It's just a pity that you are incompetent and cannot kill him."

The Saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect spoke very lightly, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears. Even Zhao Huangchao couldn't imagine that the layout for so long was not for Dasheng, but for Chen Xianzhi.

Is Chen Xian alone really stronger than a country?
"Let's go, it seems that Chen Xianzhi has rescued Zhang Changsheng, but they are late after all, and they just went to meet them." The saint of the Holy Sect smiled, with a brisk voice, after planning for so long, Finally it was time to close the net.

When she thought of this moment, the joy in her heart burst out uncontrollably. Emperor Renzhi counted 99 steps, and as long as she held the crucial one hundredth step in her hands, she would be invincible.


"Chief, our people have been suppressed, but Dazhen's people have been strengthened instead. If we continue to fight like this, we will collapse sooner or later." One of the thirteen seats in Dasheng said to Jueshenji.

"No way, we have to fight. If we don't fight, we won't even have a chance." Jueshenji opened his mouth, and then said.

This is a matter of balance. Even if you surrender, you have to cut down on your country's luck. If you cut down on your luck, you will be severely backlashed. It can range from unlucky day and night to hemiplegia. No one wants to take the risk of hemiplegia and lose everything Luck.

It's okay to cut less, but with Dazhen's temperament, he must deprive [-]% of it.

"We must resist. If we resist, we still have a chance. If we don't resist, we will let them slaughter us."

"Those who disturb the morale of the army will be executed!"

"Close up the defense line, we have to wait." Murong Qiancheng said.

"Wait, what are you waiting for?"

"When Chen Xianzhi comes back, there is no doubt about his combat power, and he may still be hiding his combat power. As long as he can beheaded successfully, Da Zhen will become a piece of sand. Now we only have this chance." Murong Qiancheng sighed Tone, this may be the last hope.

To achieve the decapitation action requires powerful force, force enough to kill, and the only person with such force is Chen Xianzhi.

"Okay, gather your defenses, I don't believe that Dagan will be willing to be slaughtered like a fat sheep!"

"Propagate the order and close the line of defense. It's best not to be head-to-head." Jue Shenji thought for a second, that's true. Chen Xianzhi's strength is obvious to all, and he can even suppress Zhao Huangchao with a single blow. No one has seen his true strength. Maybe he still has something to hide Woolen cloth?


When there were only a few people left, Jue Shenji asked, "Do you really think that Chen Xianzhi is still hiding his fighting power?"

Murong Qiancheng shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "Stabilize the morale of the army, give them a thought, otherwise, they will collapse completely, we are disciples of the aristocratic family after all..."

Shangguan Si also had a worried face, they knew the virtues of the disciples of the aristocratic family best, if there was really no hope, it would be too difficult to make them work hard.


"I'm back, I'm back, Mr. Chen is back!" Cheers sounded, and the whole camp immediately jumped up.

"And even the little celestial master is back."

"Finally back, with them we have the top strength to fight!"

"Yeah, with top strength, we won't become cannon fodder."


"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Qinglong's hand holding the tea bowl shook, his face was always ashen, and finally saw a smile, even though it was so bitter.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo saw the blood-stained body and some broken armor placed in the center of the lobby.

"He died in battle, and was beheaded by Dazhen's Qingshan Sword Immortal. His body was eaten by the evil spirit. Now the evil spirit has disappeared, and the armor has been sent back."

Chen Mo fell silent for a long time, and said, "It's a pity, I like him quite a bit, but... being able to die in battle is also a good thing."

(End of this chapter)

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