Reckless through another world

Chapter 635 Choosing Between the Two

Chapter 635 Choosing Between The Two

"Dazhen's people are calling for battle outside, and ask Mr. Chen to arrest him by name."

A hurried figure came in from outside the palace door to report.

Everyone in the hall immediately shifted their gazes to Chen Mo.

In fact, there were not many people. Before Chen Mo came back, there were only eight people left in the thirteen seats. Except for Qinglong and Xiaodaozi who were sitting in the camp, the rest of the people were dispersed, but Li Chunxi's luck was really bad. Met Dazhen's Qingshan Sword Immortal.

Of course, if he decided to escape, he would not die, but the northeast defense line would collapse. His death in battle delayed the time until reinforcements arrived, which did not cause a gap in Daqian as a whole.

"Do you want to go?" Xiao Daozi said with a smile. Although he was nervous, the smile on his face remained undiminished. To outsiders, this kind of person may be sick, but they themselves are in more pain, because all emotions are expressed in the same way. It all turned into laughter.

"Since people have come to invite me, I must go to meet for a while, otherwise I will be looked down upon by others."

"Besides, I just want to know how strong the saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect is." Chen Mo stood up slowly, moved his wrists, and grinned, the madness in his eyes flashed past, and then he was caught by scarlet again. cover.

"How are you?" Chen Mo looked at Zhang Changsheng beside him.

"Is it true that the poor Taoist is abolished? The poor Taoist just lost his true energy because of being suppressed, and his strength has not declined much." Zhang Changsheng shook his head and stood up. Indeed, as Zhang Changsheng said, his overall strength has not declined.

On the contrary, because it mainly feeds the evil spirits in the body, the evil spirits in the body grow rapidly, and their strength does not decrease but increases.

Chen Mo also saw the people coming after he was stationed in the big camp.

"Oh, who was I at that time? It turned out to be Chief Zhao. From a distance, he looked like a dog, but from a close look, Zhao Huangchao." Chen Mo sarcastically said, with disdain flashing in his eyes.

Zhao Huangchao is a genius in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Chen Mo, he is much worse.

He can't fight, his ability to do things is poor, his IQ is also in arrears, and the most important thing is that he doesn't have the slightest bit of arrogance. Chen Mo doesn't even know how the other party became the chief.

Fighting against such a person, Chen Mo felt that he had insulted his martial arts spirit.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, what brother Chen said is true." Zhang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

Xiao Daozi on the side also laughed, not to mention, Chen Mo's hurtful mouth is really terrible.

"Brother Chen is really talented."

"That's right, if I, Chen Xianzhi, hadn't entered the martial arts path, I would definitely be a famous writer in the world." Chen Mo said with a proud face hugging his shoulders.

Zhao Huangchao's face changed, and finally turned iron blue. He cursed Chen Mo secretly in his heart, but he didn't say much, after all, this place was in the opponent's camp.

He also knows Chen Mo's temperament, that is, he is a proper stunned young man, even if he chases him and chops him, he has no place to reason.

"A certain person is here to send invitations to Mr. Chen. Please Mr. Chen go to the Imperial Palace in the capital." Zhao Huangchao took out an invitation from his sleeve.

"Now it seems that Dazhen has indeed controlled the entire palace and gained the power of the God Emperor. This is to show off." Chen Mo took the invitation, opened it, read it, and finally closed the invitation and said to Zhao Huangchao .

The invitation was written by the Holy Maiden of the Most Holy Sect. It not only stated her admiration for Chen Mo, but also told Chen Mo that those who know current affairs are heroes.

As long as Chen Xianzhi can rely on Dazhen, high officials and rich salary are just floating clouds, and the privileges and benefits will remain the same. He will even help Chen Mo improve his power system and help Chen Mo find powerful evil spirits.

Moreover, if Chen Mo agrees, she can also give Chen Mo a part of the national fortune.

This is a blatant poaching behavior, and it is still using the interests of those high-ranking children and people who stand on the same front as Chen Mo to fill in for a top expert like Chen Mo.

"It's really a big bet. I didn't expect that holy lady from the Holy Sect to be so courageous." Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

As long as Chen Xianzhi can turn his back on the water and sell these people who are on the same front as him, Chen Xianzhi's interests will not only be guaranteed, but also strengthened, only at the expense of a large amount of so-called 'cannon fodder'.

Although these cannon fodders trust him, believe in him, and support him, are these too illusory compared to the benefits?
"It's really rich. As long as I nod my head, I will get unlimited benefits. It's just sacrificing my martial arts spirit and my own principles. Brother Huang Chao, do you think I should do it? Is it right?" Chen Mo With a smile on his face, because he squinted his eyes, he couldn't see Chen Mo's expression clearly.

"That's right, Mr. Chen, people can't always live for their dreams, the benefits they can get are good things. You just need to nod your head, and you can get all of these at your fingertips. Why not?" Zhao Huangchao smiled, Very brilliant.

He was very happy, really happy, because he had finally corrupted another person, and he was still such a genius. The sense of accomplishment brought to him by doing so was really joyful and exciting, even a kind of morbid pleasure.

Emperor Renzhi looked at the conditions offered by Dazhen's people to Chen Mo, and suddenly felt that his life was in darkness, because in Emperor Renzhi's view, Chen Mo had a high possibility of agreeing, and he might even try his best to trick him. people.

After all, although Chen Mo himself is a person of great power, he has now become the chief arrester in purple clothes. Basically, he has left the great power and has become a new level.

It took a lot of effort to ask Chen Mo to take action this time, and the luck and conditions given were not bad at all.

Therefore, Emperor Renzhi felt that the other party could offer a high price, and Chen Mo might really take refuge in the past. After all, his own interests were not damaged, but he would gain a large amount of benefits.

If it was for Emperor Renzhi, Emperor Renzhi would really gladly agree.

Not only the Emperor Daqian was paying attention to Chen Mo, but the old man with the sword on his back was also looking at Chen Mo, as if waiting for Chen Mo's decision.

"Chen Xianzhi..." Zhang Fengxiu, the prime minister of Daqian, did not settle for a long time, and finally smiled.

"Does the great-grandfather think that Chen Xianzhi will agree?" Zhang Zhengyong looked at the crystal screen beside him with a curious expression. After all, this kind of condition is generally undeniable, but it is just more stigmatized.

"The old man still remembers Chen Xianzhi who pointed at the old man's nose and spit in the Emperor Qianlong. It's just that people will change. No matter what he chooses, it is his own choice after consideration." Zhang Fengxiu slightly nod.

"So, Chen Xianzhi, what would you choose?" Emperor Renzhi murmured, looking at Chen Mo on the crystal screen.


(End of this chapter)

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